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Aristotle’s successor as head of his school at Athens was Theophrastus of Eresus (c. 371–c. 286 bce). All Theophrastus’s logical writings are now lost, and much of what was said about his logical views by late ancient authors was attributed to both Theophrastus and his colleague Eudemus, so it is difficult to isolate their respective contributions.
Theophrastus is reported to have added to the first figure of the syllogism the five moods that others later classified under a fourth figure. These moods were then called indirect moods of the first figure. In order to accommodate them, he had in effect to redefine the first figure as that in which the middle is the subject in one premise and the predicate in the other, not necessarily the subject in the major premise and the predicate in the minor, as Aristotle had it.
Theophrastus’s most significant departure from Aristotle’s doctrine occurred in modal syllogistic. He abandoned Aristotle’s notion of the possible as neither necessary nor impossible and adopted Aristotle’s alternative notion of the possible as simply what is not impossible. This allowed him to effect a considerable simplification in Aristotle’s modal theory. Thus, his conversion laws for modal categoricals were exact parallels to the corresponding laws for assertoric categoricals. In particular, for Theophrastus “problematic” universal negatives (“No β is possibly an α”) can be simply converted. Aristotle had denied this.
In addition, Theophrastus adopted a rule that the conclusion of a valid modal syllogism can be no stronger than its weakest premise. (Necessity is stronger than possibility, and an assertoric claim without any modal qualification is intermediate between the two). This rule simplifies modal syllogistic and eliminates several moods that Aristotle had accepted. Yet Theophrastus himself allowed certain modal moods that, combined with the principle of indirect proof (which he likewise accepted), yield results that perhaps violate this rule.
Theophrastus also developed a theory of inferences involving premises of the form “α is universally predicated of everything of which γ is universally predicated” and of related forms. Such propositions he called prosleptic propositions, and inferences involving them were termed prosleptic syllogisms. Greek proslepsis can mean “something taken in addition,” and Theophrastus claimed that propositions like these implicitly contain a third, indefinite term, in addition to the two definite terms (“α” and “γ” in the example).

The term prosleptic proposition appears to have originated with Theophrastus, although Aristotle discussed such propositions briefly in his Prior Analytics without exploring their logic in detail. The implicit third term in a prosleptic proposition Theophrastus called the middle. After an analogy with syllogistic for categorical propositions, he distinguished three “figures” for prosleptic propositions and syllogisms, on the basis of the position of the implicit middle. The prosleptic proposition “α is universally predicated of everything that is universally predicated of γ” belongs to the first figure and can be a premise in a first-figure prosleptic syllogism. “Everything predicated universally of α is predicated universally of γ” belongs to the second figure and can be a premise in a second-figure syllogism, and so too “α is universally predicated of everything of which γ is universally predicated” for the third figure. Thus, for example, the following is a prosleptic syllogism in the third figure: “α is universally affirmed of everything of which γ is universally affirmed; γ is universally affirmed of β; therefore, α is universally affirmed of β.”
Theophrastus observed that certain prosleptic propositions are equivalent to categoricals and differ from them only “potentially” or “verbally.” Some late ancient authors claimed that this made prosleptic syllogisms superfluous. But in fact not all prosleptic propositions are equivalent to categoricals.
Theophrastus is also credited with investigations into hypothetical syllogisms. A hypothetical proposition, for Theophrastus is a proposition made up of two or more component propositions (e.g., “p or q,” or “if p then q”), and a hypothetical syllogism is an inference containing at least one hypothetical proposition as a premise. The extent of Theophrastus’s work in this area is uncertain, but it appears that he investigated a class of inferences called totally hypothetical syllogisms, in which both premises and the conclusion are conditionals. This class would include, for example, syllogisms such as “If α then β; if β than γ; therefore, if α then γ,” or “if α then β; if not α then γ, therefore, if not β then γ.” As with his prosleptic syllogisms, Theophrastus divided these totally hypothetical syllogisms into three “figures,” after an analogy with categorical syllogistic.
Theophrastus was the first person in the history of logic known to have examined the logic of propositions seriously. Still, there was no sustained investigation in this area until the period of the Stoics.