- Related Topics:
- bread
- brioche à tête
- brioche Nanterre
- French cuisine
brioche, soft cakelike French bread that is slightly sweet and has a high butter-to-flour ratio.
Brioche had arrived in Paris by the 17th century, and the word brioche has been in use since at least the 15th century. Marie-Antoinette, the doomed wife of King Louis XVI, is supposed to have said with regard to the starving breadless poor, “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche,” commonly translated as “Let them eat cake,” but the phrase occurs in writings well before her time.
Brioche is a yeasted bread enriched with butter, eggs, milk, and a little sugar to create a soft crumbly texture. The butter ratio is very high—often half to three-quarters butter to flour—and the bread is usually kneaded three times, as opposed to twice as in ordinary bread making. Brioche has a tender golden crumb and a slightly sweet flavour. In France it is popularly served for breakfast or at teatime with coffee or hot chocolate.

One of the best-known varieties is the brioche à tête, which is cooked in a fluted pan with sloping sides and has a little brioche ball nestled on top. Brioche Nanterre is made up of balls of dough arranged along the bottom of a loaf pan, whereas the similar brioche Parisienne has balls of dough arranged in a circle. A specialty brioche comes from the village of Saint-Pierre-d’Albigny: flavoured with saffron or anise, it is known as the hand of St. Agatha, which refers to the severed hand of the patron saint of young mothers and wet nurses. Plain loaves and simple brioche rolls are more widely available.