Religious Personages & Scholars, TAN-VIG

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Religious Personages & Scholars Encyclopedia Articles By Title

Tanner, Henry Ossawa
Henry Ossawa Tanner was an American painter who gained international acclaim for his depiction of landscapes and......
Tatian was a Syrian compiler of the Diatessaron (Greek: “Through Four,” “From Four,” or “Out of Four”), a version......
Tausen, Hans
Hans Tausen was a religious Reformer known as “the Danish Luther” for his major role in bringing the Reformation......
Tawadros II
Tawadros II is the 118th pope of Alexandria and patriarch of the see of St. Mark (2012– ) and leader of the Coptic......
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was a French philosopher and paleontologist known for his theory that man is evolving,......
Telesphorus, St.
St. Telesphorus ; Western feast day January 5; Eastern feast day February 22) was the pope from about 125 to about......
Temple, Frederick
Frederick Temple was the archbishop of Canterbury and an educational reformer who was sometimes considered to personify,......
Temple, William
William Temple was the archbishop of Canterbury who was a leader in the ecumenical movement and in educational......
Tencin, Pierre Guérin de
Pierre Guérin de Tencin was a French statesman, cardinal, and anti-Jansenist of the 18th century. Tencin owed his......
Tennant, Frederick Robert
Frederick Robert Tennant was an English philosophical theologian, a powerful apologist with a wide range of interests......
Tennent, Gilbert
Gilbert Tennent was an Irish-born American Presbyterian clergyman, one of the leaders of the Great Awakening of......
Teresa, Mother
Mother Teresa ; canonized September 4, 2016; feast day September 5) was the founder of the Order of the Missionaries......
Tertullian was an important early Christian theologian, polemicist, and moralist who, as the initiator of ecclesiastical......
Tetzel, Johann
Johann Tetzel was a German Dominican friar whose preaching on indulgences, considered by many of his contemporaries......
Theobald was the archbishop of Canterbury from 1138, prominent during the reigns of kings Stephen and Henry II......
Theodore was an antipope from September 21 to December 15, 687. A Roman archpriest, Theodore had already been a......
Theodore Ascidas
Theodore Ascidas was a monk-theologian and archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, who was the leading advocate of......
Theodore Bar Konai
Theodore Bar Konai was a Syrian scholar and author of a noted collection of annotations on the entire Syriac Bible.......
Theodore of Canterbury, Saint
Saint Theodore of Canterbury ; feast day September 19) was the seventh archbishop of Canterbury and the first archbishop......
Theodore Of Mopsuestia
Theodore Of Mopsuestia was a Syrian theologian, considered the greatest biblical interpreter of his time and the......
Theodore Of Rhaithu
Theodore Of Rhaithu was a theologian-monk of a monastery at Rhaithu, a port on the Sinai Peninsula, considered......
Theodore Studites, Saint
Saint Theodore Studites was an abbot and leading opponent of iconoclasm, the doctrine opposing the veneration of......
Theodoret Of Cyrrhus
Theodoret Of Cyrrhus was a Syrian theologian-bishop, representative of Antioch’s historico-critical school of biblical-theological......
Theodoric was an antipope from 1100 to 1101. As cardinal bishop of Santa Ruffina, he was elected pope by the faction......
Theodosius I
Theodosius I was a Roman emperor of the East (379–392) and then sole emperor of both East and West (392–395), who,......
Theodosius I Boradiotes
Theodosius I Boradiotes was a Greek Orthodox patriarch of Constantinople (1179–83), an inflexible opponent of the......
Theodosius Of Alexandria
Theodosius Of Alexandria was a patriarch of Alexandria (535–566), theologian, and leader of the Monophysites in......
Theodosius of Palestine, Saint
Saint Theodosius of Palestine ; feast day January 11) was a principal proponent of orthodoxy in the Christological......
Theodotus The Gnostic
Theodotus The Gnostic was a principal formulator of Eastern Gnosticism. This system of religious dualism (belief......
Theodotus The Tanner
Theodotus The Tanner was the principal exponent at Rome of the heresy of Adoptionism (see Monarchianism). A wealthy......
Theodotus, St.
St. Theodotus ; feast day November 2) was a theologian, bishop of Ancyra, and a leading advocate of orthodoxy in......
Theodulf of Orléans
Theodulf of Orléans was a prelate, poet, and one of the leading theologians of the Frankish empire. A member of......
Theognostos was a Byzantine monk, theologian, and chronicler, coauthor of a report on the situation of the Eastern......
Theognostus Of Alexandria
Theognostus Of Alexandria was a Greek theologian, writer, and prominent head of Alexandria’s Catechetical school,......
