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- Better Health Channel - Skin explained (Mar. 07, 2025)
The human skin is variously coloured and shows remarkable individual variations even within racial groups. The appearance of the skin is partly due to the reddish pigment in the blood of the superficial vessels. In the main, however, it is determined by melanin, a pigment manufactured by dendritic cells called melanocytes, found among the basal cells of the epidermis. Their numbers in any one region of the body, which range from about 1,000 to more than 2,000 per square millimetre, are roughly the same within and between races. Colour differences are due solely to the amount of melanin produced and the nature of the pigment granules. When the skin becomes tanned on exposure to sunlight, the melanocytes do not increase in number, only in activity.
All melanocytes, whether resident in the basal epidermis or in the matrix of the hair, have migrated there during embryonic life from a region known as the neural crest. Each epidermal melanocyte is associated with a group of neighbouring keratinocytes into which it transfers granules of pigment by way of long, branching dendrites. The whole has been termed an epidermal melanocyte unit. Once inside the epidermal cells, the melanin granules tend to move above the nucleus, forming a shroud over it. Such an orientation of melanin suggests that it is there to protect the cells from damaging ultraviolet rays, and experiments with tissue cultures support this view.
Melanin is of two kinds: dark brown eumelanin and pale red or yellowish phaeomelanin. Both are formed within the melanocytes by the initial oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine with the aid of the enzyme tyrosinase; subsequently their synthetic pathways diverge. In addition to protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation, epidermal pigmentation forms epigamic markings. The heavy pigmentation of the nipples and areolae of breasts, as well as that in the labia minora, penis, and scrotum, is related to sexual communication.
Immunoregulation and Langerhans cells
Although synthesis of protective keratin is clearly a major function of the epidermis, the discovery of an immunoregulatory role for the epidermis has revolutionized concepts of its importance in the immune defense systems of the host. In addition to melanocytes, human epidermis contains another system of dendritic cells, which do not manufacture pigment. Their distribution extends farther toward the skin surface than that of the pigment cells. After their discovery by the German physician Paul Langerhans in 1868, their function remained obscure until it was realized that they are a vital part of the immunologic mechanism.
Electron microscopic examination has revealed that the morphological hallmark of the Langerhans cell is a unique tennis-racket-shaped organelle, the Birbeck granule. Langerhans cells can be looked upon as “sentinel” cells of the immune system. By virtue of their situation, they are among the first cells to come into contact with foreign particulate substances encountering the skin. Their function is aided by the large surface area created by the dendritic processes of the cell. By means of specialized receptors on the cell membrane, the Langerhans cell recognizes invading as opposed to host molecules. By conveying this information to the lymphoid system, the body is able to mount a defensive immunologic response to the foreign material.

The concept that the role of keratinocytes themselves is confined to the synthesis of a horny protective outer covering for the skin has also become outmoded. Keratinocytes secrete a number of immunostimulatory high-molecular-weight peptides, collectively termed epidermal cytokines. One of these, the epidermal-cell-derived thymocyte-activating factor (ETAF), is also secreted by epidermal Langerhans cells. It has the function of enhancing the immune responsiveness of the lymphoid system as well as apparently being involved in the body’s systemic reaction to infection and injury. Because the whole blood volume circulates through the skin every few minutes, immunoregulatory substances released by the cells of the epidermis may have a profound influence on the body’s capacity to mount immune responses to viral or bacterial infections or to cancerous growths.