- Key People:
- James Scott Bowerbank
Life cycle
Most sponges reproduce sexually, although asexual reproduction may also occur. Sponges are generally hermaphroditic (that is, having male and female germ cells in one animal); however, some sponge species are sequential hermaphrodites (that is, having male and female germ cells that develop at different times in the same animal).
Sexual reproduction
The fertilization of an egg by a spermatozoan is peculiar in sponges in that a spermatozoan, after its release from a sponge, is carried by the water current until it is captured by a specialized flagellated cell called a choanocyte, or collar cell, in another sponge. The choanocyte then transforms into an amoeba-shaped cell called a carrier cell, which gives up the spermatozoan to an egg, lying near a chamber formed by choanocytes and containing long lashlike appendages called flagella.
Development of the embryo may occur in one of several ways characteristic of the different groups; as a result, more than one type of larva is found. The characteristic larva of the Calcarea and of some members of the Demospongiae (e.g., Oscarella), called an amphiblastula, is oval in shape and has a cavity in the middle; the front half of the larva consists of cylindrical, flagellated cells, the other half of round cells without flagella. The larva swims with the flagellated portion forward. The amphiblastula is preceded by a stage (stomoblastula) in which the central cavity of a hollow mass of cells (blastula) opens outward and is surrounded by round granular cells (macromere), which are distinguished from other cells with flagella (micromere). The most common larval form among the Demospongiae is called a parenchymella; it is solid and compact, with an outer layer of flagellated cells and an inner mass of nonflagellated cells.
A larva swims for a period of time that may vary from a few hours to a few days before it descends to find a surface suitable for attachment. After attachment, the larva metamorphoses into a young sponge. The metamorphosis following larval attachment involves changes in the relative positions and functions of larval cells. In one larval type (parenchymella), the flagellated outer cells become the collar cells (choanocytes) of the interior of the adult sponge; the interior cells of the larva give rise, in the adult, to the cell layer (pinacoderm) and the different cells (e.g., archaeocytes, collencytes) found in the amorphous substance (mesohyl) that fills the sponge. In the amphiblastula, the choanocytes are derived from the forward flagellated region; the other cells and the mesohyl are derived from the posterior half. Choanocytes create the water currents through sponges and capture food particles.
The sexual maturation of sponges is connected with the temperature of the water in which they live. In the temperate regions, maturation occurs mainly from spring to autumn; sometimes two distinct periods of reproduction occur, one in spring, the other in autumn. Some sponges mature at any time of the year; e.g., Scypha, formerly called Sycon. Tropical sponges also apparently mature any time throughout the year. Sponges for the most part bear living young (i.e., are viviparous); the larvae are released through the canals of the excurrent (outgoing) water system and an opening (osculum) also involved in that system. A few sponges (e.g., Cliona and Tethya) lay eggs (i.e., are oviparous).
The life-span of sponges is not well known; the small encrusting forms probably live about a year, disappearing during a season unfavourable to their survival; small fragments of an individual, however, may persist and reproduce new individuals in the next season. The large species have a much longer life-span; bath sponges (Spongia, Hippospongia), for example, attain a commercially desirable size after seven years and may live as long as 20 years.
Asexual reproduction
Asexual reproduction also occurs in sponges in various ways; the best known method is called gemmulation. Gemmulation begins when aggregates of cells, mostly archaeocytes, which, when they become laden with reserve food granules become isolated at the surface of a sponge and surrounded by a protective covering. These so-called “gemmules” are expelled from the adult sponge and, in some marine species, serve as a normal reproductive process or, sometimes, as a means to carry the sponges over periods of unfavourable conditions when the adults degenerate; e.g., drought, temperature extremes.
Members of the freshwater Spongillidae undergo a slightly different form of gemmulation. Gemmules consist of aggregates of archaeocytes laden with reserve granules; in addition, however, they are surrounded by protective membranes formed by the archaeocytes. The protective covering is generally reinforced by spicules, which vary in shape according to the species and are useful in classification. Freshwater sponge gemmules allow a species to survive unfavourable conditions in a state in which vital activities are almost completely suspended. In cold regions, gemmulation occurs in winter, and the inactive gemmules are said to hibernate; in warm regions, gemmulation occurs in summer, and the gemmules are said to estivate. In spring or autumn when favourable conditions return, the gemmules germinate, their archaeocytes emerge through an opening (micropyle), the various cellular types differentiate, and a new sponge grows. Other methods of asexual reproduction include formation of stolons (rootlike extensions) and fragmentation of individuals.