A Tale of Poor Lovers
work by Pratolini
Also known as: “Cronache di poveri amanti”
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discussed in biography
- In Vasco Pratolini
Cronache di poveri amanti (1947; A Tale of Poor Lovers), which has been called one of the finest works of Italian Neorealism, became an immediate best-seller and won two international literary prizes. The novel gives a panoramic view of the Florentine poor at the time of the Fascist triumph in…
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Neorealist movement
- In Neorealism: Literature.
…Cronache di poveri amanti (1947; A Tale of Poor Lovers, 1949). Curzio Malaparte, who had repudiated his earlier Fascist loyalties, produced two powerful novels about the war, Kaputt (1944; Eng. trans., 1946) and La pelle (1949; The Skin, 1952). Elio Vittorini wrote openly about his Resistance experiences in Uomini e…
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