Utilization of wood
This section discusses the products of primary mechanical processing of wood—roundwood products (e.g., poles and pilings), sawn wood (primarily lumber), veneer, plywood and laminated wood, particleboard, fibreboard, and pulp and paper. It also discusses treatments (drying and preservation) that have been devised to improve the performance of wood in use and the chemical products that are derived or extracted from wood. Some products of primary manufacture, such as poles and posts, are used directly, but many constitute intermediate materials that by further processing are turned into secondary products such as furniture, building structures and components, containers, and musical instruments.
Primary products
Roundwood products
Poles, posts, and certain mine timbers are products in round form. Poles are used in supporting telegraph and telephone lines and as pilings (foundations for wharves and buildings); posts are used in fences, highway guards, and various supports. As a rule, roundwood products are subjected to preservative treatment. The bark is removed in the forest or factory, and poles and posts are further processed by shaving to remove surface irregularities, by framing (boring holes and making necessary cuts), and by incising (punching slitlike depressions to facilitate the entrance of preservative chemicals).
Sawn wood
Lumber is the main sawn wood product. Lumber of large dimensions—more than about 10 cm (4 inches) in width and thickness—and suitable for heavy constructions is called timber. This loose term, however, is also applied to wood of a forest stand and to products of round form. Another important product made by sawing, and sometimes by hewing, is railroad ties. Although this section concentrates on lumber, production of other sawn products (such as parquet flooring) is similar in principle.
Production at the sawmill
Lumber is the product of the sawmill and ordinarily is not manufactured further than by sawing. It is produced in varying sizes, the usual approximate dimensions being 2–10 cm (about 3/4–4 inches) in thickness, 8 cm (about 3 inches) and greater in width, and 2–6 metres (about 6–20 feet) in length. The conversion of logs to lumber involves breaking them down into boards of various thicknesses, resawing, ripping (edging), and crosscutting.
The organization of production varies in its detail in different manufacturing plants but can be described in general terms. After transport from the forest, logs are stored in water, usually a pond or river, or in a ground storage yard. Each log enters the mill on a conveyor; in large operations it is mechanically debarked, and in some it is crosscut to length. Supported on a carriage, it is brought to a headsaw (the first saw), which is one of three types: band saw, frame (gang) saw, or circular saw. A band saw consists of an endless band of steel, equipped with teeth usually on one edge only, that moves around two wheels—one powered and the other free-running. Frame saws commonly consist of a reciprocating frame in which a number of saw blades are mounted parallel to each other at predetermined lateral distances. A circular saw consists of a circular blade having teeth on its periphery and mounted on a shaft. Band and frame saws have relatively thin blades and are therefore less wasteful than circular saws. Band and circular saws permit changing board thickness and turning the log after each cut; therefore, breakdown is more advantageous in terms of yield and grade. Frame saws require that logs be sorted according to diameter, because the position of the blades (and thus the thickness of the lumber) is determined accordingly. Frame saws are being largely replaced by band saws. Machines for other operations can be sited behind the headsaw in the production flow; they include resaws (band or circular saws), edgers (band or circular saws, or chippers equipped with knives), and trimmers (circular saws for transverse cutting).

Breakdown is accomplished in one or more operations. For example, a combination of circular and frame saws, or two frame saws in series, may be used. The first saw removes slabs (the outside pieces cut from a log) and, in certain cases, some boards. The piece produced is then turned 90° and introduced into the second saw, which converts it into boards (cant sawing). The second operation may be considered resawing; in general, resawing consists of either dividing thick boards into thinner ones or producing boards from slabs. Ripping, or edging, is the removal of wane (edge areas with bark or some missing wood) from the sides of boards, frequently done by passing the board through a machine that has two small circular saw blades mounted on a shaft; one blade is stationary and the other can be moved sideways to set board width. Edging can also be done by chipping in a simultaneous sawing and chipping operation, with the chips directed to pulp, fibreboard, or particleboard manufacture. (Some valuable furniture woods are not edged in the sawmill.) Finally, certain boards are crosscut with trimmers to square their ends and remove defects. Other examples of combinations of machines used for breakdown include two band saws (used as headsaw and resaw), followed by edger and trimmer, or a series of double band saws with chipping edgers. In some sawmills (and other wood-using industries) computers are employed to regulate positioning of logs and other operations.
Yield and grading
The yield of lumber in a sawmill (lumber volume compared with roundwood input) varies widely, from about 30 to 70 percent, depending on the types of machines used, the diameter of logs (the larger the diameter, the higher the yield), and the quality of wood (the more defects, the lower the yield). The rest is changed to sawdust, slabs, trimmings, or chips. Residues that cannot be turned into products (usually including bark) are burned to produce energy. It should be noted that, if the lumber is to be marketed as planed (dressed), it is sawed “oversize” in thickness to compensate for subsequent shrinkage and planing.
After production the lumber may be treated with a preservative chemical to prevent attack by fungi and insects and is measured (classified according to dimensions), graded, and piled to dry. Grading of lumber is usually visual and based on defects. The grading rules for softwood lumber differ from those for hardwoods. Softwood grading is based on the kind, number, and size of defects; it does not take into account the further processing of the wood into final products. Most structural lumber is graded this way. Hardwood grading is based on the proportion of a board that is usable in smaller clear pieces (“units”) and requires only that one surface be clear. Such grading is made on the assumption that the lumber will be cut into smaller pieces for the manufacture of furniture or parts of other woodwork. (The relationship of wood’s strength to grading is discussed in the section Mechanical properties.)
Veneer is a thin sheet of wood of uniform thickness—commonly 0.5–1.0 mm (about 0.02–0.04 inch) and sometimes as much as 10 mm (about 0.4 inch). According to the method of production, it is classified as rotary-cut (cut on a lathe by rotating a log against a knife blade in a peeling operation), sliced (cut with a knife blade sheet by sheet from a log section, or flitch), or sawn (produced with a special tapered saw). More than 90 percent of all veneer is rotary-cut, but figured woods producing veneer for furniture and other decorative purposes are sliced. Sawn veneer is seldom produced, because it is a wasteful operation.
Logs of harder species of wood, intended for rotary-cut or sliced veneer, are first softened by submersion in hot water or treatment with steam. After production, the veneer is passed through specialized dryers, usually prefabricated metallic chambers where temperature, air circulation, and speed of transport are controlled. Rotary-cut veneer is “clipped,” either before drying or afterward (when the continuous sheet goes directly to a dryer), by a guillotine-type knife to remove defects and produce individual sheets of acceptable size for the intended use. In some modern factories all operations, from handling the logs (bolts) to cutting, clipping, and drying, are automated by use of computers.
Veneers are used primarily for plywood and furniture, but they are also used in toys, various containers, matches, battery separations, and other products. The yield of veneer can be less than 50 percent of the original roundwood volume, but veneer sheets, especially decorative ones, are much more valuable than lumber.