Drugs used in medicine generally are divided into classes or groups on the basis of their uses, their chemical structures, or their mechanisms of action. These different classification systems can be confusing, since each drug may be included in multiple classes. The distinctions, however, are useful particularly for physicians and researchers. For example, when a patient experiences an adverse reaction to a drug, these classification systems allow a physician to readily identify an agent that has comparable efficacy but a different structure or mechanism of action. Likewise, knowledge of a drug’s chemical structure facilitates the search for new and potentially more effective and safer medicines.
The following sections provide a general overview of some major types of drugs, grouped according to the disease or human tissues or organ systems on which they act. This is not intended as a comprehensive list, given that the number of drugs that have been developed is vast and research into them is ongoing. Additional information, however, can be found in separate articles on the different classes of drugs and on certain individual drugs themselves.
Antimicrobial drugs
Antimicrobial drugs can be used for either prophylaxis (prevention) or treatment of disease caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, or helminths. These agents generally are of three types: (1) synthetic chemicals, (2) chemical substances or metabolic products made by microorganisms, and (3) chemical substances derived from plants. Antimicrobial agents often are effective against a specific microorganism or group of closely related microorganisms, and they often do not affect host (e.g., human) cells. A number of antimicrobial compounds, however, produce significant toxic effects in humans, but they are used because they have a favourable chemotherapeutic index (the amount required for a therapeutic effect is below the amount that causes a toxic effect). The phenomenon of resistance, in which infectious agents develop the ability to evade drug effects, has required an ongoing search for different agents. The increase in resistance to antimicrobial drugs has resulted from their widespread and sometimes indiscriminate use (see also antibiotic resistance).
Irvin S. SnyderCentral nervous system drugs
Several major groups of drugs, notably anesthetics and psychiatric drugs, affect the central nervous system. These agents often are administered in order to produce changes in physical sensation, behaviour, or mental state. General anesthetics, for example, induce a temporary loss of consciousness, enabling surgeons to operate on a patient without the patient’s feeling pain. Local anesthetics, on the other hand, induce a loss of sensation in just one area of the body by blocking conduction in nerves at and near the injection site.
Drugs that influence the operation of neurotransmitter systems in the brain can profoundly influence and alter the behaviour of patients with mental disorders. Psychiatric drugs that affect mood and behaviour may be classified as antianxiety agents, antidepressants, antipsychotics, or antimanics.

Cardiovascular drugs
Cardiovascular drugs affect the function of the heart and the blood vessels. Given the relatively high prevalence of certain cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension (high blood pressure) and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries caused primarily by the deposition of fat on the inner walls of the arteries), these agents necessarily rank among some of the most widely used drugs in medicine. They frequently are classified according to the tissues they act on and the specific actions they produce. Thus, there are drugs that act on the heart and that are distinguished further by their ability to alter either the frequency of heartbeat, the force of contraction of the heart muscle, or the regularity of the heartbeat. There also are a number of drugs that act on the blood vessels, typically causing the vessels to constrict (to raise blood pressure) or to relax (to lower blood pressure). (For detailed information on these agents, see cardiovascular drug and cardiovascular disease.)
Drugs affecting blood
Drugs may also affect the blood itself, such as by activating or inhibiting enzymes involved in the formation of clots (thrombi) within blood vessels. Thrombi form when blood vessels are damaged, such as by wounding or by the accumulation of harmful substances (e.g., fat, cholesterol, inflammatory substances) on the inner walls of vessels. Thrombi are further defined by their adherence to vessel walls, which in the case of a condition such as atherosclerosis can give rise to thrombosis, in which the thrombus partially impedes the flow of blood through the vessel. When a portion of a thrombus breaks off, the circulating clot becomes known as an embolus. An embolus travels in the bloodstream and may become lodged in an artery, blocking (occluding) blood flow. This can lead to heart attack or stroke. Anticoagulants, antiplatelet drugs, and fibrinolytic drugs all affect the clotting process to some degree; these classes of drugs are distinguished by their unique mechanisms of actions.
Other drugs that act on the blood include the hypolipidemic drugs (or lipid-lowering agents) and the antianemic drugs. The former are used in the treatment hyperlipidemia (high serum levels of lipids), which frequently is associated with elevated cholesterol; examples include the widely prescribed statins (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors). Antianemic agents increase the number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin (an oxygen-carrying protein) in the blood, deficiencies that underlie anemia.
Digestive system drugs
Drugs may act on the digestive system either by affecting the actions of the involuntary muscle (motility) and thus altering movement or by altering the secretion of digestive juices or gastric emptying. Some examples of major groups of digestive drugs include antidiarrheal drugs, laxatives, antiemetics, emetics, proton pump inhibitors, and antacids.