The Austrian attempt at mediation
- Date:
- c. 1801 - 1815
- Location:
- Europe
- Participants:
- Austria
- France
- Ottoman Empire
- Portugal
- Prussia
- Russia
- Spain
- United Kingdom
- Context:
- British Empire
- On the Web:
- University of Glasgow - The Napoleonic Wars (PDF) (Feb. 03, 2025)
Austria was the least prepared of the major European powers for immediate hostilities against France. Klemens, Fürst (prince) von Metternich distrusted Alexander’s designs in Poland and Turkey and was reluctant to assist the aggrandizement of Prussia. On the other hand alliance with France would leave Austria to the mercy of the allies if Napoleon were defeated but would not ensure adequate recompense if he won. In April 1813 Metternich asked Napoleon to agree to the return of Illyria, to the partition of the duchy of Warsaw, and to the dissolution of the Confederation of the Rhine. Metternich informed him that Austria was about to take up armed mediation and would intervene against the side which failed to agree with its proposals. Austria had guaranteed the integrity of the kingdom of Saxony, and on April 26 King Frederick Augustus undertook to join forces with Austria in the event of war. Metternich was also seeking support from Bavaria, whose loyalty to France was uncertain.
The new French army
Though the Austrian field army was to number 194,000 by August 1813, only one-third of that number was available during the early months of the year. Napoleon’s new levies, hastily raised on his return from Russia, lacked training and experience. Although cannons, muskets, munitions, and wagons were found, he had few horses, so that there were only 7,000–8,000 cavalrymen fit to campaign by April 1813. In September 1812 a levy of 137,000 men had been made from the class of 1813. On January 11, 1813, Napoleon called up the class of 1814 in a contingent of 150,000 men and raised a further 100,000 from the classes of 1809–12. Instead of winding up his Spanish affairs, he withdrew 27,000 troops from the peninsula, leaving more than 150,000 in Spain. In January 1813 the incorporation into the active army of 22 regiments of the premier ban de la garde nationale (“new conscription of the national guard”) provided about 85,000 men for the line. In April he mobilized another 90,000 men of the 1814 class and a further 80,000 of the classes of 1807–12 serving with the garde nationale. When he left Paris for the front on April 15 the Russian army in Germany numbered 110,000 men, of whom 30,000 were cavalry, and the Prussian 80,000 men. Against them, Napoleon had 226,000 troops and 457 guns.
Lützen (Gross-Görschen) and Bautzen
Napoleon had divided his forces into two armies: the Army of the Main under his own command and the Army of the Elbe led by Eugène. In the last days of April 1813 Napoleon reached the Saale with 140,000 men, of whom only 7,500 were cavalry, and 372 guns. Napoleon proposed first to march on Leipzig, outflanking his enemy, then to turn southward to drive the allies against the Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains). Late on April 30 the Army of the Elbe (62,000) was around Merseburg and the Army of the Main along the Saale west of Weissenfels, while the allied troops under Wittgenstein (64,000 infantry, 24,000 cavalry and 552 guns) were grouped south of Leipzig, almost at right angles to the French line of operations.
On May 1, 1813, Napoleon entered Lützen. The Army of the Elbe had moved from Merseburg to Schladebach and the leading corps of the Army of the Main from Weissenfels to Lützen, while the garde advanced to Weissenfels and the two rear corps closed up on Naumburg and Stössen. During the next day Ney was to remain at Lützen, to protect both the movement of the Army of the Elbe on Leipzig and the approach of the rearward corps of his own Army of the Main as they came up to Lützen. Ney disposed his troops rather carelessly and failed to reckon sufficiently with the danger of an allied attack. Wittgenstein was thus prompted to attempt to detach the flank guard under Ney, split the enemy forces, and drive the Army of the Elbe back upon the Elster River.
On May 2, 1813, the allies opened their cannonade at Gross-Görschen near Kaja, taking Ney’s corps by surprise as Napoleon was superintending the attack on Leipzig. Napoleon ordered his troops to concentrate at Kaja instead of continuing their approach to Leipzig (now in French hands) and reestablished his front while waiting for Henri-Gratien, Comte Bertrand to intervene on the allied left flank and for Macdonald to cut the enemy’s retreat to the Elster. Both came slowly to the battlefield and the struggle ended at nightfall. Covered by his numerous cavalry, which prevented pursuit, Wittgenstein retired in good order. The French had purchased their inconclusive victory at a cost of about 20,000 killed, wounded, and captured; the allies had lost 12,000. However, the retreat of the allies caused Frederick Augustus of Saxony to abandon them, and his army now joined the French.
