- Also called:
- building construction
- Related Topics:
- masonry
- carpentry
- scaffold
- rammed earth
- shoring
Concrete was also applied to long-span buildings, an early example being the Centennial Hall (1913) at Breslau, Germany (now Wrocław, Poland), by the architect Max Berg and the engineers Dyckerhoff & Widmann; its ribbed dome spanned 65 meters (216 feet), exceeding the span of the Pantheon. More spectacular were the great airship hangars at Orly constructed by the French engineer Eugène Freyssinet in 1916; they were made with 9-centimeter- (3.5-inch-) thick corrugated parabolic vaults spanning 80 meters (266 feet) and pierced by windows. In the 1920s Freyssinet made a major contribution to concrete technology with the introduction of pretensioning. In this process, the reinforcing wires were stretched in tension, and the concrete was poured around them; when the concrete hardened, the wires were released, and the member acquired an upward deflection and was entirely in compression. When the service load was applied, the member deflected downward to a flat position, remaining entirely in compression, and it did not develop the tension cracks that plague ordinary reinforced concrete. Widespread application of pretensioning was not made until after 1945.
Shell construction in concrete also began in the 1920s; the first example was a very thin (6 centimeters) hemispherical shell for a planetarium (1924) in Jena, Germany, spanning 25 meters (82 feet). In 1927 an octagonal ribbed shell dome with a span of 66 meters (220 feet) was built to house a market hall in Leipzig. Many variations of thin shells were devised for use in industrial buildings. The shell emerged as a major form of long-span concrete structure after World War II.
Development of building service and support systems
Vertical transportation
Elisha Graves Otis developed the first safe steam-powered roped elevators with toothed guide rails and catches in the late 1850s. The steam-powered hydraulic elevator, which was limited to buildings of about 15 stories, was developed in 1867 by the French engineer Léon Édoux. The development of the electric motor by George Westinghouse in 1887 made possible the invention of the high-speed electric-powered roped elevator (called “lightning” elevators in comparison to the slower hydraulics) in 1889 and the electric-powered moving staircase, or escalator, in the 1890s.
In the second industrial age, environmental technologies developed rapidly. Most of these technologies involved the use of electric power, which declined in cost during this period. The carbon-arc electric light was demonstrated as early as 1808, and the British physicist Michael Faraday devised the first steam-powered electric generator to operate a large carbon-arc lamp for the South Foreland Lighthouse in 1858. But the carbon-arc lamp was so bright and required so much power that it was never widely used and was rapidly superseded by the simultaneous invention of the carbon-filament bulb by Thomas Edison and Joseph Swan in 1879. The carbon-filament bulb was highly inefficient, but it banished the soot and fire hazards of coal-gas jets and soon gained wide acceptance. It was succeeded by the more efficient tungsten-filament incandescent bulb, developed by George Coolidge of the General Electric Company, which first appeared in 1908; the double-coiled filament used today was introduced about 1930.
Edison experimented with gas-discharge light tubes in 1896, and Georges Claude in France and Moore in England produced the first practical discharge tubes using noble gases such as neon and argon; these tubes were first used to outline the facade of the West End Cinema in London in 1913 and were rapidly exploited for signs and other decorative purposes. In 1938 General Electric and Westinghouse produced the first commercial fluorescent discharge lamps using mercury vapor and phosphor-coated tubes to enhance visible light output. Fluorescent tubes had roughly double the efficiency of tungsten lamps and were rapidly adopted for commercial and office use. Light intensity increased in all buildings as electric costs decreased, reaching a peak in about 1970. Gaseous-discharge lamps using high-pressure mercury and sodium vapor were developed in the 1960s but found only limited application in buildings; they are of such high intensity and marked color that they are used mostly in high-ceilinged spaces and for exterior lighting.
Heating and cooling systems
Steam and hot-water heating systems of the late 19th century provided a reasonable means for winter heating, but no practical methods existed for artificial cooling, ventilating, or humidity control. In the forced-air system of heating, air replaced steam or water as the fluid medium of heat transfer, but this was dependent on the development of powered fans to move the air. Although large, crude fans for industrial applications in the ventilation of ships and mines had appeared by the 1860s, and the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore had a successful steam-powered forced-air system installed in 1873, the widespread application of this system to buildings only followed the development of electric-powered fans in the 1890s.
