The crisis of 1811
- Date:
- c. 1801 - 1815
- Location:
- Europe
- Participants:
- Austria
- France
- Ottoman Empire
- Portugal
- Prussia
- Russia
- Spain
- United Kingdom
- Context:
- British Empire
- On the Web:
- University of Glasgow - The Napoleonic Wars (PDF) (Feb. 03, 2025)
The “real” value of Great Britain’s exports and reexports, £51,100,000 in 1805 and £49,700,000 in 1808, reached £62,200,000 in 1810. For that reason the slump of 1811, when they fell to £43,900,000, was the more severely felt. Napoleon’s recent measures against British commerce with the Continent had contributed to this decline, but the crisis was due more to the effects of the war itself in encouraging the overrapid development of non-European trade and the growth of inflation. Moreover, financial instability had been increased by speculation. Thus the difficulties of 1811 were general. Though the British suffered more from the slump in trade than did their economically less-developed neighbours, the crisis overtook both Europe and the New World. Popular discontent in Great Britain was exacerbated by the rise in the cost of bread, caused partly by the poor harvests of 1809 and 1810. Economic opinion urged a return to the gold standard, but this would have depressed the economy still further and curtailed Great Britain’s contribution to the war in Europe. By its determination to sustain the war, the British government did much to overcome the crisis: having spent £44,200,000 on war services and borrowed £22,500,000 in 1809, it spent £50,200,000 on the services and raised £23,500,000 in 1811 and increased its borrowings by 50 percent in 1812. Both France and Great Britain relaxed their commercial measures against each other in November 1811. The British allowed the export of cotton and quinine and admitted French and allied traders, while the French permitted the entry of the colonial goods hitherto forbidden—cotton, sugar, coffee, tea, dyes—and granted licenses for trade.
From November 1810 Napoleon had relaxed the Berlin and Milan decrees in respect of U.S. shipping. In February 1811 U.S. Pres. James Madison asked the British government to revoke the orders in council. After much delay the British agreed (April 21, 1812), provided that Napoleon had freed American trade from all restrictions. This was confirmed and, finally, on June 23, 1812, the orders in council were revoked. The move came too late, as the United States had declared war on June 18, thus beginning the War of 1812. By this time, however, the British contraband trade with Germany was reviving. After the complete opening of Swedish and Russian ports and an increase in South American trade, exports of British produce and manufactures reached £41,700,000 in 1812 (as opposed to £32,900,000 in 1811), while the volume of reexports rose by more than 50 percent.
Austria’s war of 1809
To Austria the involvement of the French army in Spain offered an opportunity to restore the rights of the Habsburgs in Germany and Italy and to put an end to the growing fear of new French demands. Moreover, though Austria did not intend to sponsor German nationalism, the possibility of identifying the house of Habsburg and its traditions with the struggle to set central Europe free from French domination engendered a degree of exaltation in preparing for war and a kind of popular enthusiasm hitherto unprecedented. The reforms undertaken after 1805 had left the Austrian regime unchanged in fundamentals, but while the financial condition had continued to deteriorate, the army had been considerably improved. Provision was made for the raising of reserves for regiments of the line. The Landwehr, established on June 9, 1808, was to furnish about 200,000 men, but their value was restricted to providing limited reinforcements for regular units. The military reformers adopted some measure of skirmishing tactics in 1807 and raised 23,000 light infantrymen in September 1808. At the same time, the cavalry and the artillery were reorganized, so that in 1809 there were 36,000 horsemen and 760 guns in the field. A return was made to the requisition systems in order to supplement the previously cumbrous supply trains; and the corps system was adopted, but only in principle.
The threat of Russian intervention could have deterred Austria from aggression, but though Alexander was pledged to help France if Austria eventually declared war, he refused to coerce Austria. While they met with little enthusiasm from Great Britain and got no heavy British subsidy to defray the cost of their mobilization, the Austrians could still count on a substantial effort to distract Napoleon. The British cabinet had agreed on the necessity to intervene in Europe and was considering whether to strengthen the British forces in Portugal, to send an expedition to the Netherlands, or to make a diversion in the Baltic.
News of Austrian preparations for war prompted Napoleon to return to Paris from Spain in January 1809. The threat to his regime was greater than any that had emerged since 1805, and his difficulties were reflected in the high proportion of young recruits and foreign troops in the forces that he hurriedly assembled. The conscription class of 1809 had been summoned in January 1808; a further draft of 20,000 had been taken from each of the classes of 1806–09 in September; and 80,000 of the class of 1810 were called up in December. German contingents furnished nearly one-third of the striking force of 174,000 which assembled on the Danube in mid-April 1809. The garde, recalled from Spain to stiffen the new army, had still to come up.
