- Arabic:
- Baḥr Al-Nīl or Nahr Al-Nīl
The ancient Egyptians were probably familiar with the Nile as far as Khartoum, Sudan, and with the Blue Nile as far as its source in Lake Tana, Ethiopia, but they showed little or no interest in exploring the White Nile. The source of the Nile was unknown to them. The Greek historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt in 457 bce, traveled up the Nile as far as the first cataract (Aswān). About the 2nd century bce the Greek scientific writer Eratosthenes sketched a nearly correct route of the Nile to Khartoum, showing the two Ethiopian affluents, and suggested lakes as the source of the river.
In 25 bce the Greek geographer Strabo and a Roman governor of Egypt, Aelius Gallus, also explored the Nile as far as the first cataract. A Roman expedition to find the source of the Nile that took place in 66 ce, during the reign of the emperor Nero, was impeded by the Al-Sudd, and the attempt was therefore abandoned. Ptolemy, the Greek astronomer and geographer who lived in Alexandria, wrote in 150 ce that the White Nile originated in the high snow-covered “Mountains of the Moon” (since identified with the Ruwenzori Range).
From the 17th century onward several attempts were made to explore the Nile. In 1618 Pedro Páez, a Spanish Jesuit priest, located the source of the Blue Nile. In 1770 the Scottish explorer James Bruce visited Lake Tana as well as the source of the Blue Nile.
Magdi M. El-Kammash Charles Gordon SmithModern exploration of the Nile basin began with the conquest of the northern and central Sudan by the Ottoman viceroy of Egypt, Muḥammad ʿAlī, and his sons from 1821 onward. As a result of this, the Blue Nile was known as far as its exit from the Ethiopian foothills and the White Nile as far as the mouth of the Sobat River. Three expeditions under a Turkish officer, Selim Bimbashi, were made between 1839 and 1842, and two got to the point about 20 miles (32 km) beyond the present port of Juba, where the country rises and rapids make navigation very difficult. After these expeditions, traders and missionaries penetrated the country and established stations in the southern Sudan. From an Austrian missionary, Ignaz Knoblecher, in 1850 came reports of lakes farther south. In the 1840s the missionaries Johann Ludwig Krapf, Johannes Rebmann, and Jacob Erhardt, traveling in East Africa, saw the snow-topped mountains Kilimanjaro and Kenya and heard from traders of a great inland sea that might be a lake or lakes.
These reports led to fresh interest in the Nile source and to an expedition by the English explorers Sir Richard Burton and John Hanning Speke, who followed a trade route of the Arabs from the east coast and reached Lake Tanganyika. On the return journey Speke went north and reached the southern end of Lake Victoria, which he thought might be the origin of the Nile. This was followed in 1860 by another expedition by Speke and James A. Grant under the auspices of the Royal Geographical Society. They followed the previous route to Tabora and then turned toward Karagwe, the country west of Lake Victoria. There they saw the Virunga Mountains 100 miles to the west (they thought that these might be the Mountains of the Moon) and discovered the Kagera River. Continuing around the lake, Speke finally reached the Ripon Falls (1862), at which point he wrote, “I saw that old Father Nile without any doubt rises in Victoria Nyanza.”
Speke then made his way northward with Grant, for part of the way traveling along the Nile, until the two reached Gondokoro, which lies nearly opposite the present Juba. They heard rumours on the way of another large lake to the west but were unable to visit it and passed the information on to Sir Samuel White Baker and Florence von Sass (who later married Baker), who met them at Gondokoro, having come up from Cairo. Baker and von Sass then continued their journey south and discovered Lake Albert. Neither Speke nor Baker had followed the Nile completely from the Ripon Falls to Gondokoro, and Baker, who saw the northern half of Lake Albert, was told that it extended a very long way to the south.
The question of the source of the Nile was finally settled when, between 1874 and 1877, Gen. Charles George Gordon and his officers followed the river and mapped part of it. In particular, Lake Albert was mapped, and Charles Chaillé-Long, an American, discovered Lake Kyoga. In 1875 Henry Morton Stanley traveled up from the east coast and circumnavigated Lake Victoria. His attempt to get to Lake Albert was not successful, but he marched to Lake Tanganyika and traveled down the Congo River to the sea. In another memorable journey, in 1889, taken in order to relieve the German traveler Mehmed Emin Pasha, Stanley traveled up the Congo and across to Lake Albert, where he met Emin and persuaded him to evacuate his Equatorial Province, which had been invaded by the Mahdist forces. They returned to the east coast by way of the Semliki valley and Lake Edward, and Stanley saw the snowy peaks of the Ruwenzori Range for the first time.
Exploration and mapping has continued over the years: it was not until the 1960s, for example, that a detailed study of the upper gorges of the Blue Nile was completed.
Harold Edwin Hurst Charles Gordon Smith