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Constitutional framework
Michigan has had four constitutions. The first of these was promulgated in 1835, the second in 1850, and the third in 1907. The current constitution was adopted in 1963.
Like the Constitution of the United States, Michigan’s constitution provides for executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. Executive power is vested in the governor, who serves for four years. The governor is nominated by a primary election, but the lieutenant governor is nominated by party convention; the governor and lieutenant governor are then chosen through direct election. Administrative commissions appointed by the governor are responsible to the executive branch and to several advisory commissions. The majority of the important governmental services are combined under departments responsible to the governor.
Michigan’s legislature consists of the Senate, made up of 38 elected members who serve four-year terms, and the House of Representatives, made up of 110 elected members who serve two-year terms. The legislative districts are redefined by a special commission after each federal census. Amendments to the state constitution may be submitted to the electorate by the legislature or by initiative petitions, but all amendments must be approved by a referendum of the voters.
The highest court is the seven-member state Supreme Court. This body not only hears appeals from lower courts but also supervises the operation of the entire court system. Supreme Court judges are elected to eight-year terms. Lower courts include a court of appeals, circuit courts, probate courts, and courts of limited jurisdiction that are specified by the legislature.
Michigan has thousands of local governmental units, including counties, cities, townships, villages, school districts, and such special districts as park authorities. Although the majority of counties are governed by a board of supervisors, the home-rule privilege allows larger counties to entrust management to county commissioners. Extensive privileges of home rule are authorized for the cities as well. School districts are classified by population and enjoy differing privileges of government.
The precinct is the primary unit of political party organization, and the precinct delegates carry considerable importance in the annual party conventions, where candidates are nominated for lieutenant governor, attorney general, and secretary of state, as well as for seats on the boards that govern the state system of higher education and on the State Board of Education. Justices of the Supreme Court are nominated on a nonpartisan ballot. The state party conventions also select delegates to the national presidential conventions.
Unions have been very active in Michigan politics, and the United Automobile Workers has endorsed candidates at the municipal, state, and national levels. African American political interest was stimulated by the civil rights movement of the mid-20th century, and civil rights groups have continued to cultivate political awareness among black voters. Coleman Young was elected the first African American mayor of Detroit in 1973.
At the state level, the Republican Party was dominant for most of the period from the American Civil War (1861–65) until the Great Depression, when the state became a “battleground” or “swing” state. Since World War II (1939–45), both the Democratic and Republican parties each have had periodic control of the governorship and legislature. Similarly, in presidential politics, the state has tilted toward each party at different times. For example, the Republicans won the state in 1948, 1952, and 1960, but then the Democrats won the next three races. From 1972 to 1988, Republican presidential candidates swept Michigan in every election, though thereafter the Democrats began to edge past the Republicans.
A Democrat, Jennifer Mulhern Granholm, became Michigan’s first female governor in 2002 (serving 2003-11). She had previously served as the state’s attorney general (1999–2003), becoming the first woman in the state to hold both offices.
Health and welfare
The Department of Community Health regulates the operation, construction, and licensing of health care facilities, including hospitals, nursing homes, homes for the elderly, and long-term care units. A psychiatric hospital has been in operation in Kalamazoo since the mid-19th century. It was the first of a number of institutions to provide medical care for patients with special needs. Especially since the mid-20th century, Michigan has implemented numerous welfare-reform policies that have been viewed as exemplary by many other states. A significant portion of Michigan’s annual budget has consistently been devoted to social programs.
Historically, much of Michigan’s revenue has been allocated for support of the state’s numerous public institutions of higher learning, including many community colleges, as well as for the development of public elementary and secondary schools. However, in the early 21st century, adequate and equitable funding for schools at all levels has been a growing concern. College savings and scholarship programs are sponsored by the state and some of the local governments.
In 1817 Judge Augustus Woodward, one of the major figures in the state’s early history, conceived the idea of a “Catholepistemiad,” an academy of universal knowledge. His idea was realized to some measure in 1837 when the University of Michigan opened in Ann Arbor. This university has since come to be regarded widely as one of the country’s top research institutions, with programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In 1849 a teacher-training institution, which later became Eastern Michigan University, began instruction at Ypsilanti. In 1855 the Agricultural College of the State of Michigan, now Michigan State University, was established in East Lansing. Since its founding Michigan State University has moved far beyond its identification with agriculture; like its rival in Ann Arbor, it has become a nationally recognized research institution. The Michigan Technological University at Houghton, a state institution, was established in 1885 as the Michigan Mining School. In 1956 the state acquired Wayne University, a Detroit municipal university. Wayne State University, as it was renamed, has fostered much educational experimentation and has become a broadly based research university of national distinction. In the 1960s its campus and physical plant became landmarks in U.S. educational architecture through the designs of the American architect Minoru Yamasaki. Grand Valley State University, an institution with a strong liberal arts curriculum in Allendale, west-central Michigan, has experienced rapid growth since its establishment in 1960.
Michigan is also the home of several widely recognized specialized schools, especially in the arts. In 1927 the School of Music was founded in Interlochen; it was the forerunner of the contemporary Interlochen Center for the Arts, which includes a boarding high school for the fine arts, a summer arts camp for youth, and numerous arts programs for adults. The Cranbrook School for Boys (1928) and the Kingswood School for Girls (1931) in Bloomfield Hills, designed by architect Eliel Saarinen, pioneered advanced courses in the visual arts for students of high-school age. These institutions merged in the mid-1980s to become the coeducational Cranbrook Kingswood Schools. Together with the Cranbrook Academy of Art (1932), a postgraduate institution, they constitute the Cranbrook Educational Community.