The Continental System and the blockade, 1807–11
- Date:
- c. 1801 - 1815
- Location:
- Europe
- Participants:
- Austria
- France
- Ottoman Empire
- Portugal
- Prussia
- Russia
- Spain
- United Kingdom
- Context:
- British Empire
- On the Web:
- University of Glasgow - The Napoleonic Wars (PDF) (Feb. 03, 2025)
Napoleon’s Berlin decree of November 21, 1806, had already declared that the British Isles were under blockade and that “no ship which comes directly from England or the English colonies…shall…enter any of our harbours.” The secret Franco-Russian alliance of Tilsit furthered his scheme for economic warfare against Great Britain, since the cooperation of Russia should permit the complete closure of the Baltic to British shipping and hasten Austrian participation in the Continental System. Alexander undertook to support France against the British if they did not consent by November 1, 1807, to acknowledge the complete freedom of the seas and to return the conquests made since 1805. If Britain refused, France and Russia would “summon the three courts of Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Lisbon to close their ports to the British and declare war.”
The coercion of Europe
Soon informed of the Franco-Russian agreement, the British government tried to prevent Denmark from joining Napoleon’s Continental System. On July 26, 1807, Adm. James Gambier sailed for Copenhagen with a massive fleet, and his junction with Cathcart’s troops, evacuated from Swedish Pomerania, enabled him to land 27,000 men near Copenhagen on August 16. The Danes were offered an alliance and told that in any case they must surrender their fleet for the duration of the war. Rejection of this ultimatum led to the bombardment of Copenhagen (September 2–5), and the Danes capitulated on September 7. The British withdrew with 18 Danish ships of the line and many smaller vessels. Denmark signed an alliance with France on October 30, 1807.
On July 19, 1807, Napoleon informed the Portuguese that they must join the Continental System, and ten days later he ordered the concentration around Bayonne of 20,000 troops under Andoche Junot. The Portuguese tried to placate both belligerents by proposing to refuse to confiscate British goods but to close their ports and to go through the motions of making war on Great Britain. Neither side would accept such a policy. In mid-October the French troops set out for Portugal, marching through Spain. The Franco-Spanish convention of Fontainebleau (October 27) regulated a partition of Portugal: the northwest, with Porto, should go to the house of Bourbon-Parma in return for the cession of Etruria to France; Algarve and Alentejo were to go to Manuel de Godoy, the Spanish court’s favourite; the rest was to be at Napoleon’s disposition. On November 30, Junot’s vanguard reached Lisbon, whence the Portuguese royal family had embarked for Brazil with a British escort. On the pretext of supporting Junot in Portugal, Napoleon was organizing three more army corps for Spain.
In Italy, Tuscany (Etruria) was annexed to the French empire in pursuance of the convention of Fontainebleau. Parma was also formally incorporated into the empire and the papal Marches were added to the kingdom of Italy in April 1808, extending French surveillance of the Adriatic coast. Russia declared war on Great Britain on October 31, 1807, and Prussia followed suit on December 1, apologizing secretly to the British government for its action. Austria, which had joined the Continental System in October, was forced to announce a state of hostilities with Great Britain early in 1808.
Russia, having begun to mass forces on the Finnish frontier in November 1807, invaded Swedish Finland, with Danish support, on February 21, 1808. The British granted Sweden a subsidy of £1,200,000, but the nature of King Gustav IV Adolf’s plans made it impossible to find a basis for common military action, and the 12,000 troops under Sir John Moore, sent to Göteborg in May 1808, returned without having landed. British shipping, however, continued to supply Swedish markets and to engage in contraband trade with the other Baltic countries.
The orders in council and Napoleon’s decrees of 1807
The British further retaliated to the Berlin decree and the Tilsit agreement by the orders in council of November 11, 18, and 25, and of December 18, 1807. These prescribed that any port closed to the British was to be regarded as under blockade and that, under pain of confiscation, any neutral vessel sailing to or from such ports was to put in at a British port to obtain a license to trade with the enemy and to pay customs duties (now increased to 20–30 percent) on its cargo. By taxing neutral, principally American, trade with enemy colonies, the orders favoured the interests of British merchants and planters, who had been complaining of foreign competition. As far as was practicable, the continent of Europe was to receive its commerce through Great Britain, and, up to the point where British shipping capacity proved insufficient, the license system ensured that this trade was carried in British vessels.
Since in practice the Berlin decree did not prevent neutral vessels from bringing British cargoes into French-held ports, Napoleon intensified his measures by the decree of Fontainebleau (October 13, 1807) and the two decrees of Milan (November 23 and December 17). The decrees of October 13 and November 23 classed all colonial produce as British unless carrying a certificate of origin, while that of December 17 declared that “all ships which had submitted to the British [orders in council] were denationalized, and good and lawful prize; and every ship sailing from or to Great Britain or any of its colonies…was good and lawful prize.”
The effect of the French and British regulations was to leave the neutrals with the prospect of being taken as prizes at sea by the British or in port by the French. On December 22, 1807, the United States imposed the Embargo Act on belligerents adopting measures against neutral shipping. The decision favoured France and damaged British interests, since the French conducted their trade in neutral ships. The U.S. embargo was unpopular with many sections of U.S. opinion and was not completely effective, despite further legislation in 1808 and the Enforcement Act of January 9, 1809. It did, however, contribute to the crisis which overtook Great Britain in 1808.