Social organization
- Key People:
- James Logan
Northeastern cultures used two approaches to social organization. One was based on linguistic and cultural affiliation and comprised tribes made up of bands (for predominantly mobile groups) or villages (for more sedentary peoples). The other was based on kinship and included nuclear families, clans, and groups of clans called moieties or phratries. These two organizational structures often intersected at the lowest levels; one’s nuclear family, for instance, was generally part of one’s village. However, kin connections often smoothed social interaction at the tribal and intertribal levels (see below Kinship and family life).
A band or village was a loosely organized collection of people who occupied a particular locale and who recognized a common identity; bands tended to be smaller and to live in the resource-enriched parts of the region, while villages tended to be larger and more dependent upon agricultural produce. Each typically had a unique name for itself; a number of what were originally band or village appellations are now thought of as tribal names. In some cases, Europeans conflated the identities of a people, their geographic locale, and their leader, as with the people of the Powhatan confederacy, the village known as Powhatan, and the leader Powhatan. Several bands or villages comprised a tribe, which was also loosely organized and which in many parts of the area was not so much a political or decision-making unit as a group of people who spoke a common language and had similar customs.
Although chieftainships often were inherited, personal ability was the basis for the influence that was exercised by a chief, or sachem. Leaders of various levels gathered frequently for councils, which might include 50 or more individuals. Such gatherings normally opened with prayers and an offering of tobacco to the divine, followed by the smoking of a sacred pipe, or calumet. West and south of the Great Lakes, this practice was elaborated into the calumet ceremony, and it is from this custom that phrases such as “sharing the peace pipe” are derived.
Persuasion was an important skill for leaders because most communities used a consensus model for decision making; issues were discussed until there was broad agreement on a course of action. Any dissidents would either leave the group or continue to express their opposition until a change was made; in either case, the effectiveness of the community would be weakened. As a result, oratory was highly valued and developed into a fine art; even in English translations, the power of Northeast Indian oratory is evident. Speech making served as a means of ascertaining the diversity of opinion within the group and the manner in which consensus could be reached, for commonly each speaker summarized the opinions previously expressed before offering his own.
Kinship and family life
Clans were perhaps the most important and stable social group in the Northeast. They served to divide the community into smaller cooperating units and to create a means for uniting people from different villages or bands. Members of a clan had certain obligations toward one another, such as providing hospitality to visitors of the same clan, regardless of tribal or community affiliations.

Clan names often referred to an animal. The Seneca clans, for example, were called Turtle, Bear, Beaver, Wolf, Snipe, Hawk, Deer, and Heron. The animal, or totem, had a special relationship to the members of its clan; indeed, the word totem was adopted into English from an Ojibwa word denoting the close and mutually protective relationship one has with a sister or brother. Members of a clan considered themselves to be related whether or not a definitive genetic relationship could be traced. Because they represented groups of kin, clans were exogamous, or out-marrying, throughout the Northeast. Ideal marriage partners were often drawn from a specific clan that was seen as the complement of one’s own. Some tribes also grouped clans into larger units called moieties (when the clans were evenly distributed) or phratries (when the clans were unevenly distributed); these larger groups had reciprocal obligations. Among many Iroquoians, for example, an important moiety responsibility was to bury the dead of the opposite group.
Among the Iroquoians and the Delaware, clans were matrilineal (sibs); a child was automatically a member of the mother’s clan. Patrilineal clans (gentes) were found among the Ho-Chunk and many other upper Great Lakes Algonquian tribes; a child in these tribes was a member of the father’s clan.
Thus, an Iroquois child whose father belonged to the Wolf clan and whose mother belonged to the Turtle clan was a member of the Turtle clan. Further, the child could not marry (without being accused of committing incest) any other members of the Turtle clan. Membership in a clan was for life; it did not change upon marriage. Because clan affiliation was so important in structuring community life, those who were born outside the system and were later adopted into a tribe were also adopted into a clan of that tribe.
Clan membership was an important stabilizing device within native societies, as divorce and deaths from battle, childbirth, accident, and illness could change one’s fortunes quite precipitously. A clan was responsible for the well-being of its members and ensured that those least able to provide for themselves—an orphaned child, an elder whose children had died or been killed, a widow or widower with several young children—were cared for. In longhouse societies, the very large houses, each of which was essentially a subset of a specific clan, would often bear these responsibilities.
Each clan owned a number of names, and a newborn child was given a name that was not currently in use; a name would fall out of use when its owner died or took a new name because of a life-changing event. Certain names carried special responsibilities, such as those belonging to the chiefs of the Iroquois Confederacy. When one of those leaders died, the women of his clan decided on a successor who was a member of the same clan. If the successor was approved by the other chiefs, he was given the name of the deceased chief in a condolence ceremony that “raised up” and resuscitated the decedent by giving his name to the successor.
Animism pervaded many aspects of life for the Northeastern tribes, although it was expressed in a wide variety of ways. Among many upper Great Lakes tribes, each clan owned a bundle of sacred objects. In aggregate the objects in the bundle were seen as spirit beings that were in some sense alive; the clan was responsible for performing the rituals that insured those beings’ health and beneficence. The Iroquois had no comparable clan ceremonies; rather, a significant part of their ritual life centred on ceremonies in recognition of foods as they matured. These rituals included festivals celebrating the maple, strawberry, bean, and green corn harvests, as well as a midwinter ceremony.
Medicine societies, so termed because one of their important functions was curing and because their membership consisted of individuals who had undergone such cures, were also important. Typically their practices combined the use of medicinal plants with what would now be considered psychiatric care or psychological support. The most famous medicine society among the upper Great Lakes Algonquians was the Midewiwin, or Grand Medicine Society, whose elaborate annual or semiannual meetings included the performance of various magical feats. Of the various Iroquois medicine societies, the False Face Society is perhaps best known. The wooden masks worn by members of this society during their rituals were carved from living trees; the masks were believed to be powerful living entities capable of curing the sick when properly cared for or of causing great harm when treated disrespectfully. False Face masks were once commonly found exhibited in museums and pictured in books on Native American art; by the early 21st century, however, many tribes preferred to remove their masks from the public eye as a mark of respect for the sacred.
Not all curing was performed by members of medicine societies. Certain individuals—often termed medicine men, shamans, or powwows (a term that has changed meaning over time)—had the power to cure, a power that was often indicated in a vision or dream (see shamanism; powwow). Dreams were especially important, because they indicated not only the causes of illness and an individual’s power to cure but also the means of maintaining good fortune in various aspects of life. So much attention was paid to dreams that among some peoples a mother asked her children each morning if they had dreamed in order to teach them to cultivate and attend to these experiences. Dreams could also influence the decisions of councils. Although boys might undertake a vision quest (particularly around the time of puberty), this was not as important in the Northeast as it was among the Plains Indians.
The reliance on dreams should not be interpreted as an indication that these people lived in a fantasy world. Because their cultures placed great emphasis on self-reliance and individual competence, attention to the content of dreams provided a means of understanding oneself and of bringing to consciousness knowledge stored in the unconscious, including knowledge as to where one’s greatest abilities lay; dreams and visions might indicate whether one had special ability in warfare, hunting, and other such activities.