- Key People:
- James Scott Bowerbank
Distinguishing taxonomic features
The general architecture of the skeleton is used to differentiate families, the particular combinations of spicular types to define genera, and the form and dimensions of single spicule types to differentiate species. Other morphological characters include shape, colour, consistency, surface (smooth, rough, or conulose), and distribution and character of the oscula, which often shows remarkable interspecies variation. Cytological and embryological features are used as diagnostic characters in both general classification and species identification of the Demospongiae and Calcarea. Ecological and distributional characters are important in distinguishing species, particularly in groups (e.g., haliclonids) in which skeletal and embryological characters are so uniform as to be of little taxonomic value. Although biochemical criteria—for instance, amino acid composition—have been used in some cases to evaluate general phylogenetic problems and separate orders, the results do not differ substantially from those obtained with other criteria.
Michele Sarà The Editors of Encyclopaedia BritannicaAnnotated classification
The classification below, which refers to the three classes of living sponges, is adapted from that of E. Topsent as modified by C. Levi on the basis of embryological data; it is accepted by most experts in the field.
- Phylum Porifera (sponges)
- Primitive aquatic invertebrate animals; about 5,000 species in all seas; attach to surfaces from intertidal zone to depths of 8,500 m (29,000 ft) or more; propel water containing food particles through a system of canals in body (filter feeding); composed of many cell types (archaeocytes of various kinds, pinacocytes, collencytes); structure of water-current system variable (ascon, sycon, leucon); skeleton either mineral (calcium carbonate or silicic acid), spongin, sometimes lacking, or of mixed composition; skeletal units (spicules) variable in form; both sexual and asexual reproduction (gemmulation); ability to regenerate lost parts; contain many unique chemical compounds; form symbiotic relationships with many other types of organisms.
- Class Calcarea
- Skeleton of spicules of calcium carbonate; species either vase-shaped compact structures, loose networks of thin tubes, or irregular massive colonies; mostly small in size; inhabit shallow waters of all seas, from intertidal regions to depths of 200 m (660 ft); a few species to 800 m (2,600 ft); about 300 species.
- Subclass Calcinea
- Larva called parenchymella (solid, compact, with outer layer of flagellated cells, inner mass of cells); flagella of choanocytes (collar cells) arise independently of nucleus; some 3-rayed spicules in most species; water-current system ascon, sycon, or leucon type; includes pharetronid sponges with rigid skeleton of fused spicules or of a calcareous network; genera include Clathrina, Leucetta, Petrobiona (a pharetronid).
- Subclass Calcaronea
- Larva called amphiblastula (oval in shape with front half of flagellated cells, rear half without flagellated cells); flagella of choanocytes arise directly from nucleus; spicules 3-rayed, with one ray characteristically longer than other two; water-current system ascon, sycon, or leucon type; Leucosolenia, Scypha (formerly called Sycon), Grantia, Lelapia (with a rigid skeleton composed of bundles of modified rayed spicules).
- Class Hexactinellida (Hyalospongiae)
- Skeleton basically of hexactinal (6-rayed) siliceous spicules and lacking in spongin; exclusively marine, in deeper waters of all seas, depths from 25 to 8,500 m (80–29,000 ft); commonly fixed firmly to a hard surface, some species anchored in soft bottom sediments; Hexactinella, Aphrocallistes, Farrea, Dactylocalyx, Euplectella, Rhabdocalyptus; about 500 species.
- Class Demospongiae
- Skeleton of either 1- or 4-rayed siliceous spicules, spongin fibres, or both; skeleton lacking in a few primitive genera; most abundant and widely distributed group of sponges; occur from intertidal regions to depths of about 5,500 m (18,000 ft) in seas; Spongillidae the freshwater sponge family. Species vary greatly in form and size; range from thin encrustations several cm in diameter to huge cake-shaped species 2 m (6.6 ft) in diameter; many species with desmas (develop as a result of secondary deposits of silica around ordinary spicules); evolution independently among several orders of interlocking of adjacent desmas to form a stony skeleton (lithistid sponges); carnivorous forms (cladorhizid sponges) lack a water-current system. About 4,200 species.