Reptiles, ELA-QUE

Turtles, tuatara, lizards and snakes, and crocodiles make up the major groups of living reptiles today, and they collectively account for over 8,700 species. Plesiosaurs, pliosaurs, ichthyosaurs, and dinosaurs are part of the diverse group of now-extinct reptiles that were once found on Earth but that we are now unlikely to encounter.
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Reptiles Encyclopedia Articles By Title

elapid, any of about 300 venomous species of the snake family Elapidae, characterized by short fangs fixed in the......
Emydidae, family of hard-shelled turtles native to both the Old and New Worlds, primarily in the Northern Hemisphere.......
estuarine crocodile
estuarine crocodile, (Crocodylus porosus), crocodile species inhabiting brackish waters of wetlands and marine......
Euoplocephalus, (genus Euoplocephalus), armoured North American dinosaur of the Late Cretaceous Period (99.6 million......
Euparkeria, extinct genus of reptile very closely related to the ancestral archosaurs (a group containing present-day......
Europasaurus, genus representing one of the smallest known sauropod dinosaurs, characterized by a distinctive arched......
false gharial
false gharial, (Tomistoma schlegelii), large species of freshwater crocodile that inhabits swamps, rivers, and......
feathered dinosaur
feathered dinosaur, any of a group of theropod (carnivorous) dinosaurs, including birds, that evolved feathers......
fer-de-lance, any of several extremely venomous snakes of the viper family (Viperidae) found in diverse habitats......
file snake
file snake, (genus Gonionotophis), any of about 15 species of nonvenomous African snakes classified within the......
flap-footed lizard
flap-footed lizard, (family Pygopodidae), any of approximately 40 species of lizards that make up the seven genera......
Florida worm lizard
Florida worm lizard, (Rhineura floridana), pale or pinkish wormlike lizard characterized by the absence of limbs,......
flying snake
flying snake, (genus Chrysopelea), any of five species of nonvenomous snakes constituting the genus Chrysopelea......
forest cobra
forest cobra, (Naja melanoleuca), large, agile, venomous snake of the cobra family (Elapidae), native to humid......
freshwater crocodile
freshwater crocodile, (Crocodylus johnsoni), moderately large species of crocodile inhabiting inland swamps, rivers,......
frilled lizard
frilled lizard, (Chlamydosaurus kingii), type of reptile found in Australia and New Guinea that can run standing......
Gaboon viper
Gaboon viper, (Bitis gabonica), extremely venomous but usually docile ground-dwelling snake found in tropical forests......
garter snake
garter snake, (genus Thamnophis), any of about 35 species of nonvenomous North American snakes having a striped......
gavial, (Gavialis gangeticus), large species of crocodile known for its exceptionally long and narrow snout. The......
gecko, (suborder Gekkota), any of more than 1,000 species of lizards making up six families of the suborder Gekkota.......
Giganotosaurus, (Giganotosaurus carolinii), genus of a large theropod dinosaur in the family Carcharodontosauridae......
Gila monster
Gila monster, (Heloderma suspectum), one of two species of North American venomous lizards in the genus Heloderma......
girdle-tailed lizard
girdle-tailed lizard, any of various south and east African and Madagascan lizards belonging to the family Cordylidae.......
glass lizard
glass lizard, any lizard of the genus Ophisaurus in the family Anguidae, so named because the tail is easily broken......
green anaconda
green anaconda, common name for what are generally considered to be two species of nonvenomous semiaquatic boa......
green snake
green snake, any of several species belonging to the family Colubridae, named for their colour. The North American......
herpetology, scientific study of amphibians and reptiles. Like most other fields of vertebrate biology (e.g., ichthyology,......
Herrerasaurus, (genus Herrerasaurus), primitive carnivorous dinosaur or close relative of dinosaurs found as fossils......
hognose snake
hognose snake, (genus Heterodon), any of up to five species of North American nonvenomous snakes belonging to the......
horned toad
horned toad, (genus Phrynosoma), any of about 14 species of lizards belonging to the family Iguanidae that are......
house snake
house snake, any of several nonvenomous snake species that live in or around dwellings. In the United States this......
