- Key People:
- James Scott Bowerbank
Feeding and digestion
The Porifera are primarily filter feeders, utilizing food particles suspended in the water and captured by the choanocytes. Food particles consist essentially of bacteria, other microorganisms, and particles of organic debris; sponges also probably absorb dissolved organic substances. In contrast, cladorhizid sponges feed as carnivores by capturing prey with numerous hairs that cover the body. Experiments with starch grains, bacteria, and particles of carmine pigment show that the particles ingested by the choanocytes are transferred by thesocytes (specialized amoebocytes) throughout the sponge. Intracellular digestion occurs in both choanocytes and thesocytes. A large quantity of food is absorbed by a sponge, and it can use several litres of water a day. The water-current system, therefore, is efficient, in spite of the lack of a nervous coordinating centre. The water flow into and out of the sponge is maintained by continuous movement of the flagella of the choanocytes; flagellar movement pushes water into the choanocyte chambers, creating in them a pressure that extends to the excurrent canals, as water passing into the pores is drawn along the system of incurrent canals. Water flow, which is also regulated by contraction and expansion of the pores and of the oscula, is slow at the pores and faster at the oscula; as a result, water expelled with force through the oscula cannot contaminate water entering the pores. Toxic or irritating substances cause the pores to close.
Oxygen uptake and excretion
Respiratory organs are lacking in sponges; oxygen is supplied by a direct exchange between the tissues and the surrounding water. Excretion occurs through both the oscula and the surface of the sponge. Special amoebocytes disintegrate in the mesohyl, and their granules are expelled through the canals. The excretory products of the sponges—ammonia and other nitrogen-containing substances—account for their characteristic unpleasant odour. Many sponges (e.g., the tropical sponge Tedania ignis) exude large quantities of mucus, and some species produce toxic substances, which may cause inflammation and skin reactions in humans.
A sponge usually contracts if it is handled. The oscula close if the sponge is exposed to air, if oxygen is not available, if harmful chemical compounds are present, or if temperatures are extremely high or low. The lack of coordination in the oscula, pores, and choanocytes and the slow reaction of sponges to stimuli confirm the absence of a nervous system. A primitive system of coordination, probably chemical in nature, apparently exists. Contraction of myocytes occurs around the oscula and along the peripheral canals of Demospongiae. Some calcareous sponges of the ascon type reduce their volume through contraction of the superficial layer of pinacocytes.
Biochemical aspects
Sponges produce substances with antibiotic activity (e.g., ectyonin), which may function during the selection of bacteria and other microorganisms on which they feed. The Porifera contain a greater variety of fatty substances (e.g., sterols) than do other animals. Some of these sterols (e.g., clionasterol, poriferasterol) are found only in sponges; others (e.g., cholesterol) are common in other animals. Numerous carotenoid pigments occur in sponges, and melanin, chlorophyll, and phycoerythrin derived from algal symbionts and from the diet also occur. Sponges accumulate silicon, calcium, and considerable quantities of metals. The spongins are iodine or bromine-containing scleroproteins similar to the keratin found in skin, claws, hair, and feathers of other animals. The two types of spongin, known as A and B, differ in composition and structure.
Evolution and paleontology
Sponges have evolved in a way foreign to that of other animals. They probably arose from flagellated protozoans, although it is not certain which group. The choanocytes of sponges resemble the choanoflagellate protozoans. Choanoflagellate protozoan colonies, however, do not develop by way of embryological stages as do the sponges. The primitive structure of the Porifera indicates affinities with certain types of protozoan colonies; both lack integration of parts, mouths, and digestive systems, and both have a type of skeletal formation in which single elements are produced by a single cell or by a small group of cells.
The earliest evidence of these animals in the fossil record consists of traces of 24-isopropylcholestane, a chemical formed by the breakdown of lipids in sponges, that date back to the Cryogenian Period of the Proterozoic Era (about 635 million years ago). The first sponge skeletons, however, appear in rocks that date to the Ediacaran Period (630 million to 542 million years ago). Of the classes known from the Middle Cambrian Period (Hexactinellida or Hyalospongiae, Heteractinellida, and Demospongiae), the Heteractinellida are extinct; the Calcarea appear in the Carboniferous Period (about 359,000,000 to 299,000,000 years ago). Living sponges do not differ substantially from many groups in the Paleozoic Era.
Despite the mineral skeleton, the only poriferans well represented as fossils are those with a compact skeleton; e.g., pharetronids (Calcarea), lithistids (Demospongiae), and Dictyonina (Hexactinellida). The oldest sponge fossils, from the Lower Cambrian, are well represented in the Burgess Shale of the Middle Cambrian in western Canada by Protospongia, a member of the Hyalospongiae, and by Eiffelia, of the extinct Heteractinellida. They resembled a pouch and had very thin walls; their spicules were arranged in a single layer, and their water-current system was probably of an ascon type. Various genera of the order Lyssacina (Hyalospongiae) are known from the Paleozoic from spicules. In the Mesozoic Era (about 251,000,000 to 66,000,000 years ago), the Hyalospongiae gave rise to a group (order Dictyonina) with the compact skeleton commonly found in sediments. Beginning with the Late Cretaceous Period (about 100,000,000 years ago), the species of Hyalospongiae have affinities with recent ones.
Calcareous sponges appear in the Carboniferous Period (about 359,000,000 to 299,000,000 years ago). The first members of order Pharetronida from the Permian Period (about 299,000,000 to 251,000,000 years ago) had compact calcareous skeletons and spicules; because calcareous spicules are easily dissolved during fossilization, representatives of the Calcarea lack a compact skeleton and have left few traces.
Demospongiae may have followed a line of evolution originating in Tetractinellida (with four-rayed spicules) and advancing, after reduction of the tetraxon spicules into monoaxons, to Keratosa; in addition, the polyaxon microscleres (asters) evolved into specialized forms (sigmas and chelas), and spongin appeared to cement the spicules, finally developing into a skeleton formed exclusively of horny fibres. Recent opinion, however, suggests that the Demospongiae are a diphyletic class, which is separable into two large groups (Tetractinomorpha and Ceractinomorpha). The Tetractinomorpha have four-rayed megascleres, asters, and no spongin; the Ceractinomorpha have monaxon megascleres, no asters, and spongin. That these morphological differences are accompanied by important embryological differences is supported by the facts that the oldest Demospongiae, from the Cambrian, are monaxonid (with only oxeas) and that the four-rayed spicule originates later, in the Carboniferous Period. Well-represented since the Paleozoic, the Lithistida have a siliceous skeleton of netlike desmas and are considered polyphyletic; the lithistid modification of the skeleton appeared independently in different lines of the Demospongiae. Few lithistid genera are extant. Demospongiae lacking a compact skeleton are poorly represented in sediments.
The phylogenetic relationships among the classes are difficult to ascertain, although common spicular characters may be found among Calcarea, Hexactinellida, and tetractinellid Demospongiae. Noteworthy is the existence of sponges with both calcareous and siliceous elements in their skeleton; these sponges show affinities with both the pharetronid Calcarea and the Demospongiae. The extinct Archaeocyatha, with a cup-shaped body fixed on a surface and a skeleton of porous walls, were aberrant forms that lived exclusively in the Cambrian and that are generally considered as a separate phylum, even though they do show some affinities with the Calcarea.