Important innovations in cooling technology followed. The development of refrigeration machines for food storage played a role, but the key element was Willis Carrier’s 1906 patent that solved the problem of humidity removal by condensing the water vapor on droplets of cold water sprayed into an airstream. Starting with humidity control in tobacco and textile factories, Carrier slowly developed his system of “man-made weather,” finally applying it together with heating, cooling, and control devices as a complete system in Grauman’s Metropolitan Theatre, Los Angeles, in 1922. The first office building air-conditioned by Carrier was the 21-story Milam Building (1928) in San Antonio, Texas. It had a central refrigeration plant in the basement that supplied cold water to small air-handling units on every other floor; these supplied conditioned air to each office space through ducts in the ceiling; the air was returned through grills in doors to the corridors and then back to the air-handling units. A somewhat different system was adopted by Carrier for the 32-story Philadelphia Savings Fund Society Building (1932). The central air-handling units were placed with the refrigeration plant on the 20th floor, and conditioned air was distributed through vertical ducts to the occupied floors and horizontally to each room and returned through the corridors to vertical exhaust ducts that carried it back to the central plant. Both systems of air handling, local and central, are still used in high-rise buildings. The Great Depression and World War II reduced the demand for air-conditioning systems, and it was not until the building of the United Nations Secretariat in New York City in 1949 that Carrier produced a method of air conditioning that could deal effectively with the large heat loads imposed by the building’s all-glass curtain walls. The conditioned air was delivered not only from the ceiling but also through pipe coil convector units just inside the glass wall. The pipe coil convectors contained centrally supplied warm or cold water to further temper the heat loss or gain at the perimeter; conditioned air and water were centrally supplied from four mechanical floors spaced within the building’s 39-story height.
Carrier’s “Weathermaster” system was energy-intensive, appropriate to the declining energy costs of the time, and it was adopted for most of the all-glass skyscrapers that followed in the next 25 years. In the 1960s the so-called dual-duct system appeared; both warm and cold air were centrally supplied to every part of the building and combined in mixing boxes to provide the appropriate atmosphere. The dual-duct system also consumed much energy, and, when energy prices began to rise in the 1970s, both it and the Weathermaster system were supplanted by the variable air volume (VAV) system, which supplies conditioned air at a single temperature, the volume varying according to the heat loss or gain in the occupied spaces. The VAV system requires much less energy and is widely used.
In the early 1950s, air-conditioning systems were reduced to very small electric-powered units capable of cooling single rooms. These were usually mounted in windows to take in fresh air and to remove heat to the atmosphere. These units found widespread application in the retrofitting of existing buildings—particularly houses and apartment buildings—and have since found considerable application in new residential buildings.
The relatively high energy costs of the 1970s also prompted interest in various forms of solar heating, both for interior spaces and for domestic hot water, but, except for residential passive solar heating, the relative decline in energy prices in the 1980s made such systems unattractive.
The study of thermodynamics in the late 19th century included the heat-transfer properties of materials and led to the concept of thermal insulation—that is, a material that has a relatively low rate of heat transfer. As building atmospheres became more carefully controlled after 1900, more attention was given to the thermal insulation of building enclosures (envelopes). One of the best insulators is air, and materials that trap air in small units have low heat-transfer rates; wool and foam are excellent examples. The first commercial insulations, in the 1920s, were mineral wools and vegetable-fiberboards; fiberglass wool appeared in 1938. Foam glass, the first rigid insulating foam, was marketed in the 1930s, and after 1945 a wide variety of plastic foam insulations was developed. Since the 1970s most building codes have set minimum requirements for insulation of building envelopes, and these have proved to be very cost-effective in saving energy.
Glass as a building material
Glass underwent considerable development in the second industrial age. The making of clear plate glass was perfected in the late 19th century, as were techniques of sandblasting and etching it. In the United States in 1905 the Libbey Owens Glass Company began making sheet glass by a continuous drawing process from a reservoir of molten glass; its surface was somewhat distorted, but it was much cheaper than plate glass. Prefabricated panels of double glazing about 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) thick were first made in the 1940s, although the insulating principle of air trapped between two layers of glass had been recognized much earlier. Hollow glass blocks were introduced by the Corning Company in 1935. In 1952 the Pilkington Brothers in England developed the float glass process, in which a continuous 3.4-meter- (11-foot-) wide ribbon of glass floated over molten tin and both sides were fire finished, avoiding all polishing and grinding; this became the standard method of production. Pilkington also pioneered the development of structural glass mullions in the 1960s. In the 1950s the rise of air conditioning led to the marketing of tinted glass that would absorb and reduce solar gain, and in the 1960s reflective glass with thin metallic coatings applied by the vacuum plating process was introduced, also to reduce solar gain. Heat-mirror glass, which has a transparent coating that admits the short-wavelength radiation from the sun but tends to reflect the longer-wavelength radiation from within occupied spaces, was introduced in 1984; when combined with double glazing, its insulating value approaches that of a wall.