- Related Topics:
- mineral deposit
- sulfide mineral
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- BCcampus Open Publishing - Physical Geology – H5P Edition V1.1 - Mineral Properties (Jan. 30, 2025)
This important class includes most of the ore minerals. The similar but rarer sulfarsenides are grouped here as well. Sulfide minerals consist of one or more metals combined with sulfur; sulfarsenides contain arsenic replacing some of the sulfur.
Sulfides are generally opaque and exhibit distinguishing colours and streaks. (Streak is the colour of a mineral’s powder.) The nonopaque varieties (e.g., cinnabar, realgar, and orpiment) possess high refractive indices, transmitting light only on the thin edges of a specimen.
Sulfide minerals | ||||||||
name | colour | lustre | Mohs hardness | specific gravity | habit or form | fracture or cleavage | refractive indices or polished section data | crystal system |
argentite | blackish lead-gray | metallic | 2–2 1/2 | 7.2–7.4 | cubic or octahedral crystals, often in groups; arborescent or hairlike massive | subconchoidal fracture | faintly anisotropic | isometric |
arsenopyrite | silver-white to steel-gray | metallic | 5 1/2–6 | 6.1 | cubic or dodecahedral crystals having rough or curved faces; granular or compact massive | one distinct cleavage | strongly anisotropic | monoclinic |
bornite | copper-red to pinchbeck-brown, tarnishing quickly to iridescent purple | metallic | 3 | 5.1 | prismatic crystals; columnar, granular, or compact massive | uneven fracture | isotropic in part; pinkish brown | isometric |
chalcocite | blackish lead-gray | metallic | 2 1/2–3 | 5.5–5.8 | short prismatic or thick tabular crystals; massive | conchoidal fracture | weakly anisotropic | orthorhombic |
chalcopyrite | brass-yellow, often tarnished and iridescent | metallic | 3 1/2–4 | 4.1–4.3 | compact massive; tetragonal crystals | uneven fracture | weakly anisotropic; often shows lamellar and polysynthetic twinning | tetragonal |
cinnabar | cochineal-red to brownish or lead-gray | adamantine to metallic | 2–2 1/2 | 8.1 | rhombohedral, tabular, or prismatic crystals; massive; earthy coatings | one perfect cleavage |
omega = 2.756–2.905 epsilon = 3.065–3.256 |
hexagonal |
cobaltite | silver-white to red; steel-gray or grayish black | metallic | 5 1/2 | 6.3 | cubic or pyritohedral crystals with striated faces | one perfect cleavage | isometric | |
covellite | indigo-blue; highly iridescent; brass-yellow or deep red | submetallic to resinous (crystals); subresinous to dull (massive) | 1 1/2–2 | 4.6–4.8 | massive; rarely in hexagonal plates | one highly perfect cleavage | strongly anisotropic | hexagonal |
cubanite | brass- to bronze-yellow | metallic | 3 1/2 | 4.0–4.2 | thick tabular crystals; massive | conchoidal fracture | anisotropic | orthorhombic |
domeykite | tin-white to steel-gray; tarnishes yellowish brown, becoming iridescent | metallic | 3–3 1/2 | 7.2–7.9 | reniform or botryoidal masses | uneven fracture | isotropic | isometric |
galena | lead-gray | metallic | 2 1/2–3 | 7.6 | cubic crystals; cleavable masses | one perfect cleavage | isotropic | isometric |
greenockite | various shades of yellow and orange | adamantine to resinous | 3–3 1/2 | 4.9 | earthy coating | conchoidal fracture | omega = 2.431–2.506 epsilon = 2.456–2.529 | hexagonal |
krennerite | silver-white to light brass-yellow | metallic | 2–3 | 8.6 | short prismatic crystals | one perfect cleavage | strongly anisotropic; creamy white | orthorhombic |
linnaeite | light gray to steel- or violet-gray, tarnishing to copper-red or violet-gray | brilliant metallic (when fresh) | 4 1/2–5 1/2 | 4.5–4.8 | octahedral crystals granular to compact masses | uneven to subconchoidal fracture | isotropic | isometric |
loellingite | silver-white to steel-gray | metallic | 5–5 1/2 | 7.4–7.5 | prismatic or pyramidal crystals; massive | uneven fracture | very strongly anisotropic | orthorhombic |
marcasite | tin-white, deepening with exposure to bronze-yellow | metallic | 6–6 1/2 | 4.9 | tabular or pyramidal crystals; spear-shaped or cockscomb-like crystal groups | one distinct cleavage | strongly anisotropic and pleochroic; creamy white, light yellowish white, and rosy white | orthorhombic |
maucherite | reddish platinum-gray, tarnishing copper-red | metallic | 5 | 8.0 | tabular crystals | uneven fracture | weakly anisotropic; pinkish gray | tetragonal |
metacinnabar | grayish black | metallic | 3 | 7.65 | tetrahedral crystals; massive | subconchoidal to uneven fracture | isotropic; grayish white; shows lamellar twinning | isometric |
millerite | pale brass-yellow, tarnishing iridescent gray | metallic | 3–3 1/2 | 5.3–5.7 | very slender to capillary crystals in radiating groups, sometimes interwoven | two perfect cleavages | strongly anisotropic | hexagonal |
molybdenite | lead-gray | metallic | 1–1 1/2 | 4.6–4.7 | hexagonal tablets; foliated massive, in scales | one perfect cleavage | very strongly anisotropic and pleochroic; white | hexagonal |
niccolite | pale copper-red, tarnishing gray to blackish | metallic | 5–5 1/2 | 7.8 | reniform massive; also branching | no cleavage | strongly anisotropic | hexagonal |
