Civic structures
- Date:
- 323 BCE - 30
- Key People:
- Antiochus IV Epiphanes
- Evagoras
- On the Web:
- - History of Greece: Hellenistic Period (Feb. 08, 2025)
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Wherever Hellenization was strong, there tended to be support for the institution of the city-state as well as a measure of synoecism, or gathering of smaller communities in a new polis. The Alexandrias were followed by countless towns, to which were given names such as Antiocheia, Seleucias, Laodicea, Ptolemais, Demetrias, or Cassandreia. Some townships that were not essentially Greek, such as Tyre, Sidon, Byblos, Aradus, and Sardis, were nonetheless treated as cities, except for the towns of Mesopotamia. Non-Greek immigrants into Greek cities might be granted their own administrative system rather than being absorbed into the general citizenship; for example, the Jews in Alexandria had their own ethnarch and Council of Elders.
Some of the successors were hostile to the Greeks, notably Antipater and Cassander. All were liable to impose conscription and taxation, though occasionally immunity was granted. The kings exercised control through a resident representative (epistatēs) in the cities, though this was generally handled delicately and diplomatically. Sometimes, however, they preferred to support a puppet dictator. The rights of minting coinage were severely restricted. The apparatus of civic government, however, remained, and, under the Seleucids, decrees were passed by council and assembly in city after city. During the periods of relative freedom in mainland Greece, there was sometimes democracy, and the Ptolemies maintained democracy in Cos. Yet the kings generally, and the Romans after them, encouraged autocratic or oligarchic government. Most cities in mainland Greece and some others, such as Rhodes, Cyzicus, and Byzantium, retained rights of foreign policy, including military action. They also acted to maintain the grain supply, sometimes by the public purchase of grain and its cheap sale or free distribution. The same freedom made possible the remarkable developments in federal government already noted. This in turn led to a great increase in the use of arbitration in the settlement of disputes, which was obligatory within the confederacies or among those cities directly dependent on the monarch and not infrequent outside.
The encouragement by the overlord, whether Greek or Roman, meant changes in the political patterns. These can be seen reflected in Roman times in the works of Plutarch (who, however, idealizes the past to such an extent that one cannot be sure of him as a contemporary witness) or of the Greek rhetorician and philosopher Dion Chrysostom. Plutarch preferred monarchy and was opposed to extending the franchise to all the free population; interestingly, though, he favoured some kind of party system, so that there is more than one policy to choose from. The changes meant a more or less settled ruling class in the cities. There was now no room for demagogy because there was no deme that it made any difference to court. Where the politically ambitious had scope was in deputations to the kings or, later, the Roman emperors. Nonetheless, the path of the ruling class was not always strewn with roses. Its members were expected to bear the brunt of public expenditure, which in the harsher times of the later empire could become burdensome. In questions addressed to an oracle, found at Oxyrhynchus and dating from the late 3rd century ce, the inquiries “Am I to become ambassador?” and “Am I to become a senator?” are not very different from the question “Am I to become bankrupt”? They were dictated by fear, not ambition. Similarly, there are some amusing records of council meetings that show nominees eager to wriggle out of an office that might become expensive, while the others blocked their paths of escape and applauded the patriotism of acceptance.
Slavery was virtually universal but varied in its incidence. On the whole, though there were numerous exceptions, Greeks did not enslave Greeks; their slaves came predominantly from Anatolia and Syria, Thrace, the Danube basin, and southern Russia. The main sources were war and piracy, fostered by the work of the slave-dealers. The great centres of the slave trade were Byzantium and Ephesus, but, from the middle of the 2nd century bce to the middle of the 1st, Delos became the dominant market. In the Greek east, slaves were numerous in the cities; it should, however, be noted that they could hold relatively responsible jobs. There were comparatively few slaves in the countryside. Under the early Roman Empire the supply dwindled with the control of piracy and a long period of peace. Liberal legislation by Claudius in the 1st century ce and by Trajan, Hadrian, and Antoninus Pius in the 2nd gave increasing protection and rights to slaves. The price of slaves rose, which implies that often they could be afforded only for skilled work. In the 3rd century, with frontier wars and brigandage resurgent, the prices dropped somewhat, but demand still outstripped supply. The breeding of slaves continued, and the sale of newborn babies was legalized and that of older children, though illegal, was widespread.
