Group care
The ability of an animal to identify its own offspring at an early stage is apparently not important in animals that nest or are solitary breeders; offspring in the nest belong to that parent. In colonially breeding species or in those where the offspring of different parents are likely to become mixed, however, natural selection has favoured the evolutionary development of behaviour that makes possible the recognition by the parent of its own offspring, thereby avoiding the danger of expending energy on offspring that do not possess the parent’s genes.
There is, on the other hand, the situation in which the offspring are cared for by individuals who are not the parents. This phenomenon occurs among the social insects in particular and also among several groups of birds and mammals; future investigations may show it to be even more widespread. In such birds as the anis, the effective breeding group consists of several females and males. One nest is constructed in which all the females deposit their eggs, and all individuals participate in the care of the resulting offspring. In certain jays (Corvidae), the offspring of one generation participate in the care of the offspring of the next or another generation, but the exact family relationships among the participants are not clear.
In the social insects, this type of parental behaviour apparently results from the peculiar genetic relationships between the individuals in most social-insect colonies (termites are among the exceptions). The female and, in the termites, both the male and the female can control by chemical means the kinds (called castes in ants and termites) and sexes of the offspring. An outstanding feature of such colonial insects as the honeybee is that the majority of the individuals produced by the queen are sterile; these are the workers, the individuals who care for and feed both the queen and her offspring, the sibs of the workers.
The queen is diploid in genetic makeup; that is to say, half of her genes are derived from her mother and half from her father. The males (drones) are haploid; that is, they have only half the genes possessed by the queen, all of them derived from the mother. A queen produces eggs fertilized by sperm she has retained in her body from the mating flight; thus the individuals produced are diploid, but, unlike the queen, they are sterile. This sterility results indirectly from a chemical secreted by the queen, called the queen substance. It inhibits the workers from building special brood cells that give rise to sexually developed individuals. If the queen fails to secrete this substance because of age or death, the workers immediately construct special brood cells with a substance they secrete; called royal jelly, it is necessary for the development of a larva then destined to be a queen.
How can the evolution of sterility in workers and their care of offspring not their own be accounted for? One possible explanation concerns the coefficient of relationship (the number of genes on the average shared in common) among the individuals of a colony. Because of the peculiar haplo-diploid mode of sex determination, the workers (sisters) share all the genes from their father and, on the average, half of those from their mother. Since each worker receives half of its genes from the father and half from the mother, the average genes shared between any two workers (sisters) is three-fourths. But between mother (the queen) and daughter (a worker) this average is only one-half. The offspring (the sterile workers), therefore, may contribute more to their fitness (the maximum representation of their genes in the next generation) by caring for their sisters than by providing an equal amount of care to their “own” offspring, had they been fertile rather than sterile. A drone, on the other hand, has a coefficient of relationship with one of his sterile sisters of only one-fourth, but retains a relationship of one-half with his mother and daughters (future sterile workers). This explains why workers provide more care for their sisters than for their brothers, and why the workers eventually drive off the almost useless drones, which are relatively scarce (having resulted from unfertilized eggs), from the colony. Because sisters share more genes with each other than with their brothers, they maximize the chances of these genes surviving into the next generation by providing more care for their sisters.
This explanation of group care and extreme sociality does not account for all cases. Indeed, termites are perhaps the most extreme among animals in these respects but lack the haplo-diploid sex determination mechanism. In addition, several groups having this mechanism have not evolved extreme brood care and sociality. Other factors have to interact for these systems to evolve, but it is not yet clear what they are.