Tetrapod musculature
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- Healthdirect - Bones, muscles and joints (Jan. 22, 2025)
In the living urodeles (newts and salamanders) of the class Amphibia, the axial muscles are most important for propulsion. The limbs of urodeles are quite weak and tend to be carried forward passively with the undulations of the body. As the primary propulsive force is provided by the muscles of the trunk, urodeles retain large axial muscles. The axial muscles are still segmented, separated by myocommata, although the myomeres run vertically and without the elaborate folding seen in jawed fishes. The epaxial muscles, given the name dorsalis trunci in tetrapods, are little changed, although some modification has taken place to promote a facility for dorsoventral bending of the spine that occurs in tetrapods but rarely in fishes.
The anurans (frogs and toads) have rather similar, but considerably reduced, epaxial muscles. There is, however, a trend in tetrapods toward finer control of muscular action with increasing complexity. In reptiles the epaxial muscles, although still retaining a semi-segmental structure, are divided into several structural and functional units. The deepest set of muscles, the transversospinalis group, are short and run obliquely forward, over one to four vertebrae, from the transverse process of one vertebra to the lamina (the flat plate of bone at the base of the vertebral spine) of a more anterior vertebra. The transversospinalis group is particularly responsible for rotatory movements of the spine. Superficial to transversospinalis lies longissimus, with much longer fibres, which is important in extension of the back. More superficial still and lateral to these muscle blocks is iliocostalis, a flat sheetlike muscle that runs from the pelvic girdle upward and laterally to attach to the ribs. It is particularly important in lateral flexion (bending) of the spine. This general pattern is further complicated in snakes, which have secondarily returned to the propulsive use of the axial muscles. In birds the vertebral column of the trunk region undergoes much fusion, and this complexity is reduced, as indeed it is in chelonians (turtles and tortoises). Mammals retain the broad pattern of the reptile epaxial musculature but (with the exception of the innervation of the musculature) have greatly reduced the segmentation that is present in reptiles.
In the tails of urodeles the hypaxial muscles are also largely unchanged. As with all land vertebrates, however, the demands of supporting the viscera when living in an air environment have brought about major modifications of the hypaxial musculature of the trunk. In typical tetrapods a strong series of ribs has developed for the same reason. Although urodeles have secondarily reduced their ribs, they show many of the typically tetrapod features of the hypaxial musculature. The muscles fall into three groups. A group of subvertebral muscles forms ventral to the vertebrae, in the region of their joints with the ribs at the transverse processes. It acts in ventral and lateral flexion (bending) of the spine. A rectus abdominis muscle runs longitudinally along the ventral aspect of the body wall between the pectoral and pelvic girdles, and laterally this muscle is associated with the third group, the lateral hypaxial muscles. The third group consists of three major layers of muscle whose fibres are oriented in differing directions, a feature that gives additional strength to the body wall. Superficially lies the external oblique muscle, with fibres running longitudinally but somewhat ventrally; deep to this lies the internal oblique, with fibres running longitudinally and somewhat dorsally; and deepest lies the transversus muscle, whose fibres run dorsoventrally.
In the higher tetrapods the external and internal obliques tend to become further divided into layers in the abdominal region. The thoracic representatives of these muscles tend to become divided into discontinuous, rather thin muscle layers between the ribs (external and internal intercostals), superficial to the ribs (supercostals), and deep to the ribs (subcostals). While only the rectus abdominis tends to retain visible evidence of segmental origin, in its tendinous intersections (which are present even in humans) the segmental innervation of the hypaxial muscles is retained in all tetrapods.
In tetrapods, unlike fishes, the pectoral girdle does not have a solid bony connection to the axial skeleton but rather is supported by a series of muscles derived from the outer layer of hypaxial trunk muscles. This is no doubt another adaptation to life in an air environment, where the cushioning effect of water has been lost. These muscular slings are not readily demonstrated in the living amphibians, which are either skeletally degenerate, as in urodeles, or highly specialized toward leaping, as in anurans (frogs and toads). In more typical tetrapods, there are two major derivatives of the external oblique attaching the scapula (shoulder blade) to the body: the serratus, made up of numerous fingerlike slips running from the scapula to the neighbouring ribs, and the levator scapulae, which are fused with serratus along its caudal (tail-end) border. Levator scapulae consist of fibres running more anteriorly to ribs or transverse processes of the neck. Mammals and some reptiles have a third such muscle, attaching the pectoral girdle to the region of the spine, called rhomboideus. Mammals also have utilized part of the hypaxial musculature to form a muscular septum between the region of the lungs and heart (the thoracic cavity) and the region of the digestive and reproductive viscera (the abdominal cavity). This is the diaphragm, which is the most important respiratory muscle in the mammalian body.
