- Also called:
- thirteen colonies or colonial America
- Date:
- May 14, 1607 - September 3, 1783
- Related Places:
- United States
- New York
- British Empire
- Massachusetts
- New Jersey
- On the Web:
- National Army Museum - American War of Independence: Outbreak (Feb. 07, 2025)
In London the news that the colonists had again defied Parliament and had also destroyed British property was exasperating. The North ministry undertook to punish Boston, a centre of American recalcitrance, and to buttress British authority in Massachusetts. Finding no way to proceed against the disguised participants in the Tea Party, the king’s advisers hit upon the device of inflicting a penalty upon a city for the behaviour of its citizens. The result was the Boston Port Bill, which closed the harbour of that city after June 1, 1774, until it displayed proper respect for British authority. Toward bringing Massachusetts to heel, the ministry later pushed through the Massachusetts Government Act, which would have made Massachusetts a standard royal province and which violated its charter of 1691.
Other acts, in order to provide for troops who were to be sent into the colony to maintain order, contained new arrangements for quartering and made possible a change of venue to another colony or to Britain for a soldier or a British official indicted for crime while executing the major measures. General Gage was appointed governor of the colony, instructed to put the punitive laws into effect, and authorized to station troops in Boston to cow its inhabitants. The other colonies were to take warning from these measures, variously called by Americans the Coercive Acts or Intolerable Acts.
The Quebec Act, passed at the same time, was not actually related to the other acts, but it was lumped together with them by the colonists. It alarmed the colonists because it established an authoritarian government for Quebec and confirmed the privileges of the Roman Catholic Church. It also extended Quebec’s boundaries down to the Ohio River.
Boston refused to pay for its Tea Party, and Massachusetts rose in revolt. Its lower house, also refusing to pay for the Tea Party, issued a call for a Continental Congress. When Gage tried to organize a new royal council, in the summer of 1774, its members outside Boston were forced to resign. Some were imprisoned. Royal authority collapsed, except in the city and its vicinity, where Gage prepared for armed conflict. By the beginning of September, the men of Massachusetts were obviously ready to fight rather than yield. Gage had already begun to fortify Boston against possible attack, but he was not strong enough to move against the colonists. He continued to bring in soldiers until he had gathered the bulk of his army in Boston.
Meanwhile, the Massachusetts lower house also prepared for war. In October 1774 it took control of the province outside Boston. Assuming the guise of a provincial congress, it became in effect a revolutionary government. Writing to his superiors in London, Gage told them that if they chose to use the army to break down resistance, they should send many reinforcements, for all of New England would fight, and fight well. Besides, he said, it was quite possible that the other colonists would help the New Englanders. Alternatively, he proposed that Britain subdue the rebellious spirit in the colonies by imposing a naval blockade. A third solution, which he did not endorse, was to make concessions, as had been done in 1766 and 1770. He made it clear that Britain must make a great decision.
The reports that reached London from the other colonies in the fall of 1774 and the following winter were not much more encouraging. As the danger of war approached, many colonists chose to align themselves with Britain, joining the relatively few who had earlier supported the mother country. But these loyalists, as they were called, were in the minority and were quite unable to check the patriots, as those who opposed British policy were called. Following the example of Massachusetts, the patriots everywhere began to turn the lower houses of their legislatures into revolutionary bodies; they organized committees of safety; they dealt harshly with aggressive loyalists; they sent protests to London; and they elected delegates to the First Continental Congress, which met at Philadelphia in the fall of 1774.