Hypsilophodon, (genus Hypsilophodon), small to medium-sized herbivorous dinosaurs that flourished about 115 million......
ichthyosaur, any member of an extinct group of aquatic reptiles, most of which were very similar to porpoises in......
iguana, any of eight genera and roughly 30 species of the larger members of the lizard family Iguanidae. The name......
iguanid, any of about 700 species of lizards in more than 40 genera that constitute the family Iguanidae. Iguanids......
Iguanodon, (genus Iguanodon), large herbivorous dinosaurs found as fossils from the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous......
Indian cobra
Indian cobra, (Naja naja), species of highly venomous snake in the cobra family (Elapidae). It is one of the so-called......
indigo snake
indigo snake, (Drymarchon corais), docile, nonvenomous member of the family Colubridae found from the southeastern......
king cobra
king cobra, (genus Ophiophagus), reptile genus containing the world’s largest venomous snakes. King cobras are......
king snake
king snake, (genus Lampropeltis), any of a group of moderate-sized to large terrestrial snakes found from southeastern......
Kinosternidae, family of American turtles. See also mud turtle; musk...
Komodo dragon
Komodo dragon, (Varanus komodoensis), largest extant lizard species. The dragon is a monitor lizard of the family......
krait, (genus Bungarus), any of 12 species of highly venomous snakes belonging to the cobra family (Elapidae).......
kukri snake
kukri snake, (genus Oligodon), any of 50 to 60 species of snakes of the family Colubridae. The snakes are named......
Lacerta, (family Lacertidae), genus of lizards of the family Lacertidae that includes among its nearly 50 species......
Lambeosaurus, (genus Lambeosaurus), duck-billed dinosaur (hadrosaur) notable for the hatchet-shaped hollow bony......
leaf-nosed snake
leaf-nosed snake, any of four species of small burrowing snakes of the family Colubridae that have the nose shield......
leatherback sea turtle
leatherback sea turtle, (Dermochelys coriacea), species of sea turtle notable because it lacks scales and a hard......
leopard lizard
leopard lizard, any of three species of Gambelia in the lizard family Crotaphytidae. The long-nosed leopard lizard......
Limnoscelis, extinct genus of tetrapod that appeared very close to the origin of amniotes (mammals, birds, or reptiles).......
Lystrosaurus, extinct genus of about seven species of medium-sized heavily built animals that lived from the middle......
Maiasaura, (genus Maiasaura), duck-billed dinosaurs (hadrosaurs) found as fossils from the Late Cretaceous Period......
mamba, (genus Dendroaspis), any of four species of large, arboreal, venomous snakes that live throughout sub-Saharan......
mangrove snake
mangrove snake, (genus Boiga), any of about 30 species (family Colubridae) of weakly venomous, rear-fanged snakes,......
Marasuchus, genus of archosaurian reptiles that inhabited part of present-day South America during the Ladinian......
massasauga, (Sistrurus catenatus), small North American rattlesnake of the family Viperidae, found in prairies,......
Megalosaurus, (genus Megalosaurus), carnivorous dinosaur and the subject of the first scientific description of......
Mesosaurus, (genus Mesosaurus), early aquatic relative of reptiles, found as fossils from the Early Permian Period......
Mexican west coast rattlesnake
Mexican west coast rattlesnake, (Crotalus basiliscus), large, stout, highly venomous pit viper (subfamily Crotalinae,......
moccasin, (genus Agkistrodon), either of two venomous aquatic New World snakes of the viper family (Viperidae):......
moloch, small (20-centimetre- [8-inch-] long), squat, orange and brown Australian lizard of the Old World family......
monitor, (family Varanidae), any lizard of the genera Varanus or Lanthanotus in the family Varanidae. About 50......
Morelet’s crocodile
Morelet’s crocodile, (Crocodylus moreletii), medium-sized crocodile species inhabiting forests and wetlands and......
mosasaur, (family Mosasauridae), extinct group of aquatic lizards that attained a high degree of adaptation to......
