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Mexico: Facts & Stats

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Also Known As Estados Unidos Mexicanos • United Mexican States • México
Head Of State And Government President: Claudia Sheinbaum
Capital Mexico City
Population (2025 est.) 134,092,000
Currency Exchange Rate 1 USD equals 17.138 Mexican peso
Form Of Government federal republic with two legislative houses (Senate [128]; Chamber of Deputies [500])
Official Language Spanish
Official Religion none
Official Name Estados Unidos Mexicanos (United Mexican States)
Total Area (Sq Km) 1,964,375
Total Area (Sq Mi) 758,445
Monetary Unit Mexican peso (Mex$)
Population Rank (2025) 10
Population Projection 2030 138,757,000
Density: Persons Per Sq Mi (2025) 176.8
Density: Persons Per Sq Km (2025) 68.3
Urban-Rural Population Urban: (2018) 80.2% • Rural: (2018) 19.8%
Life Expectancy At Birth Male: (2024) 72.4 years • Female: (2024) 78.9 years
Literacy: Percentage Of Population Age 15 And Over Literate Male: (2020) 96% • Female: (2020) 94%
Gni (U.S.$ ’000,000) (2023) 1,554,141
Gni Per Capita (U.S.$) (2023) 11,980

Did You Know?

  • Mexican warriors threw hornet nests at enemies.
  • In Mexico, struggling artists can pay taxes with their artwork.
  • In the 19th century, army officer Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna held a funeral for his severed leg.
  • The Aztecs sacrificed people to various gods.

Photos and Videos

National anthem of Mexico


Hernán Cortés
Hernán Cortés
Spanish conquistador
Benito Juárez
Benito Juárez
president of Mexico
Enrique Peña Nieto
Enrique Peña Nieto
president of Mexico
Lázaro Cárdenas.
Lázaro Cárdenas
president of Mexico
Emiliano Zapata
Emiliano Zapata
Mexican revolutionary
Edward Burnett Tylor
Sir Edward Burnett Tylor
British anthropologist
Marcos, Subcomandante
Subcomandante Marcos
Mexican leader
Francisco Madero
Francisco Madero
president of Mexico
Octavio Paz.
Octavio Paz
Mexican writer and diplomat
Porfirio Díaz
Porfirio Díaz
president of Mexico
The founder of Morena, Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Andrés Manuel López Obrador
president of Mexico
Antonio López de Santa Anna
Antonio López de Santa Anna
president of Mexico
Vicente Fox
Vicente Fox
president of Mexico
Norman Borlaug
Norman Ernest Borlaug
American scientist
Julia Carabias Lillo
Mexican ecologist and environmentalist
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
Mexican leader
Álvaro Obregón
Álvaro Obregón
president of Mexico
Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas
Mexican politician
Agustín de Iturbide
Agustín de Iturbide
emperor of Mexico
archduke of Austria and emperor of Mexico

North America
North America
Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City
national capital, Mexico
Sinforosa Canyon
state, Mexico
Puebla city, Mexico
Baja California, Mexico. Locator map: boundaries, cities.
Baja California
state, Mexico
Mexico City: Zócalo, Metropolitan Cathedral, National Palace
Federal District
district, Mexico
state, Mexico
The cathedral at Hermosillo, Sonora, Mex.
state, Mexico
Coastline of Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mex.
Quintana Roo
state, Mexico
Morelia Cathedral
state, Mexico
cathedral in Guadalajara, Mexico
state, Mexico
The volcano Iztaccíhuatl rising in the background over a field in Puebla state, Mex.
state, Mexico
Lake Chapala
state, Mexico