On May 3, 1813, Ney was instructed to move northeastward on Torgau and Wittenberg while the Army of the Elbe followed the allied retreat on Dresden. From Dresden the Russians continued their retreat to the Spree, the Prussians bearing northward before rejoining their allies at Bautzen. In the north 30,000 Prussians under Friedrich Wilhelm, Freiherr von Bülow, were to cover Berlin. On May 8 Napoleon entered Dresden, where he spent over a week reorganizing his forces and establishing a base of operations against the main allied army and Berlin. Eugène was sent to Italy and the armies of the Main and Elbe were divided between Napoleon and Ney.
On May 18, 1813, Napoleon set out for Bautzen to seek a decisive battle. Having first ordered Ney to send two of his corps toward Berlin, he subsequently countermanded this order and summoned all of Ney’s forces to Bautzen, but the new instructions arrived too late to ensure the necessary concentration of strength. The allies had assembled 96,000 men on the Spree around Bautzen, and Napoleon was determined to engage them by a preliminary attack on May 20. The plan was to be completed when Ney should arrive from the north the next day to attack their flank and rear, cutting their lines of communication, and pushing them toward the Erzgebirge. Napoleon’s preliminary attack was successful, but on May 21 Ney, who reached Preititz with more than 40,000 in hand, allowed himself to be drawn into an inconclusive encounter with the allies’ right wing. The restricted extent of Ney’s outflanking movement and the heavy superiority of their cavalry allowed the allies to escape once more when they began their retreat eastward at 4 pm. French casualties were about 20,000 men, while the allies suffered half as many. Having crossed the Katzbach on May 26, 1813, the allies turned southward with the intention of safeguarding Silesia. On June 1 they reached Schweidnitz (Swidnica) and the French occupied Breslau. In the north, Davout’s troops had retaken Hamburg on May 30.
The armistice and the Reichenbach treaties
Though the French had paid heavily for their partial victories, Napoleon still enjoyed a numerical advantage, and the allies were materially in poor condition. On June 1, 1813, Napoleon proposed an armistice which was accepted on June 4 by the Russians at Pläswitz and by the Prussians at Poischwitz. It was extended subsequently from June 20 to August 10 for a discussion of peace terms at Prague. The Prussian Landwehr and the Austrian army had not yet entered the field, but the French offensive had spent its force. Napoleon had lost 25,000 more men than the allies, his army lacked ammunition and supplies, and it was exhausted by continual marching. The number of sick among the French had risen to 30,000 and above all Napoleon was short of cavalry. He counted on matching the allies’ increase in strength during an armistice and on putting sufficient cavalry into the field to secure a decision.
At Reichenbach (Dzierżoniów), in Silesia, British plenipotentiaries signed a treaty with Frederick William on June 14, 1813, and another with Alexander on June 15. It was agreed that Hanover should be restored and enlarged, that Prussia’s territories should be made equivalent to those of 1806, and that the three powers should not treat separately with Napoleon. Great Britain was to provide £2,000,000 toward the support of the 240,000 men in the Russian and Prussian field armies. There followed, on June 27, a third treaty of Reichenbach, between Austria, Russia, and Prussia, whereby the Austrians undertook to enter the war if Napoleon did not accept their terms. These terms, together with their allies’ still more exacting demands, included the disappearance of the duchy of Warsaw, the Confederation of the Rhine, and the German annexations, as well as the surrender of Holland, Italy, Spain, and Illyria. The news of Wellington’s crushing victory at Vitoria in the Peninsular War strengthened the allies’ morale considerably. By July 5 Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh, the British foreign secretary, was ready to adopt the Continental powers’ conditions for peace, to demand Sicily for the Bourbons, and to seek the allies’ acknowledgement of Bernadotte’s claims. The armistice ended on August 10. Austria declared war two days later. The Treaty of Teplitz (September 9) confirmed the Austro-Russo-Prussian alliance.