Jean Cruveilhier: Facts & Related Content

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Born February 9, 1791 • LimogesFrance
Died March 10, 1874 (aged 83) • France
Notable Works “Anatomie pathologique du corps humain”
Subjects Of Study muscular atrophy

Rudolf Virchow
Rudolf Virchow
German scientist
Galen of Pergamum
Greek physician
John Hunter, detail of an oil painting by J. Jackson after Sir Joshua Reynolds; in the National Portrait Gallery, London
John Hunter
British surgeon
Rokitansky, detail of an engraving
Karl, baron von Rokitansky
Austrian pathologist
Mondino De’ Luzzi
Italian physician
Claude Bernard, detail of a lithograph by A. Laemlein, 1858
Claude Bernard
French scientist
Alphonse Laveran
French physician and pathologist
Dupuytren, lithograph by F.S. Delpech
Guillaume, Baron Dupuytren
French surgeon and pathologist
Guy de Chauliac
French physician
Baillou, detail of an oil painting by an unknown artist, c. 1580
Guillaume de Baillou
French physician
Joseph, Freiherr von Mering
German physician
The Canon of Medicine
Persian philosopher and scientist
William Harvey
William Harvey
English physician
Al-Bīrūnī, Afghan commemorative stamp, 1973.
Persian scholar and scientist
German-Swiss physician
Greek physician
Georgius Agricola.
Georgius Agricola
German scholar and scientist
Walter Reed
Walter Reed
American pathologist and bacteriologist
Johannes Müller
German physiologist
Andreas Vesalius
Andreas Vesalius
Belgian physician