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Also known as: Hansen disease, Hansen’s disease
Also called:
Hansen disease
Key People:
Baba Amte
Armauer Hansen
On the Web:
Dermnet - Leprosy (Feb. 11, 2025)

In the many centuries since leprosy was first described, a number of theories have been proposed to explain how the bacillus is transmitted. In the 19th century leprosy was believed to be a hereditary ailment. This made sense, as it frequently occurred in households among individuals who were members of a single family. In 1873, however, G.H. Armauer Hansen, a physician working in a leprosy hospital in Bergen, Norway, discovered the leprosy bacillus in a sample of tissue from one of his patients. Hansen was able to identify the organism under the microscope because its propensity to collect iron caused it to appear brownish in colour compared with the tissue itself. His discovery demonstrated that leprosy is an infectious disease propagated by a specific microorganism.

The route of transmission of leprosy remained a matter of debate. The prevailing opinion for many years was that the illness spread via prolonged skin-to-skin contact. Then the theory of respiratory transmission became popular; it posited that the bacillus entered the human body through the lining of the nose. For a time scientists even entertained the possibility of transmission by insect bites. In the late 20th century, experiments with a mouse model of the disease showed that transmission is indeed possible through the intact lining of the nose and through breaks in the skin but not via the mouth, lungs, or digestive tract or through unbroken skin. And, although leprosy can be produced in mice by exposing them to the bacillus, the disease cannot be transmitted from an infected to an uninfected mouse.

Course of the disease

The body’s first reaction to the leprosy bacillus takes place in the deep layers of the skin in one of two ways. In one type of reaction, immune cells crowd into the area in an attempt to seal off the bacterium, and in these areas very few bacilli can be found. This gives rise to a form of leprosy known as tuberculoid leprosy because of the hard nodules, or tubercles, that form in the skin. The intense cellular reaction involves all of the thicknesses of the skin and the tissues under it, the sweat glands, the hair follicles, and the nerve fibres that end in the skin. This reaction manifests on the infected person’s skin as a firm, dry patch in which there is no sense of heat, cold, or touch. The cellular reaction continues to spread into the main trunk of the involved nerve, so that nerve impulses cannot be transmitted, which thereby causes loss of sensation and decreased circulation in the affected part. This is most commonly seen in the forearm or lower leg, and it leads to claw hand and gross deformity of the foot. Paralysis of muscles of the face, eye, and neck may also occur. The patient is unable to feel pain, and minor injuries remain unnoticed. Large eroding ulcers can form, causing loss of fingers and toes; sometimes the condition of the limb is so bad that amputation is necessary. It is ironic that this form of leprosy occurs in people whose tissues resist the disease, for the intense cellular response is a reaction of resistance—successful insofar as it prevents local multiplication of the leprosy bacillus and its spread throughout the body but unsuccessful in that it destroys vital tissues in the invaded areas.

In the second type of reaction, giving rise to what is called lepromatous leprosy, there is very little cellular response, and the bacilli can multiply freely. The organisms are found in enormous numbers in the deep layers of the affected skin, and they spread widely through the skin’s lymphatic channels. The disease spreads via the nerves but does not adhere to them as in the tuberculoid form. It spreads very often to the skin of the face, where it causes thickening and corrugation of the skin and a typical leonine appearance. Soft nodules appear on the ears, nose, and cheeks and sometimes erode into discharging sores. The nose often is teeming with bacilli, and this sometimes leads to destruction of the septum of the nose and the palate.

The progress of leprosy is slow. It may be years before a child infected by a parent shows the first sign of disease, frequently a vague, scarcely noticed patch on the skin. Often the child has grown to an adult before the disease is recognized. Persons with leprosy have occasional bouts of fever, but the course of the disease is mainly one of increasing disability and disfigurement, slowly progressing through the years even though it does not usually cut life short.


The current treatment of leprosy is extremely effective, halting the progress of the disease. The bacilli can be killed rapidly, and multidrug therapy—the use of two or more antileprosy drugs in combination—prevents the development of drug-resistant strains. Indeed, multidrug therapy—a practice widely adopted in the treatment of tuberculosis and AIDS—was first proposed after scientists observed that some cases of leprosy were becoming resistant to sulfones, the earliest class of antileprosy drugs. A multidrug regimen developed by WHO is the current standard of treatment.

For patients with localized forms of leprosy and relatively few leprosy bacilli in their bodies, two drugs, dapsone and rifampicin, are given for a total of six months. For patients with more widespread disease and relatively large numbers of bacilli, three drugs—dapsone, clofazimine, and rifampicin—are given for 24 months. Most patients are able to tolerate the drugs well, but a few experience undesirable side effects or even exacerbations of the symptoms. Relapses, in general, are rare, occurring in fewer than 1 per 1,000 treated patients. Occasionally the infection persists despite continued therapy.

Killing the bacillus has no effect on body tissues that have already been damaged or destroyed. Up to a point, nerve function can be restored by antileprosy drugs. Once the disease has progressed beyond that point, the loss of function is permanent. Peripheral nerve impairment—of which leprosy is a major cause worldwide—leads to paralysis, loss of sensation, and changes in the individual’s physical appearance. A small percentage of newly diagnosed leprosy patients have visible deformity or damage to their hands or feet or impaired vision. These disabilities can interfere with their ability to earn a living and otherwise lead a normal life. If the damage is unsightly, and it frequently is, then they also must cope with loss of social acceptance.