Food irradiation
- Key People:
- Nicolas Appert
- Related Topics:
- smoking
- dehydration
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- thermal processing
Food irradiation involves the use of either high-speed electron beams or high-energy radiation with wavelengths smaller than 200 nanometres, or 2000 angstroms (e.g., X-rays and gamma rays). These rays contain sufficient energy to break chemical bonds and ionize molecules that lie in their path. The two most common sources of high-energy radiation used in the food industry are cobalt-60 (60Co) and cesium-137 (137Cs). For the same level of energy, gamma rays have a greater penetrating power into foods than high-speed electrons.
The unit of absorbed dose of radiation by a material is denoted as the gray (Gy), one gray being equal to the absorption of one joule of energy by one kilogram of food. The energy possessed by an electron is called an electron volt (eV). One eV is the amount of kinetic energy gained by an electron as it accelerates through an electric potential difference of one volt. It is usually more convenient to use a larger unit such as megaelectron volt (MeV), which is equal to one million electron volts.
Biological effects of irradiation
Irradiation has both direct and indirect effects on biological materials. The direct effects are due to the collision of radiation with atoms, resulting in an ejection of electrons from the atoms. The indirect effects are due to the formation of free radicals (unstable molecules carrying an extra electron) during the radiolysis (radiation-induced splitting) of water molecules. The radiolysis of water molecules produces hydroxyl radicals, highly reactive species that interact with the organic molecules present in foods. The products of these interactions cause many of the characteristics associated with the spoilage of food, such as off-flavours and off-odours.
Positive effects
The bactericidal (bacteria-killing) effect of ionizing radiation is due to damage of the biomolecules of bacterial cells. The free radicals produced during irradiation may destroy or change the structure of cellular membranes. In addition, radiation causes irreversible changes to the nucleic acid molecules (i.e., DNA and RNA) of bacterial cells, inhibiting their ability to grow. Pathogenic bacteria that are unable to produce resistant endospores in foods such as poultry, meats, and seafood can be eliminated by radiation doses of 3 to 10 kilograys. If the dose of radiation is too low, then the damaged DNA can be repaired by specialized enzymes. If oxygen is present during irradiation, the bacteria are more readily damaged. Doses in the range of 0.2 to 0.36 kilograys are required to stop the reproduction of Trichinella spiralis (the parasitic worm that causes trichinosis) in pork, although much higher doses are necessary to eliminate it from the meat.
The dose of radiation used on food products is divided into three levels. Radappertization is a dose in the range of 20 to 30 kilograys, necessary to sterilize a food product. Radurization is a dose of 1 to 10 kilograys, that, like pasteurization, is useful for targeting specific pathogens. Radicidation involves doses of less than 1 kilogray for extending shelf life and inhibiting sprouting.
Negative effects
In the absence of oxygen, radiolysis of lipids leads to cleavage of the interatomic bonds in the fat molecules, producing compounds such as carbon dioxide, alkanes, alkenes, and aldehydes. In addition, lipids are highly vulnerable to oxidation by free radicals, a process that yields peroxides, carbonyl compounds, alcohols, and lactones. The consequent rancidity, resulting from the irradiation of high-fat foods, is highly destructive to their sensory quality. To minimize such harmful effects, fatty foods must be vacuum-packaged and held at subfreezing temperatures during irradiation.
Proteins are not significantly degraded at the low doses of radiation employed in the food industry. For this reason irradiation does not inactivate enzymes involved in food spoilage, as most enzymes survive doses of up to 10 kilograys. On the other hand, the large carbohydrate molecules that provide structure to foods are depolymerized (broken down) by irradiation. This depolymerization reduces the gelling power of the long chains of structural carbohydrates. However, in most foods some protection against these deleterious effects is provided by other food constituents. Vitamins A, E, and B1 (thiamine) are also sensitive to irradiation. The nutritional losses of a food product are high if air is not excluded during irradiation.
Safety concerns
Based on the beneficial effects of irradiation on certain foods, several countries have permitted its use for specific purposes, such as the inhibition of sprouting of potatoes, onions, and garlic; the extension of shelf life of strawberries, mangoes, pears, grapes, cherries, red currants, and cod and haddock fillets; and the insect disinfestation of pulses, peanuts, dried fruits, papayas, wheat, and ground-wheat products.
The processing room used for irradiation of foods is lined with lead or thick concrete walls to prevent radiation from escaping. The energy source, such as a radioactive element or a machine source of electrons, is located inside the room. (Radioactive elements such as 60Co are contained in stainless steel tubes. Because an isotope cannot be switched on or off, when not in use it is lowered into a large reservoir of water.) Prior to the irradiation treatment, personnel vacate the room. The food to be irradiated is then conveyed by remote means into the room and exposed to the radiation source for a predetermined time. The time of exposure and the distance between the radiation source and the food material determine the irradiation treatment. After treatment, the irradiated food is conveyed out of the room, and the radioactive element is again lowered into the water reservoir.
Large-scale studies conducted around the world have concluded that irradiation does not cause harmful reactions in foods. In 1980 a joint committee of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that an overall average dose of radiation of 10 kilograys was safe for food products. The maximum energy emitted by 60Co and 137Cs is too low to induce radioactivity in food. The energy output of electron-beam generators is carefully regulated, and the recommended energy outputs are too low to cause radioactivity in foods.