Synchrony is the major factor in achieving fertilization in the lower animals, particularly in aquatic forms. In most of these groups, the eggs and sperm are simply discharged into the surrounding water, and fertilization occurs externally. It might be assumed that this procedure would be roughly the same in the higher animals, with perhaps more overt behaviour to achieve synchrony, and that, after the two individuals found each other, fertilization would proceed fairly quickly. This is usually not the case, however. Although fertilization in the higher terrestrial forms involves contact during copulation, it has been suggested that all of the higher animals may have a strong aversion to bodily contact. This aversion is no doubt an antipredator mechanism: close bodily contact signifies being caught. Since females are in an especially helpless situation during copulation, they are particularly wary about bodily contact. In addition, males are particularly aggressive during the breeding period, which further increases the uncertainty of both individuals. These difficulties were solved by the evolution of a collection of behaviours called courtship. Courtship has been defined as the heterosexual reproductive communication system leading to the consummatory sexual act.
Courtship behaviour has many advantages and functions, including the reduction of hostility between the potential sex partners, especially in species in which the male actively defends a territory. The major aspects of such behaviour seem to be appearance, persistence, appeasement, persuasion, and even deception. Because courtship behaviour involves the transmission of information by means of signals, it is useful to define at this point an important group of social signals called displays.
A social signal may be considered any behavioral pattern that effectively conveys information from one individual to another. The term display has been restricted by some authorities to social signals that not only convey information but that, in the course of evolution, have also become “ritualized.” In other words, such signals have become so specialized and exaggerated in form or function that they expressly facilitate a certain type of communication. The visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, or other patterns by which organisms advertise their readiness to engage in reproductive activity provide examples of displays. Clearly, the kinds of displays utilized by organisms depend on the sensory receptors of the receiver. Whereas higher vertebrates tend to use visual and auditory displays, insects tend toward olfactory and tactile displays.
In animals in which the male takes on a wholly different appearance during the breeding period, natural selection has eliminated from the female’s appearance the “aggressive badges” of males that provoke fighting. It is not without significance that the appearance of the adult female in many species is much like that of the juvenile; this implies to the male a friendly, nonaggressive relationship. When one male approaches another that has intruded into the former’s territory, the outsider may either return the aggressive display or flee. Females, however, usually quietly back up slightly and then slowly move forward again. With each approach, the male’s hostility lessens toward this appeasing, increasingly familiar individual. Often, as in many birds, the females resort to displays that resemble the food-begging behaviour normally seen in the young. Males frequently respond to this display by actually regurgitating food. Male spiders of some species offer the larger and more aggressive females food as bait, and copulation occurs while the female is eating the food rather than her potential mate. Mutual feeding displays, often with nonedible items, are engaged in by a number of insects and birds. In the courtship behaviour of several birds, extremely elaborate displays are utilized to hide the bill from the potential partner, because the bills of these birds are their chief weapons. Some aspects of nest building have been incorporated into the displays of such birds as penguins. Early in the relationship between the individuals, one or both may offer the other stones that are placed in a pile. The actual nest is not constructed until much later, however.
All courtship displays resemble functional behaviours that are appropriate to friendly, bonded situations, such as those between parents and between parents and their offspring. The degree of elaborateness of the display is governed by a number of factors. One is to prevent cross-mating between different species, an occurrence that usually results in the waste of the eggs and sperm. Any specific aspect—i.e., one or more displays—used by an organism in species discrimination is called an isolating mechanism. In many species, the majority of the displays between individuals are a series of identity checks.
Another factor that has an impact upon the complexity of displays is the length of time that the pair bond will endure. Brief relationships are usually, but not always, associated with rather simple courtship activity. In a number of insects, birds, and mammals, the males display on a common courtship ground called a lek or an arena. Females visit these courtship areas, copulate, and leave. The males do not participate in any aspect of parental care; the bond lasts but a few seconds. Yet, despite the brevity of this relationship, in no other courtship system is there the development of such elaborate and almost fantastic displays in both the movements and appearances of the courting males.
Post-fertilization behaviour
Various types of behaviour ensure that a maximum number of fertilized eggs or young will survive to become reproductive adults. Clearly, the number of eggs produced and their size represents a balance achieved by natural selection. This balance conforms to some optimum compromise between producing many eggs containing little food for the development of young or fewer eggs with more provisions.
There has been considerable controversy about the factors that limit the number of offspring an organism can produce. It has been suggested that, among animals in which the offspring are dependent on the parents for varying lengths of time, clutch or litter size has been adjusted through natural selection to the maximum number of offspring that the parents, on the average, can feed. There are, on the other hand, organisms that do not practice parental care and produce millions of eggs. According to one school of thought, these species have such a high fecundity (productivity) because the eggs and larvae suffer a very high mortality rate. Hence, it is necessary for such animals to produce thousands, even millions, of eggs just to obtain a few reproductive adults. An opposing school of thought, however, says that such species have high mortality rates because of their great fecundities. By similar reasoning, low death rates would be the consequence of low fecundity.