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- Thompson Rivers University - Environmental Geology - Mining and Ore Processing (Feb. 20, 2025)
When any ore body lies a considerable distance below the surface, the amount of waste that has to be removed in order to uncover the ore through surface mining becomes prohibitive, and underground techniques must be considered. Counting against underground mining are the costs, which, for each ton of material mined, are much higher underground than on the surface. There are a number of reasons for this, not the least of which is that the size of underground mining equipment—because of ground conditions, ore body geometry, and other factors—is much smaller than in the open pit. Also, access is much more limited. All of this means that productivity, as measured in tons produced per worker per shift, can be 5 to 50 times lower, depending on the mining technique, than on the surface. Balanced against this is the fact that underground only ore is mined, whereas in the open pit there are often several tons of waste stripped for each ton of ore.
Once a decision has been made to go underground, the specific mining method selected depends on the size, shape, and orientation of the ore body, the grade of mineralization, the strength of the rock materials, and the depths involved. For example, if the ore is very high grade or carries a high price, then a higher cost method can be used. In order to minimize the mixing of ore and waste, highly selective extraction methods are available, but if ore and waste can be separated easily later (for example, by using magnets in the case of magnetite), then a less-selective bulk mining method may be chosen.
The orientation, specifically the dip, of the ore body is particularly important in method selection. If the dip is greater than about 50°, then systems using gravity to move the ore can be considered. If the dip is less than about 25°, then systems using rubber-tired equipment for ore transport can be considered. For ore bodies having dips in between these, special designs are required.
The openings made in the process of extracting ore are called stopes or rooms. There are two steps involved in stoping. The first is development—that is, preparing the ore blocks for mining—and the second is production, or stoping, itself. Ore development is generally much more expensive on a per-ton basis than stoping, so that every effort is made to maximize the amount of stoping for a given amount of development. For steeply dipping ore bodies, such as the one illustrated in the , this means having as large a distance as possible between production levels. The resulting larger openings would offer an opportunity to use larger, more productive equipment, and fewer machines and workplaces would be needed to achieve a given production level.
In stoping, the geometry—that is, the size and shape—of the ore body imposes one constraint on the size of openings that can be constructed, and the strength of the ore and wall rocks imposes another. Most rock materials are inherently much stronger than the concrete used in the construction of highways, bridges, and buildings, but they also contain structural defects of various types, and it is these defects that determine the strength of the rock structure. If the defects are very close together, filled with crushed materials, and unfavourably oriented, then the underground openings must be kept small.
As one goes deeper into the Earth, the thickness and, consequently, weight of the overlying rock increase. Pressure from the sides also increases with depth; the amount of this pressure depends on the rock type and the geologic situation, but it can range from about one-third of the vertical pressure to as high as three times the vertical. In the world’s deepest mines, which are more than 4 km (2.5 miles) below the surface, pressure becomes so intense that the rock literally explodes. These rock bursts are major limitations to mining at depth. A specialized field of engineering known as rock mechanics deals with the interaction between rock mass and mine openings.
Mine development
Prior to the production of ore, a certain capital investment in mine development work is required. In open-pit mines this consists of building access roads and stripping the overlying waste material in order to expose the ore and establish the initial bench geometries. For an underground mine the development stage is considerably more complicated. Some of the development components of an underground mine are illustrated in the
.Vertical openings: shafts and raises
The principal means of access to an underground ore body is a vertical opening called a shaft. The shaft is excavated, or sunk, from the surface downward to a depth somewhat below the deepest planned mining horizon. At regular intervals along the shaft, horizontal openings called drifts are driven toward the ore body. Each of these major working horizons is called a level. The shaft is equipped with elevators (called cages) by which workers, machines, and material enter the mine. Ore is transported to the surface in special conveyances called skips.
Shafts generally have compartments in which the media lines (e.g., compressed air, electric power, or water) are contained. They also serve as one component in the overall system of ventilating the mine. Fresh air may enter the mine through the production shaft and leave through another shaft, or vice versa.
Another way of gaining access to the underground is through a ramp—that is, a tunnel driven downward from the surface. Internal ramps going from one level to another are also quite common. If the topography is mountainous, it may be possible to reach the ore body by driving horizontal or near-horizontal openings from the side of the mountain; in metal mining these openings are called adits.
Ore that is mined on the different levels is dumped into vertical or near-vertical openings called ore passes, through which it falls by gravity to the lowest level in the mine. There it is crushed, stored in an ore bin, and charged into skips at a skip-filling station. In the head frame on the surface, the skips dump their loads and then return to repeat the cycle. Some common alternative techniques for ore transport are conveyor belts and truck haulage. Vertical or near-vertical openings are also sometimes driven for the transport of waste rock, although most mines try to leave waste rock underground.
Vertical or subvertical connections between levels generally are driven from a lower level upward through a process called raising. Raises with diameters of 2 to 5 metres (7 to 16 feet) and lengths up to several hundred metres are often drilled by powerful raise-boring machines. The openings so created may be used as ore passes, waste passes, or ventilation openings. An underground vertical opening driven from an upper level downward is called a winze; this is an internal shaft.