- Key People:
- James Scott Bowerbank
The skeleton of sponges is of great taxonomic significance. It may be mineral in nature (calcareous or siliceous) or composed of protein and other components (spongin). The mineral skeleton is formed for the most part by units called spicules, either scattered throughout the sponge or united to form fibres; spicules are classified as megascleres, which function in support, and microscleres, which function in protection and also aid in support.
Mineral skeletons
Calcareous spicules, characteristic of the Calcarea, are composed chiefly of calcium carbonate in crystalline forms; e.g., calcite, aragonite. Most calcareous spicules have one axis (monoaxon), which is usually pointed at both ends; these spicules are called oxeas. Triaxons have three rays and are called triacts; tetraxons have four rays and are called tetracts.
Siliceous spicules, found in the Demospongiae and in the Hexactinellida, are made essentially of silicic acid; they also contain some water, a small quantity of other compounds containing sodium, potassium, iron, and chlorine, and a small quantity of organic matter, called spiculin, which forms an axial fibre. The spicules of the Hexactinellida are variable in form and often have remarkable dimensions. Characteristic spicules of the Hexactinellida are triaxon forms with three orthogonal axes (that is, six rays). The spicules are connected in a continuous network, and after the death of the sponge and the loss of its soft parts, the skeleton that remains has a delicate glass texture; e.g., the Venus basket, Euplectella. Bundles of large spicules form stalks that allow members of the Hexactinellida to attach to the muddy bottoms of the deeper parts of the ocean in which they generally live. In the genus Monoraphis, the stalk is one enormous spicule that may attain a length of two or three metres (6.6–10 feet) and a thickness of approximately one centimetre (0.4 inch).
The siliceous spicules, consisting of both megascleres and microscleres, of the Demospongiae have an enormous variety of forms. The megascleres may be monaxons with both ends pointed (oxeas), with one end pointed and the other rounded (styles), or with both ends rounded (strongyles). If one end is swollen styles are called tylostyles and strongyles tylostrongyles; the spicules with both ends swollen are called tylotes. If the surface of the spicules is spiny instead of smooth, the spicules are called, respectively, acanthoxeas, acanthostyles, and acanthostrongyles. The megascleres also include triacts with three rays and tetracts, called calthrops, with four rays. Tetracts with one axis (rhabdome) longer than the other three (collectively the cladome) are called protriaenes, plagiotriaenes, anatriaenes, or dichotriaenes, depending on the way the rays of the cladome are directed.
All of the microscleres apparently are derived from a spherical type with many axons (polyaxon); the result is a series of star-shaped spicules, or asters, with various numbers of rays. Spicules with rays missing or reduced (called spheres, sterrasters, and discasters) often form a protective armour around the sponge. More specialized types of microscleres include sigmas, toxas, chelas, and anchoras; the last two have plates or teeth at each end and may be distinguished as isochelas and isanchoras or anisochelas and anisanchoras, depending on whether the ends are equal or unequal.
Other types
A few members of the Demospongiae (e.g., Oscarella, Halisarca, and Chondrosia) lack skeletons. One group (Ceractinomorpha) has a type of spongin, which, in certain orders (Axinellida, Poecilosclerida, and Haplosclerida), cements the spicules in bundles or meshes, thereby increasing the elastic nature of the skeleton. In another group of Demospongiae (Keratosa), spongin fibres constitute the entire skeleton; the spongin fibres may be branched (order Dendroceratida), netlike (order Dictyoceratida), without inclusions (commercial sponges, which are therefore soft and elastic), or with inclusions (e.g., grains of sand, fragments of spicules). In the genus Ircinia, the fibres are accompanied by thin spongin filaments that fill the mesohyl.
Specialized types of skeletons in two groups of great paleontological importance are now represented by only a limited number of species, in the Calcarea and Demospongiae. Calcarean sponges of order Pharetronida have skeletons formed by an amorphous mass of calcium carbonate, with which few spicules are associated. Those in the Demospongiae (Lithistida) form a heterogeneous group in which irregularly branched spicules (desmas) form a compact skeleton. Some Demospongiae, found mainly on the coral reefs, possess a compact calcareous skeleton, which incorporates both siliceous spicules and organic fibres.
Michele Sarà