For the Austrians, the Archduke John was to lead 47,000 against Eugène de Beauharnais in northern Italy. In addition, 10,000 Austrians were to go to Tirol and 7,000 to Dalmatia, with 35,000 under the Archduke Ferdinand guarding Galicia against Józef Poniatowski’s 19,000 Poles and the dangers of a popular rising. The principal effort, however, was to be along the Danube, where the Archduke Charles was to have 190,000 men at his disposition. Charles had first planned to move from Bohemia to place his army between the assembling French forces and attack Davout’s 60,000 troops around Regensburg on the Danube. Ultimately, declining to leave Vienna uncovered, he sent the bulk of his forces via Linz to take the offensive south of the Danube. Though this course involved delay and diminished his advantage, it promised substantial success provided that he struck promptly.
Landshut and Eckmühl
Launching his offensive before the French completed their concentration, Charles entered Bavaria at Braunau, on the Inn, on April 9, 1809. If he had moved quickly he might have surprised the French at Neustadt an de Donau in the middle of their concentration, but he did not reach their outposts on the Isar until April 15. With him, around Landshut, were 126,000 troops, another 49,000 having been sent up the north bank of the Danube from Passau to a position 30 miles (48 km) north of Regensburg. Commanding in Napoleon’s absence, Louis-Alexandre Berthier failed to withdraw Davout from Regensburg, with the result that his forces, dangerously far apart, risked an early defeat in detail. On April 16 Charles’s forward troops were less than a day’s march from the Danube and just 20 miles (32 km) upstream from Regensburg. Farther up the Danube, Berthier had 33,000 troops around Ingolstadt and 16,000 between Neuburg and Donauwörth. To the south, along the Lech as far as Augsburg, there were 20,000 under Nicolas-Charles Oudinot. Masséna’s force of 40,000, scattered over the area Augsburg-Ulm-Landsberg, had not completed its assembly.
Napoleon arrived at Donauwörth early on April 27, 1809, while François-Joseph Lefebvre’s three divisions were still falling back from the Isar before Charles’s columns. The Austrians appeared to be heading northward from Landshut to Regensburg and the Danube, so Napoleon planned to use Davout to hold their front while Masséna came up on their rear to cut them off from Landshut. Davout left the Regensburg area to march along the right bank of the Danube in front of the enemy early on April 19. With 47,000 men, he ran no great risks unless he were attacked at once and by the mass of the enemy, and if that were to occur, there were 46,000 troops around Neustadt to come to his assistance. In the event, Charles’s two eastern columns did not encounter the French as they concluded their advance, and the third, left-hand column was easily contained at Teugen by Davout’s rear guard as his vanguard joined Lefebvre’s forces at Abensberg. On the same day, April 19, Masséna’s advance on the French right, brought him to a point 30 miles (48 km) west of Landshut, where Johann von Hiller was in command of the two remaining Austrian columns. Napoleon, mistaking Hiller’s forces for the mass of the Austrian army, then pressed Masséna to reach the Isar and take Landshut. Napoleon had supposed that, if a large proportion of the Austrian forces were caught in the triangle whose apex was the Isar-Danube confluence and whose sides ran down to Regensburg and Landshut, Charles would be forced either to stand and fight or to attempt escape by crossing the Danube at Straubing or Regensburg. Lannes was given command of the French centre, where he was placed to deliver a blow to the flank of the Austrians at Abensberg on April 20, as they were pushed back toward Landshut by Lefebvre and Davout. On April 21 the 40,000 Austrians around Landshut were threatened by forces of 94,000 converging from the north under Lannes and Dominique-René Vandamme and from the west under Masséna. Masséna however entered Landshut too late to take the Austrians in reverse, and Hiller withdrew toward the Inn. The Austrians suffered more than 9,000 casualties around Landshut and in the retreat and lost 30 cannon and much of their transport.
Regensburg capitulated to the Austrians on April 20, 1809. Reinforced by the two corps sent originally to the north of the Danube, Charles next decided to attack Davout and Lefebvre, who found themselves heavily outnumbered. On April 22, before Charles could outflank Davout’s left, his own left wing was attacked by Davout at Eckmühl. Napoleon’s arrival in his rear compelled Charles to retreat, and during the night the Austrians crossed the Danube unpursued. A week’s operations had cost Austria 30,000 casualties and split the archduke’s forces into two groups. Though both groups were able to retire toward Vienna, north of which their reunited army numbered 130,000 by mid-May, the Austrian reverse solidified Frederick William’s decision to maintain Prussia’s neutrality. Several Prussian officers, headed by Ferdinand von Schill, started a patriotic rising on April 28, 1809, in the hope of encouraging the king to intervene against the French.