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- bilateral nervous systems
- In nervous system: Simple bilateral systems
…grooves, auricles, the frontal organ, statocyst, and eyes. The ciliated pits and grooves contain chemical receptors, or chemoreceptors, which permit the animal to detect food. The statocyst is responsible for balance and such reactions as rising to the surface of the water or sinking. The eyes, or ocelli, may occur…
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- gravity perception
- In mechanoreception: Gravity receptors
…have the structure of a statocyst, a fluid-filled vesicle containing one or more sandy or stonelike elements (statoliths). Sensory cells in the wall of the vesicle have hairs that are in contact with the statolith, which always weighs vertically down. Hence, depending on the animal’s position, different sense cells will…
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- inner ear specialization
- In prenatal development: Ear
…as a closed sac, the otocyst. Its ventral part elongates and coils to resemble a snail’s shell, thereby forming the cochlear duct, or seat of the organ of hearing. A middle region of the otocyst becomes chambers known as the utricle and saccule, related to the sense of balance. The…
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- mechanical senses
- In senses: Mechanical senses
…organs of balance, known as statocysts, are common in invertebrates. Also in the inner ear of vertebrates are the three semicircular canals. Each consists of an almost circular tube, with a bulge at one point containing a cluster of hair cells with a gelatinous cupula attached. When the head rotates,…
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- proprioception
- In proprioception
…found in invertebrates is the statocyst, a fluid-filled chamber lined with sensitive hairs and containing one or more tiny, stonelike grains (statoliths). The statoliths may be free-moving, as in most mollusks, or loosely fixed to the sense hairs, as in some crustaceans. Statocysts are also found in many cnidarians and…
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anatomy of
- bivalves
- In bivalve: The nervous system and organs of sensation
…ganglia are a pair of statocysts, which comprise a capsule of ciliated sense cells. In the lumen is either a single statolith or numerous crystalline statoconia. Their points of contact with the surrounding cilia yield information about the animal’s orientation. Additionally, most bivalves with or without eyes have light-sensitive cells…
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- In bivalve: The nervous system and organs of sensation
- cnidarians
- In cnidarian: Nervous system and organs of sensation
Statocysts, located between the tentacles or near the tentacular base, inform the animal of its orientation with respect to gravitational forces. Light-sensitive ocelli (external patches of pigment and photoreceptor cells organized in either a flat disk or a pit) occur in some medusae of each…
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- crustaceans
- In crustacean: The nervous system
…are used in association with statocysts. Statocysts are paired organs, located at the base of the antennules in decapods or at the base of the uropods in mysids, that enable the crustacean to orient itself with respect to gravity. Each statocyst is a rounded sac containing one or more small…
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- ctenophores
- In ctenophore: Form and function.
…a conspicuous sense organ (the statocyst) at one end (aboral) of the body and a mouth at the other end (oral). The eight comb rows that extend orally from the vicinity of the statocyst serve as organs of locomotion. Each comb row is made up of a series of transverse…
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