- Also called:
- antenatal development
- Key People:
- Bernard Siegfried Albinus
- Related Topics:
- gestation
- embryo
- fetus
- precocial young
- altricial state
Development between the second and fourth weeks
At the end of the second week, the embryonic region is a nearly circular plate within its well-embedded, differentiating chorionic sac. This embryonic disk consists of two layers—epiblast and hypoblast. A hollow, dome-shaped amnion sac attaches to the margin of the upper layer of the disk, and a hollow yolk sac is similarly continuous with the lower layer. A broad cellular bridge attaches the complex to the chorion. The most important event during the third week is the gastrulation process.
Early in the third week, the embryonic disk has enlarged and become pear-shaped in outline, and a well-formed primitive streak occupies the midline of its caudal (hind) half, which is narrower. Cells from the epiblast are passing through the streak and spreading laterally in both directions beneath the uppermost layer, now ectoderm. In this way the embryonic disk acquires three distinct layers, and the gastrula stage of development comes to an end. At the middle of the week, a thickening, known as the head process, is extending forward from a knoblike primitive knot located at the head end of the primitive streak. These linear thickenings define the median plane of the future embryo and thus divide the embryonic disk into precise right and left halves.
Toward the end of the week, the disk elongates and becomes slipper-shaped in outline; a slight constriction demarcates it from the attached yolk sac. Growth has lengthened the region ahead of the now receding primitive streak. Here, in the midline, the ectoderm bears a definite gutterlike formation called the neural groove, which is the first indication of the future central nervous system. Beneath the groove, the mesodermal head process presently rounds into an axial rod, the notochord, that serves as a temporary “backbone.” By the end of the third week, a head fold, paired lateral body folds, and a tail fold become prominent, demarcating a somewhat cylindrical embryo from the still broadly attached yolk sac. Through the process of neurulation, the neural folds, flanking the neural groove, converge and begin to meet midway of their lengths, thereby producing a neural tube at that level. Cells called neural crest cells will dissociate from the neural tube and undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (mesenchyme is a loose mass of cells that gives rise to various forms of connective tissue). Mesoderm, alongside the notochord, begins to subdivide into paired blocks called somites, and the outlines of the somites show externally. From them, muscles and vertebrae will differentiate later. This stage, when the embryo is fashioning a neural tube, is often designated as a neurula.
In the fourth week the embryo goes beyond the external characteristics of vertebrates in general and becomes recognizable as a mammal. The week is marked by profound changes during which the embryo acquires its general body plan. There is an increase in total length from about 2 to 5 mm (about 0.08 to 0.2 inch), but size is quite variable among smaller specimens. Better correlated with the degree of development is the number of mesodermal somites, which attain their full number of about 42 during the fourth week. Some of the head of an early embryo arises from the embryonic disk in front of the primitive knot. But as the primitive streak shortens and its caudal retreat continues, such structures as the neural tube and notochord are added progressively in the wake of that retreat, and additional somite pairs also appear in steady succession.
The most important maneuver in the establishment of general body form is the transformation of the flat embryonic disk into a roughly cylindrical early embryo, which is attached to the yolk sac by a slender yolk stalk. Three factors cooperate in producing this change: (1) There is more rapid expansion of both the embryonic area and the yolk sac than in the region joining the two. The enlarging embryonic area at first buckles upward and then overlaps the more slowly growing margin. Since growth is particularly rapid at the future head end and tail end, the embryo becomes elongate. (2) In conjunction with this overgrowth there is important underfolding, again most pronounced at the front and hind ends. Underfolding is produced by differential elongation in the regions of the brain and tail bud. Conspicuous is the change in the future cardiac (heart) and foregut region, which swings beneath the brain as on a hinge. (3) A certain amount of true constriction, through growth, gathers all of these parts at the site of the future umbilicus.
Throughout the entire period when the body and its parts are being laid down, developmental advances tend to appear first at the head end and then progress tailward. For this reason, many structures that extend along the body for a distance show a gradation in development. The size advantage gained initially by the head end of the embryo is relinquished very slowly. Even in an infant the relatively large head and long arms are striking. A further tendency toward progressively graded development occurs from the middorsal line in a lateral (sideward) and then ventral (frontward) direction. All such relations are the visible expressions of stages in growth and differentiation.
Early in the fourth week the cylindrical shape of the embryo is plain, even though the folding-off process is far from complete. The neural tube is still open near both ends, and at the head end the broader neural folds indicate the future brain and even its three primary divisions. A pronounced bulge beneath the brain region denotes where the heart is forming precociously in order to institute a necessary, prompt circulation through the placenta.
During the middle and late days of the fourth week there are marked advances. Accelerated growth along the dorsal region bends the total body length progressively until the embryo assumes a striking C-shape, with the tips of the head and tail not far apart. Continued growth and underfolding close in much of the ventral side of the embryo, so that a free head and upper trunk, and a lower trunk and a prominent tail, are easily recognizable. Forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain can be identified, largely because of a sharp bend in the midbrain. Local outgrowths from each side of the forebrain produce stalked eye cups, and a pair of inpocketings of the ectoderm alongside the hindbrain sink beneath the surface as otic vesicles, forerunners of the inner ears. Bulges indicative of the heart and liver are prominent. Formations called branchial arches, reminiscent of the gill arches of fishes and aquatic amphibians, become conspicuous in the future jaw-neck region. Paired swellings (“buds”) off the trunk foretell the locations of the upper and lower limbs.
Developmental changes in the fifth to eighth weeks
A five-week embryo is about 8 mm (0.32 inch) long, whereas at six weeks the length is about 13 mm (0.52 inch). New external features are olfactory pits at the tip of the bent head. An umbilical cord becomes a definite entity, its proximal end occupying a low position on the abdominal wall. The sharply bent head joins the rest of the body at an acute angle. The first pair of branchial arches branch Y-fashion into maxillary and mandibular processes (primitive upper and lower jaws). The external ears are forming around the paired grooves located between each half of the mandible and each second branchial arch. The heart, which was previously the chief ventral prominence, now shares this distinction with the rapidly growing liver. Limb buds have elongated markedly and become flattened at their outer ends. A constriction on each bud separates a paddlelike hand plate or foot plate from a cylindrical segment attached to the body wall. Predictably, the upper limbs are somewhat further advanced than the lower pair.
In the latter weeks of the second month, developmental changes advance from those that distinguish primates to a state that is recognizably human. At the end of the second month (when it is about 30 mm [1.2 inches] in length) the embryo stage ends; henceforth, until birth, the term fetus is used to describe the developing conceptus.