- Also called:
- building construction
- Related Topics:
- masonry
- carpentry
- scaffold
- rammed earth
- shoring
Electrical systems in these buildings begin at a step-down transformer provided by the utility company and located within or very close to the building. The transformer reduces the standard line potential to two dual voltage systems, which then pass through master switches and electric meters to record the subscriber’s usage. Each of the voltages provided serves a separate category of use; different levels are required for incandescent lights and small appliances, large appliances, ceiling-mounted non-incandescent lighting, and heavy machinery. Each voltage pair has a separate distribution system of wiring leading from the meters and master switches to circuit breaker panels, where it is further broken down into circuits similar to residential uses. Because high-voltage wiring is considered hazardous, the switches controlling overhead lighting use lower voltages, and each heavy machine has its own fused switch. From the circuit breaker panel, low-voltage power conduit and wiring is typically distributed through partitions and ceiling sandwich spaces, but, in large open areas of commercial buildings, there may be wireways embedded in the floor slab. These wireways can be either rectangular metal tubes inserted into the concrete slab before pouring or closed cells of formed steel deck; the wireways are tapped where desired to provide convenience outlets at floor level.
Lighting in these buildings is predominantly fluorescent. Lamps range in size and wattage, and the available colors can range from warm white to cool white. Incandescent tungsten-filament lamps are used mostly for accent lighting, since their light-output efficiency is low. Mercury-vapor and metal halide-vapor lamps have the same efficiency as fluorescent lamps, but certain types may have longer operating lives. High-pressure sodium-vapor lamps have even higher efficiencies and are used in industrial applications; their marked orange color and high intensity has limited their commercial and institutional use, however. Each of these types of lamp is used in a variety of fixtures to produce different lighting conditions. Incandescent lamps can be placed in translucent glass globes for diffuse effects, or in recessed ceiling-mounted fixtures with various types of reflectors to evenly light walls or floors. Fluorescent lamps are typically installed in recessed rectangular fixtures with clear prismatic lenses, but there are many other fixture types, including indirect cove lights and luminous ceilings with lamps placed above suspended plastic or metal eggcrate diffuser grids. Mercury-vapor and high-pressure sodium-vapor lamps are placed in simple reflectors in high-ceilinged industrial spaces, in pole-mounted light fixtures for outdoor applications on parking lots and roadways, and in indirect up-lighting fixtures for commercial applications.
Mathematical models can accurately predict the performance of lighting in most applications. The zonal cavity method, which takes into account the lamps, fixtures, shape of room, and colors of room surfaces, is one example. The usual measure of light intensity is in footcandles on a horizontal surface, such as the floor of a room or a desk. The intensity ranges from 15 footcandles for a minimum ambient light level to 70 footcandles for an office or classroom and 100–200 footcandles for very precise visual tasks such as drafting; direct sunlight at noon, by comparison, is about 1,000 footcandles. In most of these buildings, the required lighting level is achieved with fixtures mounted at ceiling level; having all lighting at ceiling level allows flexibility in using building spaces. But the intensity of light varies inversely with the square of the distance from the source; thus, if a light fixture gives an intensity of 40 footcandles at a distance of one meter, it will produce an intensity of 10 footcandles at two meters. Therefore, considerable energy savings can be realized by having a minimal ambient light level (say 15 footcandles) produced by ceiling-mounted fixtures and providing task lighting close to work surfaces where higher intensities are needed. Daylighting from windows and skylights is also utilized in these buildings, and mathematical models have been developed that accurately predict its performance.
Communications systems are of growing significance and complexity in commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings. Thus communications wires for telephones, public-address systems, and computer data are free to take many paths through the building, including vertical risers, ceiling sandwich spaces, and wireways in floor slabs similar to those of electrical power wires. Where the density of wires rises to very high levels—for example, in computer rooms or where many small computer terminals are installed—raised floor systems are used. Removable floor panels are mounted on tubular metal frameworks resting on the structural floor slab, creating a plenum space to carry the necessary wiring.
A number of building systems are controlled by computers or microprocessors. In certain atmosphere systems both the interior sensors (such as thermostats) and the exterior weather sensors feed data to a computer that adjusts the system for minimal energy expenditure. Other examples include security, fire, and emergency alarm systems.