Historical geology and stratigraphy
One of the major objectives of geology is to establish the history of the Earth from its inception to the present. The most important evidence from which geologic history can be inferred is provided by the geometric relationships of rocks with respect to each other, particularly layered rocks, or strata, the relative ages of which may be determined by applying simple principles. One of the major principles of stratigraphy is that within a sequence of layers of sedimentary rock, the oldest layer is at the base and that the layers are progressively younger with ascending order in the sequence. This is termed the law of superposition and is one of the great general principles of geology. Ordinarily, beds of sedimentary rocks are deposited more or less horizontally. In some regions sedimentary strata have remained more or less horizontal long after they were deposited. Some of these sedimentary rocks were deposited in shallow seas that once extended over large areas of the present continents. In many places sedimentary rocks lie much above sea level, reflecting vertical shift of the crust relative to sea level. In regions where the rocks have been strongly deformed through folding or faulting, the original attitudes of strata may be greatly altered, and sequences of strata that were once essentially horizontal may now be steeply inclined or overturned.
Prior to the development of radiometric methods of dating rocks, the ages of rocks and other geologic features could not be expressed quantitatively, or as numbers of years, but instead were expressed solely in terms of relative ages, in which the age of a particular geologic feature could be expressed as relatively younger or older than other geologic features. The ages of different sequences of strata, for example, can be compared with each other in this manner, and their relative ages with respect to faults, igneous intrusions, and other features that exhibit crosscutting relationships can be established. Given such a network of relative ages, a chronology of events has been gradually established in which the relative time of origin of various geologic features is known. This is the main thread of historical geology—an ordered sequence of geologic events whose occurrence and relative ages have been inferred from evidence preserved in the rocks. In turn, the development of radiometric dating methods has permitted numerical estimates of age to be incorporated in the scale of geologic time.
The development of the mass spectrometer has provided researchers with a means of calculating quantitative ages for rocks throughout the whole of the geologic record. With the aid of various radiometric methods involving mass spectrometric analysis, researchers have found it possible to determine how long ago a particular sediment was deposited, when an igneous rock crystallized or when a metamorphic rock recrystallized, and even the time at which rocks in a mountain belt cooled or underwent uplift. Radiometric dating also helped geochronologists discover the vast span of geologic time. The radiometric dating of meteorites revealed that the Earth, like other bodies of the solar system, is about 4,600,000,000 years old, the oldest minerals (detrital zircons of Western Australia) are 4,400,000,000 to 4,100,000,000 years old, and the oldest rocks discovered so far (the faux amphibolites located on the eastern shore of Hudson Bay in Canada) formed roughly 4,280,000,000 years ago. It has been established that the Precambrian time occupies seven-eighths of geologic time, but the era is still poorly understood in comparison with the Phanerozoic Eon—the span of time extending from about the beginning of the Cambrian Period to the Holocene Epoch during which complex life forms are known to have existed. The success of dating Phanerozoic time with some degree of precision has depended on the interlinking of radiometric ages with biostratigraphy, which is the correlation of strata with fossils.