Astrogeology is concerned with the geology of the solid bodies in the solar system, such as the asteroids and the planets and their moons. Research in this field helps scientists to better understand the evolution of the Earth in comparison with that of its neighbours in the solar system. This subject was once the domain of astronomers, but the advent of spacecraft has made it accessible to geologists, geophysicists, and geochemists. The success of this field of study has depended largely on the development of advanced instrumentation.
The U.S. Apollo program enabled humans to land on the Moon several times since 1969. Rocks were collected, geophysical experiments were set up on the lunar surface, and geophysical measurements were made from spacecraft. The Soyuz program of the Soviet Union also collected much geophysical data from orbiting spacecraft. The mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, and geochronology of lunar rocks were studied in detail, and this research made it possible to work out the geochemical evolution of the Moon. The various manned and unmanned missions to the Moon resulted in many other accomplishments: for example, a lunar stratigraphy was constructed; geologic maps at a scale of 1:1,000,000 were prepared; the structure of the maria, rilles, and craters was studied; gravity profiles across the dense, lava-filled maria were produced; the distribution of heat-producing radioactive elements, such as uranium and thorium, was mapped with gamma-ray spectrometers; the Moon’s internal structure was determined on the basis of seismographic records of moonquakes; the heat flow from the interior was measured; and the day and night temperatures at the surface were recorded.
Since the late 1960s, unmanned spacecraft have been sent to the neighbouring planets. Several of these probes were soft-landed on Mars and Venus. Soil scoops from the Martian surface have been chemically analyzed by an on-board X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The radioactivity of the surface materials of both Mars and Venus have been studied with a gamma-ray detector, the isotopic composition of their atmospheres analyzed with a mass spectrometer, and their magnetic fields measured. Relief and geologic maps of Mars have been made from high-resolution photographs and topographical maps of Venus compiled from radar data transmitted by orbiting spacecraft. Photographs of Mars and Mercury show that their surfaces are studded with many meteorite craters similar to those on the Moon. Detailed studies have been made of the craters, volcanic landforms, lava flows, and rift valleys on Mars, and a simplified geologic-thermal history has been constructed for the planet.
By the mid-1980s the United States had sent interplanetary probes past Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. The craft transmitted data and high-resolution photographs of these outer planetary systems, including their rings and satellites.
This research has given increased impetus to the study of tektites, meteorites, and meteorite craters on Earth. The mineralogy, geochemistry, and isotopic age of meteorites and tektites have been studied in detail. Meteorites are very old and probably originated in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, while tektites are very young and most likely formed from material ejected from terrestrial meteorite craters. Many comparative studies have been made of the development and shapes of meteorite craters on Earth, the Moon, Mars, and Mercury. Space exploration has given birth to a new science—the geology of the solar system. The Earth can now be understood within the framework of planetary evolution.