Moschops, extinct genus of mammal-like reptiles (Therapsida) found as fossils in rocks of Permian age (299 million......
mud turtle
mud turtle, (genus Kinosternon), any of about 18 species of semiterrestrial freshwater turtles belonging to the......
mugger, (Crocodylus palustris), species of freshwater crocodile known for its broad head and snout, robust body......
musk turtle
musk turtle, (genus Sternotherus), any of four species of small freshwater turtles belonging to the family Kinosternidae.......
mussurana, tropical American rear-fanged snake of the family Colubridae. The mussurana preys on both rodents, which......
night lizard
night lizard, (family Xantusiidae), any of 26 species of small, secretive New World lizards that live under rocks......
Nile crocodile
Nile crocodile, (Crocodylus niloticus), species of crocodile inhabiting freshwater lakes, rivers, and swamps and......
Nodosaurus, (genus Nodosaurus), armoured dinosaurs found as fossils in North America dating from 95 million to......
Orinoco crocodile
Orinoco crocodile, (Crocodylus intermedius), large species of crocodile native to grasslands, forests, swamps,......
ornithischian, any member of the large taxonomic group of herbivorous dinosaurs comprising Triceratops and all......
Ornitholestes, (genus Ornitholestes), small, lightly built carnivorous dinosaur found as fossils from the Late......
Ornithomimus, (genus Ornithomimus), ostrichlike feathered dinosaurs found as fossils in Mongolian, European, and......
ornithopod, any member of the group of ornithischian dinosaurs characterized by a two-legged (bipedal) stance,......
Osborn’s dwarf crocodile
Osborn’s dwarf crocodile, (Osteolaemus osborni), small crocodile species that inhabits the tropical forests and......
Oviraptor, (genus Oviraptor), small, lightly built predatory or omnivorous dinosaur that brooded its eggs in a......
Pachycephalosaurus, genus of large and unusual dinosaurs found as fossils in deposits of North America dating to......
Pachyrhinosaurus, genus of horned ceratopsid dinosaurs that roamed northwestern North America from 71 million to......
painted turtle
painted turtle, (Chrysemys picta), brightly marked North American turtle (family Emydidae) found from southern......
Pentaceratops, (genus Pentaceratops), five-horned herbivorous dinosaur found as fossils in North America and possibly......
Philippine crocodile
Philippine crocodile, (Crocodylus mindorensis), relatively small species of crocodile that lives primarily in freshwater......
phytosaur, heavily armoured semiaquatic reptiles found as fossils from the Late Triassic Period (about 229 million......
pipe snake
pipe snake, any primitive burrowing snake characterized by remnants of a pelvic girdle and belonging to the genera......
pit viper
pit viper, any species of viper (subfamily Crotalinae) that has, in addition to two movable fangs, a heat-sensitive......
pitted shell turtle
pitted shell turtle, (species Carettochelys insculpta), any member of a single species in the turtle family Carettochelyidae.......
Plateosaurus, (genus Plateosaurus), dinosaurs known from extensive fossil material found in Europe dating to the......
Podokesaurus, (Podokesaurus holyokensis), small carnivorous North American dinosaur found as a single specimen......
pond turtle
pond turtle, any of several freshwater turtles of the families Emydidae and Bataguridae. Two of the best known......
Protoceratops, (genus Protoceratops), ceratopsian dinosaur found as fossils in the Gobi Desert from 80-million-year-old......
Psittacosaurus, (genus Psittacosaurus), primitive member of the horned dinosaurs (Ceratopsia) found as fossils......
Pteranodon, (genus Pteranodon), flying reptile (pterosaur) found as fossils in North American deposits dating from......
pterodactyl, informal term for a subgroup of flying reptiles (Pterosauria) known from the Late Jurassic through......
pterosaur, any of the flying reptiles that flourished during all periods (Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous) of......
puff adder
puff adder, (Bitis arietans), large, extremely venomous snake species found in the semiarid regions of sub-Saharan......
python, any of about 40 species of snakes, all but one of which are found in the Old World tropics and subtropics.......
Quetzalcoatlus, genus made up of two species of giant pterosaurs classified in the family Azhdarchidae, which contains......

Reptiles Encyclopedia Articles By Title