Ventilation and lighting
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- Thompson Rivers University - Environmental Geology - Mining and Ore Processing (Feb. 20, 2025)
Ventilation is an important consideration in underground mining. In addition to the obvious requirement of providing fresh air for those working underground, there are other demands. For example, diesel-powered equipment is important in many mining systems, and fresh air is required both for combustion and to dilute exhaust contaminants. In addition, when explosives are used to break hard rock, ventilation air carries away and dilutes the gases produced.
Special fans, controls, and openings are used to direct fresh air to the working places and spent or contaminated air out of the mine. In very cold climates incoming ventilation air must first be warmed by gas- or oil-fired heaters. On the other hand, in very deep mines, because of high rock temperatures, the air must be cooled by elaborate refrigeration systems. This makes the energy costs associated with ventilation systems very high, which in turn has created a trend toward sealing unused sections of the mine and changing from diesel to electric machines.
Properly lighted working places are very important for both safety and productivity. Each underground miner is equipped with a hard-hat-mounted lamp with the battery worn on the belt. In some mines this is the primary source of lighting under which the various jobs are done. In others, however, many jobs have been taken over by machinery equipped with high-powered lights that fully illuminate the working areas.
Fixed lighting is installed along travel ways and at shaft stations, dumping points, and other important locations.
Water control
The amount of water encountered in underground mining operations varies greatly, depending on the type of deposit and the geologic setting. Some mines must be prepared only to reuse the water introduced in such operations as drilling; others must contend with large inflows from the surrounding rock. In extreme cases special water doors and underground chambers must be constructed in order to control sudden large inflows. Typically, mine water flows or is pumped to a central collection point called a settling basin, or sump. From there it is pumped through pipes located in the shaft to the surface for treatment and disposal.
Mining flat-lying deposits
Many of the ore deposits mined today had their origins in an ocean, lake, or swamp environment, and, although they may have been pressed, compacted, and perhaps somewhat distorted over time, they still retain the basic horizontal orientation in which the minerals were originally deposited. Such deposits are mined by means of either of two basic techniques, longwall or room-and-pillar, depending on the thickness, uniformity, and depth of the seam, the strength of the overlying layers, and whether surface disturbance is permitted.
Room-and-pillar mining
The most common mining system is room-and-pillar. In this system a series of parallel drifts are driven, with connections made between these drifts at regular intervals. When the distance between connecting drifts is the same as that between the parallel drifts, then a checkerboard pattern of rooms and pillars is created, as shown in the
. The pillars of ore are left to support the overlying rock, but in some mines, after mining has reached the deposit’s boundary, some or all of the pillars may be removed.Longwall mining
In the longwall system the ore body is divided into rectangular panels or blocks. In each panel two or more parallel drifts (for ventilation and ore transport) are driven along the opposite long sides to provide access, and at the end of the panel a single crosscut drift is driven to connect the two sides. In the crosscut drift, which is the “longwall,” movable hydraulic supports are installed to provide a safe canopy under which the seam can be mined. A cutting machine moves back and forth under this protective canopy, cutting the mineral from the longwall face, and an armoured conveyor carries the mineral to the access drifts, where it is transferred onto other conveyor belts and out of the panel. As the mineral is removed, the supports are moved up, allowing the overlying layers of rock to cave in back of the canopy.
The process as described above is for softer rocks—such as trona, salt, potash, mineral-bearing shale, and coal—which can be cut by machine. (Longwall mining of coal is discussed in greater detail in coal mining: Underground mining.) In hard rocks, such as the gold- and platinum-bearing reefs of South Africa, the same basic pattern is followed, but in these cases the seam is removed by drilling and blasting, and the ore is scraped along the face to a collection point. Roof support is provided by hydraulic props, wooden packs, and rock or sand fill.
Mining steeply dipping deposits
Many vein-type deposits are not flat-lying but, because of the way they were emplaced or distortions that have taken place, are found in various vertical or near-vertical orientations. Often there are sharp boundaries between ore and gangue—as will be assumed in this discussion.