orpiment | lemon-yellow, golden-yellow, brownish yellow | resinous; pearly on cleavages | 1 1/2–2 | 3.5 | foliated, fibrous, or columnar massive; reniform or botryoidal masses; granular | one perfect cleavage |
alpha = 2.4 beta = 2.81 gamma = 3.02 |
monoclinic |
pentlandite | light bronze-yellow | metallic | 3 1/2–4 | 4.6–5.0 | granular aggregates | conchoidal fracture | isotropic | isometric |
pyrite | pale brass-yellow | splendent to glistening metallic | 6–6 1/2 | 5.0 | cubic, pyritohedral, or octahedral crystals with striated faces; massive | conchoidal to uneven fracture | isotropic; creamy white | isometric |
pyrrhotite | bronze-yellow to pinchbeck-brown, tarnishing quickly | metallic | 3 1/2–4 1/2 |
4.6–4.7 4.8 (troilite) |
granular massive; sometimes platy or tabular crystals | uneven to subconchoidal fracture | strongly anisotropic | hexagonal |
realgar | aurora-red to orange-yellow | resinous to greasy | 1 1/2–2 | 3.5–3.6 | short, striated prismatic crystals; granular or compact massive; incrustations | one good cleavage, three less so |
alpha = 2.486–2.538 beta = 2.602–2.684 gamma = 2.620–2.704 |
monoclinic |
rickardite | purple-red | metallic | 3 1/2 | 7.5 | massive | irregular fracture | strongly anisotropic and pleochroic | orthorhombic |
sphalerite | brown, black, yellow; also variable | resinous to adamantine | 3 1/2–4 | 3.9–4.1 | tetrahedral or dodecahedral crystals, often with curved faces; cleavable masses | one perfect cleavage | n = 2.320–2.517 | isometric |
stannite | steel-gray to iron-black | metallic | 4 | 4.3–4.5 | granular massive | uneven fracture | anisotropic | tetragonal |
stibnite | lead- to steel-gray, tarnishing blackish | metallic | 2 | 4.6 | aggregates of needle-like crystals; crystals are easily bent or twisted | one perfect cleavage |
alpha = 3.184–3.204 beta = 4.036–4.056 gamma = 4.293–4.313 white; strongly anisotropic |
orthorhombic |
stromeyerite | dark steel-gray, tarnishing blue | metallic | 2 1/2–3 | 6.2–6.3 | pseudohexagonal prisms; compact massive | subconchoidal to conchoidal fracture | strongly anisotropic | orthorhombic |
sylvanite | steel-gray to silver-white | brilliant metallic | 1 1/2–2 | 8.1–8.2 | short prismatic, thick tabular, or bladed crystals | one perfect cleavage | strongly anisotropic and pleochroic; creamy white; shows polysynthetic twinning | monoclinic |
tetradymite | pale steel-gray, tarnishing dull or iridescent | metallic | 1 1/2–2 | 7.1–7.5 | foliated to granular massive; bladed crystals | one perfect cleavage | weakly anisotropic; white; sometimes shows a graph-like intergrowth | hexagonal |
umangite | dark cherry-red, tarnishing quickly to violet-blue | metallic | 3 | 5.6 | small grains; fine-grained aggregates | uneven fracture | strongly anisotropic; dark red-violet; apparently uniaxial | tetragonal |
wurtzite | brownish black | resinous | 3 1/2–4 | 4.0–4.1 | pyramidal crystals; fibrous or columnar massive; concentrically banded crusts | one easy cleavage | omega = 2.330–2.356 epsilon = 2.350–2.378 | hexagonal |
Few broad generalizations can be made about the structures of sulfides, although these minerals can be classified into smaller groups according to similarities in structure. Ionic and covalent bonding are found in many sulfides, while metallic bonding is apparent in others as evidenced by their metal properties. The simplest and most symmetric sulfide structure is based on the architecture of the sodium chloride structure. A common sulfide mineral that crystallizes in this manner is the ore mineral of lead, galena. Its highly symmetric form consists of cubes modified by octahedral faces at their corners. The structure of the common sulfide pyrite (FeS2) also is modeled after the sodium chloride type; a disulfide grouping is located in a position of coordination with six surrounding ferrous iron atoms. The high symmetry of this structure is reflected in the external morphology of pyrite. In another sulfide structure, sphalerite (ZnS), each zinc atom is surrounded by four sulfur atoms in a tetrahedral coordinating arrangement. In a derivative of this structure type, the chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) structure, copper and iron ions can be thought of as having been regularly substituted in the zinc positions of the original sphalerite atomic arrangement.
Arsenopyrite (FeAsS) is a common sulfarsenide that occurs in many ore deposits. It is the chief source of the element arsenic.
There are approximately 100 species constituting the rather large and very diverse sulfosalt class of minerals. The sulfosalts differ notably from the sulfides and sulfarsenides with regard to the role of semimetals, such as arsenic (As) and antimony (Sb), in their structures. In the sulfarsenides, the semimetals substitute for some of the sulfur in the structure, while in the sulfosalts they are found instead in the metal site. For example, in the sulfarsenide arsenopyrite (FeAsS), the arsenic replaces sulfur in a marcasite- (FeS2-) type structure. In contrast, the sulfosalt enargite (Cu3AsS4) contains arsenic in the metal position, coordinated to four sulfur atoms. A sulfosalt such as Cu3AsS4 may also be thought of as a double sulfide, 3Cu2S ∙ As2S5.