The six axially derived eye muscles of fishes undergo only small modifications in tetrapods. Eye movements are changed, partly according to changes in the orientation of the orbit, such as the trend toward orbital frontality that is typical in primates. Additional eye muscles may be derived by splitting some of these six muscles. An example of this is the retractor bulbi muscle, which is derived from the lateral rectus muscle. In amphibians and some reptiles it pulls the eyeball deeper into the orbit for protection, and in amphibians it is an aid in swallowing. Another example is the levator palpebrae superioris, derived from the superior rectus, which elevates the upper eyelid to open the eye.
The limb muscles of typical tetrapods are derived from the dorsal and ventral muscle blocks of the paired fins of fishes. In tetrapod development, this pattern of derivation from dorsal and ventral muscle blocks is repeated. As a consequence, the homologies of the muscles of the typical tetrapod limb often can be traced by considering the source of innervation of each muscle from the nerves of the dorsal (or extensor) compartment or the ventral (or flexor) compartment.
In the pectoral limb the dorsal, extensor group of muscles includes several that appear consistently and with similar roles. Beginning with the muscles that act on the humerus (the proximal bone of the limb), all tetrapods have a large sheetlike muscle known as the latissimus dorsi that runs from the side of the trunk to the humerus. The latissimus dorsi muscle retracts the humerus and thus propels the body forward. Acting to rotate, flex, or adduct the humerus, depending on limb posture, is a muscle known as subcoracoscapularis in amphibians, reptiles, and birds and as subscapularis in mammals. It runs from the deep surface of the shoulder girdle to the humerus. In amphibians the dorsalis scapulae arise from the anterior edge of the scapula. The same muscle is known as the deltoideus in reptiles and mammals; in the latter, part of its origin moves from the scapula to the clavicle (collarbone). It is a major abductor of the shoulder in most tetrapods. At the elbow joint, all tetrapods have a muscle called triceps as the major extensor. It arises in several heads from the shoulder girdle and humerus. There are always a variable number of extensor muscles for the wrist and digits (fingers and toes) arising from the region of the elbow joint, on the lateral aspect of the humerus.
On the ventral, flexor aspect of the pectoral limb, the pectoralis is found in all tetrapods. The pectoralis runs from the chest wall to the humerus, on which it acts to pull the humerus downward and backward. This muscle not only is important in providing forward thrust in quadrupedal locomotion but is the chief depressor of the forelimb in birds and bats. The major elevator of the wing in birds, supracoracoideus, is present in all tetrapods. In mammals the supracoracoideus retains its attachment to the humerus, but its previous point of origin (the coracoid plate) disappears, and the muscle now appears as two separate blocks of muscle arising on either side of the spine of the scapula as an abductor muscle (supraspinatus) and a rotator and flexor (infraspinatus). Coracobrachialis and (except in amphibians) biceps arise from the tip of the coracoid and act to flex the elbow. In this they are aided by the brachialis muscle, which arises from the humerus. As on the extensor aspect, there are always a number of flexors of the wrist and digits. These arise on the medial side of the distal humerus.
