Claude Victor-Perrin, duke de Bellune: Facts & Related Content

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Also Known As Claude Perrin • Bellune, Claude Victor-Perrin, Duc De
Born December 7, 1764 • France
Died March 1, 1841 (aged 76) • ParisFrance • (Anniversary in 7 days)
Role In French Revolutionary warsNapoleonic Wars

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Napoleon I
emperor of France
Thomas-Alexandre Dumas
Thomas-Alexandre Dumas
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Charles XIV John
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Lazare Carnot, lithograph by Ambroise Tardieu, after an engraving by C.A. Forestier
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king of Naples
Henri, baron de Jomini
Henri, baron de Jomini
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Victor Moreau
Victor Moreau
French general
Hoche, etching, after a portrait by J. Duplessi-Bertaux
Lazare Hoche
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Charles Pichegru, engraving, 1895.
Charles Pichegru
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