Theoleptus Of Philadelphia
Theoleptus Of Philadelphia was a Greek Orthodox metropolitan of Philadelphia and theological polemicist and writer......
Theophanes the Confessor, Saint
Saint Theophanes the Confessor ; feast day March 12) was a Byzantine monk, theologian, and chronicler, and a principal......
Theophilus of Alexandria, Saint
Saint Theophilus of Alexandria ; feast day, Egyptian Coptic Church, October 15; in the Syrian Church, October 17)......
Theophilus of Antioch
Theophilus of Antioch was a Syrian saint, the sixth bishop of Antioch, and one of the Christian Apologists of the......
Theophylact of Ochrid
Theophylact of Ochrid was an Eastern Orthodox archbishop of Ochrid (modern Ohrid, North Macedonia), theologian......
Theōdūrus Abū Qurrah
Theōdūrus Abū Qurrah was a Syrian Melchite bishop, theologian, and linguist. He was an early exponent of cultural......
Thierry de Chartres
Thierry de Chartres was a French theologian, teacher, encyclopaedist, and one of the foremost thinkers of the 12th......
Thoburn, Isabella
Isabella Thoburn was an American missionary to India whose work in education there culminated in the founding of......
Thomas Of Bayeux
Thomas Of Bayeux was the archbishop of York from 1070, who opposed the primacy of the archbishopric of Canterbury......
Thomas à Kempis
Thomas à Kempis was a Christian theologian, the probable author of Imitatio Christi (Imitation of Christ), a devotional......
Thomas, St.
St. Thomas ; Western feast day December 21, feast day in Roman and Syrian Catholic churches July 3, in the Greek......
Thorláksson, Gudbrandur
Gudbrandur Thorláksson was a Reformation scholar and Lutheran bishop who was responsible for the success of Lutheranism......
Thurman, Howard
Howard Thurman was an American Baptist preacher and theologian, the first African American dean of chapel at a......
Thurstan was the archbishop of York whose tenure was marked by disputes over precedence with the see of Canterbury......
Tiele, Cornelis Petrus
Cornelis Petrus Tiele was a Dutch theologian and scholar, whose influence on the comparative study of religion,......
Tikhon, Saint
Saint Tikhon ; canonized Oct. 9, 1989) was the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox church following the Bolshevik......
Tillemont, Sébastien Le Nain de
Sébastien Le Nain de Tillemont was a French ecclesiastical historian who was one of the earliest scholars to provide......
Tillich, Paul
Paul Tillich was a German-born American theologian and philosopher whose discussions of God and faith illuminated......
Timothy, Saint
Saint Timothy ; Western feast day January 24 [in Roman church January 26 with Titus], Eastern feast day January......
Tiso, Jozef
Jozef Tiso was a Slovak priest and statesman who fought for Slovak autonomy within the Czechoslovak nation during......
Titus, Saint
Saint Titus ; Western feast day January 26 [with Timothy], Eastern feast day August 25) was a disciple of St. Paul......
Toba Sōjō
Toba Sōjō was the 47th head priest of the Enryaku-ji, which is the headquarters of the Tendai sect of Buddhism,......
Tok Kenali
Tok Kenali was a Malay theologian and teacher who became the archetype of the rural Malay religious teacher (alim),......
Tolton, Augustus
Augustus Tolton was an American religious leader who is regarded as the first African American ordained as a priest......
Tomasek, Frantisek
Frantisek Tomasek was a Roman Catholic cardinal, archbishop of Prague (1977–91), whose cautious but resolute opposition......
Torrey, Charles Cutler
Charles Cutler Torrey was a U.S. Semitic scholar who held independent and stimulating views on certain biblical......
Troeltsch, Ernst
Ernst Troeltsch was a German scholar of considerable influence on younger theologians of his time for his insistence......
Trolle, Gustav
Gustav Trolle was a Swedish archbishop who instigated the Stockholm Bloodbath of 1520—the mass execution of 82......
Tshangs-pa Dkar-po
Tshangs-pa Dkar-po, in Tibetan Buddhism, one of the eight fierce protection deities. See...
Tu Duc
Tu Duc was the emperor of Vietnam who followed a policy of conservatism and isolation and whose persecution of......
Tunstall, Cuthbert
Cuthbert Tunstall was a prelate, bishop of London (1522–30) and of Durham (1530–52 and 1553–59), who was a leading......
Tutu, Desmond
Desmond Tutu was a South African Anglican cleric who in 1984 received the Nobel Prize for Peace for his role in......
