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- On the Web:
- BCcampus Open Publishing - Physical Geology – H5P Edition V1.1 - Mineral Properties (Jan. 30, 2025)
The preceding sections provided an overview of major mineral groups but did not treat minerals as part of assemblages in rock types nor discuss the experimental study of minerals and rock occurrences. Petrology, the scientific study of rocks, is concerned largely with identifying individual minerals in rocks, along with their abundance, grain size, and texture, because rocks typically consist of a variety of minerals. Such information is essential to an understanding of the history of any rock.
Petrological research requires a strong understanding of the principles of mineralogy and mineral identification and a thorough familiarity with the theoretical and experimental studies of rock origins. The present section focuses on phase equilibrium, upon which the link between the study of minerals and the study of rocks is largely based.
A phase is a homogeneous substance that has a fixed composition and uniform chemical and physical properties. Only a mineral that displays no solid solution may therefore be considered a phase. Quartz (SiO2), for example, is a low-temperature phase in the Si-O2(SiO2) system, and kyanite (Al2SiO5) is a high-pressure phase in the Al2O3-SiO2(Al2SiO5) system. The term phase region is used when a mineral exhibits compositional variation, as in the solid-solution series between forsterite and fayalite. A phase may exist as a solid, liquid, or gas: H2O, for example, occurs in the form of ice (solid), water (liquid), and steam (gas).
Equilibrium refers to the stable coexistence of two or more phases and is established relative to time. If two phases in a mixture of water and ice coexist so that the amount of each is fixed indefinitely, they are said to be in equilibrium. The minerals of some rocks have existed together since their formation for periods of several million years, yet one cannot always ascertain if these rock constituents are in equilibrium or are still undergoing changes.
A determining factor of the equilibrium state of minerals is the presence (or absence) of a reaction rim, which is a region separating two or more minerals and consisting of the products of a reaction between them. The absence of any observable reaction rims between minerals that physically touch each other suggests that they were in equilibrium at the time when the rock formed. Additional chemical data regarding elemental distribution between the minerals is necessary to verify this assumption. In contrast, the presence of megascopically or microscopically visible rims indicates that some minerals were not in equilibrium. Garnet, for example, may react with coexisting biotite to produce a chlorite rim between them, revealing that the two minerals were not always in equilibrium. An experimental petrologist must assign some period of time after which the absence of further changes between phases will indicate that equilibrium has been reached. The time period is variable, depending on the speed of the reactions involved and in part on the patience of the investigator; it may range from a few hours to several years.
Components are the minimum number of independent chemical species that are necessary to describe the compositions of all the phases present in a system. The compound H2O is generally used as the sole component defining the H2O system, although H2 and O2 define the chemical system as well. In examinations of the stability fields of MgSiO3 (enstatite), MgSiO3 is normally used as the component rather than the three elements, Mg, Si, and O, or the two oxides, MgO and SiO2. The three components generally used in the pyroxene system CaO-MgO-FeO-SiO2 are CaSiO3-MgSiO3-FeSiO3.
Assemblage and the phase rule
In the early stages of the study of a rock, the constituent minerals of the rock must be identified. Orthoclase, albite, quartz, and biotite may be found in an igneous granite. By examining the granite’s texture, one may conclude that the four minerals crystallized at approximately the same elevated temperature and that orthoclase-albite-quartz-biotite is its mineral assemblage. The term assemblage is frequently applied to all minerals included in a rock but more appropriately should be used for those minerals that are in equilibrium (and are known more specifically as the equilibrium assemblage). The granite discussed above may display surficial cavities that are lined by several clay minerals and limonite (a hydrous iron oxide). The original high-temperature granite was altered to form the low-temperature clay minerals and limonite; there are consequently two distinct assemblages present in the rock: the high-temperature orthoclase-albite-quartz-biotite assemblage and the low-temperature assemblage of clay minerals and limonite.
Metamorphic rocks also may contain separate assemblages. A shale that at low temperatures was composed of a sericite-kaolin-dolomite-quartz-feldspar assemblage can become metamorphosed at higher temperatures to produce a garnet-sillimanite-biotite-feldspar assemblage.
An assemblage thus consists of minerals that formed under the same or quite comparable conditions of pressure and temperature. In practice, minerals that physically touch one another with no reaction rims or alteration products are included in the assemblage. It is likely that the minerals satisfying these conditions are in equilibrium, but additional chemical tests are commonly necessary to define the equilibrium assemblage without ambiguity.
Phase systems are governed by a phase rule, which defines the number of minerals that may coexist in equilibrium: F = C − P + 2, where F is the variance, or number of degrees of freedom, C is the number of independent components, and P is the number of phases. Applying this rule to a three-phase, three-component system, F is 2. This indicates that two parameters—e.g., pressure and temperature—may be varied independently of one another without altering the number of phases.