Economic developments
Alexander’s conquests had four major effects on the economy. In the first instance, it released a large quantity of silver and gold from the treasuries of Persia. The immediate result was a sharp rise in prices, but, as the surplus funds were absorbed into capital, prices began to fall. Second, the integration of quarreling city-states into a single empire removed some of the obstructions to mutual trade. Third, Philip had already adopted the Attic standard for gold, and Alexander adopted it for silver as well. The successors in general followed, though the Ptolemies preferred the Phoenician standard. The complex needs of money-changing were thus greatly reduced. These two standards held good until some time in the 1st century bce, when the Roman challenge to them triumphed. Finally, and most obviously, the extension of empire meant an extension of trade routes; China became open to trade for the first time and East Africa, Arabia, and India became more easily accessible than before.
The Egyptian trade was mainly by sea, featuring the port of Berenice on the Red Sea, while Alexandria was established as one of the greatest mercantile centres on the Mediterranean. Toward the end of the 2nd century bce an Indian at Alexandria explained to Ptolemy VII the secret of the monsoon, which greatly facilitated the sea passage to India and enhanced the importance of Coptos on the upper Nile. The Egyptians also had an eye to the land routes. This explains their desire to command the Phoenician ports, which were not only the terminus of one land route but also producers of woven stuffs and fine dyes.
The key point for Seleucid trade was Seleucia on the Tigris. In one direction, the route led to Antioch on the Orontes with branches to Ephesus and Damascus. In the other, there were three routes to India, two by land and one by sea. Alexander’s foundation of Alexandria in Areia was important to the trade. Dura Europus on the Euphrates was a fort protecting the lines of trade; it was retained by the Romans. The caravan cities, such as Petra and Palmyra (formerly Tadmor), flourished on the trade. The advance of Chinese military power from Turkistan in the 2nd century bce fostered the trade with China along the famous Silk Road through central Asia. The Chinese exported silk and other textiles, bamboo, and iron and imported vines and other trees and plants, as well as wine, olives, woolen goods, and artwork (which affected Chinese artistic style). The demand for luxury goods in the prosperous days of the early Roman Empire increased the trade with China, India, and Arabia, and an embassy from Marcus Aurelius actually reached China by way of Annam.
Early in the Hellenistic age, the Greek navigator, geographer, and astronomer Pytheas of Massalia (now Marseille) embarked on one of the most remarkable feats of exploration. Evading the Phoenician outposts, he slipped through the Strait of Gibraltar, sailed north along the coasts of the Iberian Peninsula and France, crossed over to Cornwall, continued around the north of Britain and on to Helgoland, and then returned. The Phoenicians, however, allowed no other ship to pass Gibraltar and the only tangible result of Pytheas’s voyage was an increase in the trade in Cornish tin by overland routes through France.
In general the Romans made transport, whether by land or sea, safer and swifter. The Greek Epictetus could say, “Caesar has procured us a profound peace. There are no wars, no battles, no massive brigandage, no piracy; we may travel at all hours and sail from East to West.” An inscription from Hierapolis in Phrygia dating from the imperial period tells how an operator named Flavius Zeuxis passed Cape Taīnaron no fewer than 72 times.
The economy of mainland Greece declined during the Hellenistic age, though standards rose briefly about 260 bce, and there were pockets of prosperity, such as the Boeotian city of Tanagra, famous for its terra-cotta figurines. The general picture is one of poverty, unemployment, falling wages, depopulation, and emigration. The forests were stripped, the land neglected, and smallholdings swallowed up in large estates, which, however, were underdeveloped. The Athenian silver mines at Laurium were depleted, though they reopened briefly at the end of the 3rd century bce. Demand for fine painted pottery had ceased. Athenian wine was of poor quality. Olive oil, however, continued to command a market, so much so that a law of 125 ce reserved one-third of the production to indigenous use; but, as the historian Moses I. Finley argued, olive oil alone would hardly meet the balance of payments. The centres of Hellenic prosperity had shifted with the movement of Hellenism from Athens, Corinth, Sparta, and Árgos to Alexandria, Rhodes, Pergamum, and Antioch.
Within the Mediterranean basin, trade was mostly in essentials or things regarded as such. Metals ranked highest in importance: there was silver from Spain, copper from Cyprus, iron from the Black Sea coast and later China, and tin from Cornwall. Food also was important: grain came from Egypt, North Africa, Crimea, and perhaps Babylonia. In other areas there was some specialization: Athens was noted for honey as well as olive oil, Byzantium for fish, Jericho for dates, and Damascus for prunes. Textiles were prominent: linen arrived from Egypt, a kind of silk from Tyre and true silk from China, and woolen goods from Miletus. Timber came from the forests of Anatolia and the north, marble for building from Páros and Athens, granite from Egypt: some docks constructed in Delos about 130 bce are of Egyptian granite.