Tyconius, one of the most important biblical theologians of 4th-century North African Latin Christianity. Although......
Tyndale, William
William Tyndale was an English biblical translator, humanist, and Protestant martyr. Tyndale was educated at the......
Tyrrell, George
George Tyrrell was an Irish-born British Jesuit priest and philosopher. He was a prominent member of the Modernist......
T’aigo Wangsa
T’aigo Wangsa was a Buddhist monk and the founder of the T’aigo sect of Korean Buddhism. T’aigo entered into Buddhism......
Ulfilas was a Christian bishop and missionary who evangelized the Goths, reputedly created the Gothic alphabet,......
Ullathorne, William Bernard
William Bernard Ullathorne was a Roman Catholic missionary to Australia and first bishop of Birmingham, Eng. He......
Ulrich, Saint
Saint Ulrich ; canonized 993; feast day July 4) was a bishop and patron saint of Augsburg, the first person known......
Underhill, Evelyn
Evelyn Underhill was an English mystical poet and author of such works as Mysticism (1911), The Mystic Way (1913),......
Urban I, Saint
Saint Urban I ; feast day May 25) was the pope from 222 to 230. Succeeding that of St. Calixtus I, his pontificate......
Ursinus was an antipope from 366 to 367. After Pope Liberius’ death on Sept. 24, 366, two Roman deacons, Ursinus......
Ursula, Saint
Saint Ursula ; feast day October 21) was a legendary leader of 11 or 11,000 virgins reputedly martyred at Cologne,......
Usman dan Fodio
Usman dan Fodio was a Fulani mystic, philosopher, and revolutionary reformer who, in a jihad (holy war) between......
Ussher, James
James Ussher was an Anglo-Irish prelate of the Anglican church who was memorable for his activity in religious......
Uzziah, in the Old Testament (2 Chronicles 26), son and successor of Amaziah, and king of Judah for 52 years (c.......
Vacarius was a scholar of Roman (civil) and canon law, who was, at the nascent University of Oxford and elsewhere,......
Vajrabodhi, was an Indian Buddhist monk who helped transmit Buddhism to China. Vajrabodhi and his disciple Amoghavajra......
Valdes was a medieval French religious leader. A successful merchant, Valdes underwent a religious conversion,......
Valentine, St
St. Valentine ; feast day February 14) was the name of one or two legendary Christian martyrs whose lives seem......
Valentinus was an Egyptian religious philosopher and the founder of Roman and Alexandrian schools of gnosticism,......
Valerian was a Roman emperor from 253 to 260. Licinius Valerianus was consul under Severus Alexander (emperor 222–235)......
Valignano, Alessandro
Alessandro Valignano was an Italian Jesuit missionary who helped introduce Christianity to the Far East, especially......
Vanier, Jean
Jean Vanier was a Swiss-born Roman Catholic social activist, theologian, and philosopher who was involved in efforts......
Vergerio, Pietro Paulo
Pietro Paulo Vergerio was an Italian reformer and the most famous of the "Old Catholic" bishops in the 16th century......
Vermigli, Peter Martyr
Peter Martyr Vermigli was a leading Italian religious reformer whose chief concern was eucharistic doctrine. The......
Veronica, St.
St. Veronica ; feast day July 12) was a renowned legendary woman who, moved by the sight of Christ carrying his......
Vianney, St. John
St. John Vianney ; canonized May 31, 1925; feast day August 4 [formerly August 9]) was a French priest who was......
Victor (IV) was an antipope from March to May 29, 1138. He was a cardinal when chosen pope by a faction opposing......
Victor (IV) was an antipope from 1159 to 1164 and the second antipope designated as Victor IV. He was the first......
Victor I, St.
St. Victor I ; feast day July 28) was the pope from about 189 to 198/199. After succeeding St. Eleutherius in 189,......
Victor II
Victor II was the pope from 1055 to 1057. Victor was of noble birth and was appointed bishop of Eichstätt in 1042.......
Victor III, Blessed
Blessed Victor III ; beatified July 23, 1887) ; feast day September 16) was the pope from 1086 to 1087. Of noble......
Vieira, António
António Vieira was a Jesuit missionary, orator, diplomat, and master of classical Portuguese prose who played an......
Viganò, Carlo Maria
Carlo Maria Viganò is a Roman Catholic archbishop and a former papal nuncio (ambassador) to the United States whose......
Vigny, Alfred-Victor, comte de
Alfred-Victor, count de Vigny was a poet, dramatist, and novelist who was the most philosophical of the French......

Religious Personages & Scholars Encyclopedia Articles By Title