The muscles of the pelvic limb cannot be readily compared beyond the reptiles and mammals. Even in these cases, changes in limb posture have led to major changes in the arrangement and function of muscles. On the dorsal aspect, a single large muscle in reptiles, puboischiofemoralis, runs from the bones of the pelvis to the femur (the proximal bone of the hind limb). This reptilian muscle appears to be represented by three mammalian hip muscles: psoas, iliacus, and pectineus. Iliofemoralis acts as an abductor of the hip in reptiles and appears to be represented by the gluteal muscles in mammals, but the function of the gluteal muscles is different. More similar in reptiles and mammals is the quadriceps or quadratus femoris, which consists of multiple heads (four in mammals) that arise from the pelvic girdle and femur and insert by a common tendon into the tibia (the larger bone of the distal pectoral limb). It is the sole extensor of the knee joint in both the reptiles and the mammals. The extensors of the ankle and digits in both reptiles and mammals are not dissimilar to those of the pectoral limb and take origin from the lateral and anterior surfaces of the two distal bones of the pelvic limb. On the ventral aspect of the hind limb, small, deep muscles run from the internal and external pelvis to the head of the femur and help in adduction and rotation. Of these, the puboischiofemoralis externus of reptiles appears to be represented by the obturator externus of mammals, and, similarly, the ischiotrochantericus of reptiles appears to be the homologue of the obturator internus of mammals. Again, the major adductor of the hip of reptiles, adductor femoris, appears to be homologous with some of the muscles called the adductors in mammals. There seem to be some homologies between the major flexors of the hip and thigh in reptiles, such as puboischiotibialis, and two deeper muscles, flexor tibialis externus and internus, and some functionally equivalent muscles in mammals: the gracilis, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus. In reptiles the axial muscle of the tail is strong, and the caudofemoralis, a powerful flexor of the thigh that originates in the tail, is consequently large. The tail in mammals, although usually present, is much more gracile, and, as a result, caudofemoralis is represented by only a few small muscles. Another major change is in the flexors of ankle and digits. In reptiles, these insert by long tendons passing below the ankle joint, much as in the forelimb. In mammals, however, the equivalent long flexor, gastrocnemius, inserts on a new bony process, the calcaneal tuberosity, or heel bone, which gives more efficient leverage.
The hypobranchial muscles of tetrapods are both reduced and modified in comparison with those of jawed fishes. In tetrapods these straplike muscles still arise from elements of the pectoral girdle but now pass to the new derivatives of the gill arches of fishes: the hyoid bone and laryngeal cartilages. They act primarily in the gross movements of these structures in swallowing and the production of sound—for example, as depressors of the hyoid (sternohyoid, omohyoid) or of the larynx (sternothyroid). Fibres of the hypobranchial muscles in the region of the hyoid are utilized to form the internal musculature of the tongue.
The branchial musculature is also modified in tetrapods from the condition seen in jawed fishes. The development of a shoulder muscle, the trapezius, from the levator muscles of the gill arches of fishes, as previously discussed, is taken further in tetrapods by the separation of further slips of muscle to form muscles such as sternocleidomastoid, a muscle important for humans in movements of the head and in breathing. In mammals that lose the clavicle, these slips may be further modified to form muscles running from the head to the pectoral limb. Tetrapods, with the exception of mammals, utilize part of the constrictor muscle of the hyoid arch to form the depressor mandibulae, which replaces the hypobranchial muscles as the major jaw-opening muscle. The restructuring of the posterior jaw in mammals leads to the further replacement of this new muscle by the digastric, which is a compound muscle made up of parts of the constrictors of the first and second branchial arches. Thus, it is partly innervated by the mandibular division of the fifth cranial nerve (as is the case with other jaw muscles and the tensor tympani, one of the muscles of the ear) and partly by the seventh cranial nerve, the facial nerve (which also supplies an ear muscle associated with the stapes, an ear bone derived from the hyoid arch). The levator palatoquadrati, which elevates the upper jaw in jawed fishes, is retained as a jaw muscle in birds and in some reptiles, as they share the ability of fishes to move the upper jaw. The adductor mandibulae is much altered in tetrapods, although its overall function is retained. During the course of tetrapod evolution, it becomes a superficial muscle, and in mammals it splits into several functional units arising from the undersurface and side of the skull and attaching to various points on the mandible. These are the lateral pterygoid, which pulls the jaw forward; the medial pterygoid and its partner, the masseter, which close the jaw and move it from side to side; and the temporalis, which closes the jaw and pulls it backward. All are innervated by the first-arch cranial nerve, the fifth nerve. The intermandibularis of jawed fishes is retained as the mylohyoid of tetrapods, which is an elevator of the tongue.
Finally, the constrictor muscle of the hyoid arch, which in bony fishes is used to control the operculum, is remodeled in tetrapods as a sheathing superficial muscle of the neck, the sphincter colli. It derives its innervation from the nerve of the hyoid arch, the seventh, or facial, nerve. This cranial nerve is named from the further adaptation of the sphincter colli muscle in mammals, particularly in higher primates, as the many small muscles of facial expression, which allow people to smile, laugh, and frown.
Bernard Wood Robin Huw Crompton