The prosperity of Egypt, “the gift of the Nile,” was rooted in agriculture. The land lent itself to the cultivation of wheat, barley and sorghum, flax, vegetables (including lentils, beans, chickpeas, and onions), the date palm, and papyrus, as well as the raising of animals, such as horses, donkeys, goats, cattle, poultry, and fish.
Strabo gives a vivid picture of the resources of the Seleucid kingdom. He speaks of the rich yields of barley and the varied uses of the products of the palm—for food, drink, sweetening, fuel, and weaving. Mesopotamia is “good pastureland, and rich in vegetation, evergreens, and spice.” Rice was introduced into Persia from India, and the vine from Greece.
Similarly Strabo identifies the specialties of different regions of Anatolia. He mentions the fruit trees, vines, and olives of Melitene; the stone, timber, and pastures around Mazaca; the orchards of Cappadocia, and its mineral resources in red ochre, crystal, onyx, and mica; the market gardens of Sinope and beyond them olive groves and timber forests; the cattle and cheese of Bithynia; the styrax, producing gum and wood for spears, of the Taurus Mountains; and the superb wools of Laodicea and Colossae.
One figure suffices to indicate the huge economic expansion during the Hellenistic age. The customs revenue of Rhodes in about 170 bce was five times that of Athens in 400, with almost certainly the identical rate of 2 percent. It would be hard to demonstrate more clearly that the Hellenistic world operated in a totally different dimension.
Cultural developments
It was in the Hellenistic age that the grid plan came into its own, in the numerous new foundations, and some of the refoundations, such as Priene.
The great buildings of the Classical age had been predominantly religious; those of the Hellenistic age were predominantly secular, though it will not do in the ancient world to make a rigid distinction between the two. The chief characteristic of Hellenistic temple architecture was the predilection for the Corinthian style, which came into its own with the Temple of Olympian Zeus at Athens, begun in 174 bce. Many Hellenistic temples were of immense size; this one is 135 feet (41 metres) by 354 feet (108 metres) on the stylobate. The oracular temple of Apollo at Didyma is 168 feet (51 metres) by 359 feet (109 metres) on the stylobate. Another colossal temple was built at Cyzicus in the 2nd century ce, with columns of more than 6.5 feet (2 metres) in diameter; it displaced the temple of Artemis at Ephesus as one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
Some of the theatres were similarly colossal. Hieron II’s 3rd-century modifications of the rock-cut theatre in Syracuse and the theatres at Megalopolis and Ephesus accommodated more than 20,000 people. There were changes of design, initiated at Athens with the emergence of New Comedy, which eliminated the chorus from a significant part in the drama. The result was the introduction of a high shallow stage, removable for revivals of the ancient plays and therefore of wood. Later the proscenium was built in from the first, and eventually it was constructed of stone, as at Oropus in about 200 bce; at Athens the change was deferred until about 150 bce. The Roman-built theatres are distinguishable by the fact that the auditorium is a perfect semicircle. The orchestra was often expanded for gladiatorial and wild animal fights and correspondingly surrounded by a high wall; at Stobi, Tyndaris, and Corinth this was more than 9.8 feet (3 metres) in height. Roman theatres were often built standing free rather than fitted into a hillside: the magnificent theatre at Aspendus is an example. The best-preserved theatre of the Roman Hellenistic world is at Bostra Traiani in present-day Syria.
All stadiums by definition ought to have the course of a given length, though, curiously, they vary by more than 30 feet (9 metres). The stadium at Athens was built in the shape of a U with one flat end and one rounded; it was reconstructed in Pentelic marble in 143 ce by the millionaire benefactor Herodes Atticus. The great stadiums at Aphrodisias and Nysa in Anatolia and at Laodicea in Syria belong to the Roman period and are rounded at both ends. The one at Aphrodisias seated 30,000 people and is excellently preserved. The gymnasium and palaestra tended in the Hellenistic period to be more formalized in plan and structure.
The palaces of the Greek period have not survived. Remaining houses show increasing elaboration and luxury. Examples from the 3rd century may be seen in Priene, consisting normally of a block of four rooms with a pillared entrance opening on to a courtyard. In some of the wealthier houses, rooms are found on three sides of the court, and there may be columns opening onto an entrance corridor on the fourth. This structure developed into a peristyle house already found in Olynthus in the 4th century. Delos has a variety of peristyle houses built on irregular plans; generally one finds a great water cistern and often spectacular mosaics. In southern Italy the Greek population developed its own style of house, whose court in Pompeii blended with that of the peristyle structure. These houses presented to the street generally bare walls. The typical house is symmetrical about its long axis. A short hall reaches an atrium, or lofty court with an impluvium, or cistern, at its centre.