- Also called:
- corpulence or fatness
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In European and other Caucasian populations, genome-wide association studies have identified genetic variations in small numbers of persons with childhood-onset morbid obesity or adult morbid obesity. In one study, a chromosomal deletion involving 30 genes was identified in a subset of severely obese individuals whose condition manifested in childhood. Although the deleted segment was found in less than 1 percent of the morbidly obese study population, its loss was believed to contribute to aberrant hormone signaling—namely, of leptin and insulin—which regulate appetite and glucose metabolism, respectively. Dysregulation of these hormones is associated with overeating (or hyperphagy) and with tissue resistance to insulin, increasing the risk of type II diabetes. The identification of genomic defects in persons affected by morbid obesity has indicated that, at least for some individuals, the condition arises from a genetic cause.
For most persons affected by obesity, however, the causes of their condition are more complex, involving the interaction of multiple factors. Indeed, the rapid rise in obesity worldwide is likely due to major shifts in environmental factors and changes in behavior rather than to a significant change in human genetics. For example, early feeding patterns imposed by an obese mother upon her offspring may play a major role in a cultural, rather than genetic, transmission of obesity from one generation to the next. Likewise, correlations between childhood obesity and practices such as infant birth by cesarean section, which has risen substantially in incidence worldwide, indicate that environment and behavior may have a much larger influence on the early onset of obesity than previously thought. More generally, the distinctive way of life of a nation and the individual’s behavioral and emotional reaction to it may contribute significantly to widespread obesity. Among affluent populations, an abundant supply of readily available high-calorie foods and beverages, coupled with increasingly sedentary living habits that markedly reduce caloric needs, can easily lead to overeating. The stresses and tensions of modern living also cause some individuals to turn to foods and alcoholic drinks for “relief.” Indeed, researchers have found that the cause of obesity in all countries shares distinct similarities—diets rich in sweeteners and saturated fats, lack of exercise, and the availability of inexpensive processed foods.
The root causes of childhood obesity are complex and are not fully understood, but it is clear that children become obese when they eat too much and exercise too little. In addition, many children make poor food decisions, choosing to eat unhealthy, sugary snacks instead of healthful fruits and vegetables. Lack of calorie-burning exercise has also played a major role in contributing to childhood obesity. In 2005 a survey found that American children age 8 to 18 spent an average of about four hours a day watching television and videos and two additional hours playing video games and using computers. Furthermore, maternal consumption of excessive amounts of fat during pregnancy programs overeating behavior in children. For example, children have an increased preference for fatty foods if their mothers ate a high-fat diet during pregnancy. The physiological basis for this appears to be associated with fat-induced changes in the fetal brain. For example, when pregnant rats consume high-fat diets, brain cells in the developing fetuses produce large quantities of appetite-stimulating proteins called orexigenic peptides. These peptides continue to be produced at high levels following birth and throughout the lifetime of the offspring. As a result, these rats eat more, weigh more, and mature sexually earlier in life compared with rats whose mothers consumed normal levels of fats during pregnancy.
Health effects of obesity
Obesity may be undesirable from an aesthetic sense, especially in parts of the world where slimness is the popular preference, but it is also a serious medical problem. Generally, obese persons have a shorter life expectancy, and they suffer earlier, more often, and more severely from a large number of diseases than do their normal-weight counterparts. For example, people who are obese are also frequently affected by diabetes; in fact, worldwide, roughly 90 percent of type II diabetes cases are caused by excess weight. Obesity is also a significant cause of cancer; by 2018, overweight and obesity were responsible for about 1 in every 25 cancers diagnosed worldwide. In the United States, researchers found that the incidence of obesity-related cancer was increasing among relatively young adults aged 25 to 49.
The association between obesity and the deterioration of cardiovascular health, which manifests in conditions such as diabetes and hypertension (abnormally high blood pressure), places obese persons at risk for accelerated cognitive decline as they age. Investigations of brain size in persons with long-term obesity revealed that increased body fat is associated with the atrophy (wasting away) of brain tissue, particularly in the temporal and frontal lobes of the brain. In fact, both overweight and obesity, and thus a BMI of 25 or higher, are associated with reductions in brain size, which increases the risk of dementia, the most common form of which is Alzheimer disease.
Obese women are often affected by infertility, taking longer to conceive than normal-weight women, and obese women who become pregnant are at an increased risk of miscarriage. Men who are obese are also at increased risk of fertility problems, since excess body fat is associated with decreased testosterone levels. In general, relative to normal-weight individuals, obese individuals are more likely to die prematurely of degenerative diseases of the heart, arteries, and kidneys, and they have an increased risk of developing cancer. Obese individuals also have an increased risk of death from accidents and constitute poor surgical risks. Mental health is affected; behavioral consequences of an obese appearance, ranging from shyness and withdrawal to overly bold self-assertion, may be rooted in neuroses and psychoses.