Gastric secretion
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- gastrointestinal tract
- On the Web:
- OpenStax - Anatomy and Physiology 2e - Overview of the Digestive System (Feb. 10, 2025)
The gastric mucosa secretes 1.2 to 1.5 litres of gastric juice per day. Gastric juice renders food particles soluble, initiates digestion (particularly of proteins), and converts the gastric contents to a semiliquid mass called chyme, thus preparing it for further digestion in the small intestine. Gastric juice is a variable mixture of water, hydrochloric acid, electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphate, sulfate, and bicarbonate), and organic substances (mucus, pepsins, and protein). This juice is highly acidic because of its hydrochloric acid content, and it is rich in enzymes. As noted above, the stomach walls are protected from digestive juices by the membrane on the surface of the epithelial cells bordering the lumen of the stomach; this membrane is rich in lipoproteins, which are resistant to attack by acid. The gastric juice of some mammals (e.g., calves) contains the enzyme rennin, which clumps milk proteins and thus takes them out of solution and makes them more susceptible to the action of a proteolytic enzyme.
The process of gastric secretion can be divided into three phases (cephalic, gastric, and intestinal) that depend upon the primary mechanisms that cause the gastric mucosa to secrete gastric juice. The phases of gastric secretion overlap, and there is an interrelation and some interdependence between the neural and humoral pathways.
The cephalic phase of gastric secretion occurs in response to stimuli received by the senses—that is, taste, smell, sight, and sound. This phase of gastric secretion is entirely reflex in origin and is mediated by the vagus (10th cranial) nerve. Gastric juice is secreted in response to vagal stimulation, either directly by electrical impulses or indirectly by stimuli received through the senses. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, the Russian physiologist, originally demonstrated this method of gastric secretion in a now-famous experiment with dogs.
The gastric phase is mediated by the vagus nerve and by the release of gastrin. The acidity of the gastric contents after a meal is buffered by proteins so that overall it remains around pH3 (acidic) for approximately 90 minutes. Acid continues to be secreted during the gastric phase in response to distension and to the peptides and amino acids that are liberated from protein as digestion proceeds. The chemical action of free amino acids and peptides excites the liberation of gastrin from the antrum into the circulation. Thus, there are mechanical, chemical, and hormonal factors contributing to the gastric secretory response to eating. This phase continues until the food has left the stomach.
The intestinal phase is not fully understood, because of a complex stimulatory and inhibitor process. Amino acids and small peptides that promote gastric acid secretion are infused into the circulation, however, at the same time chyme inhibits acid secretion. The secretion of gastric acid is an important inhibitor of gastrin release. If the pH of the antral contents falls below 2.5, gastrin is not released. Some of the hormones that are released from the small intestine by products of digestion (especially fat), in particular glucagon and secretin, also suppress acid secretion.
Absorption and emptying
Although the stomach absorbs few of the products of digestion, it can absorb many other substances, including glucose and other simple sugars, amino acids, and some fat-soluble substances. The pH of the gastric contents determines whether some substances are absorbed. At a low pH, for example, the environment is acidic and aspirin is absorbed from the stomach almost as rapidly as water, but, as the pH of the stomach rises and the environment becomes more basic, aspirin is absorbed more slowly. Water moves freely from the gastric contents across the gastric mucosa into the blood. The net absorption of water from the stomach is small, however, because water moves just as easily from the blood across the gastric mucosa to the lumen of the stomach. The absorption of water and alcohol can be slowed if the stomach contains foodstuffs and especially fats, probably because gastric emptying is delayed by fats, and most water in any situation is absorbed from the small intestine.
The rate of emptying of the stomach depends upon the physical and chemical composition of the meal. Fluids empty more rapidly than solids, carbohydrates more rapidly than proteins, and proteins more rapidly than fats. When food particles are sufficiently reduced in size and are nearly soluble and when receptors in the duodenal bulb (the area of attachment between the duodenum and the stomach) have a fluidity and a hydrogen ion concentration of a certain level, the duodenal bulb and the second part of the duodenum relax, allowing emptying of the stomach to start. During a duodenal contraction, the pressure in the duodenal bulb rises higher than that in the antrum. The pylorus prevents reflux into the stomach by shutting. The vagus nerve has an important role in the control of emptying, but there is some indication that the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is also involved. Several of the peptide hormones of the digestive tract also have an effect on intragastric pressure and gastric movements, but their role in physiological circumstances is unclear.
Small intestine
The small intestine is the principal organ of the digestive tract. The primary functions of the small intestine are mixing and transporting of intraluminal contents, production of enzymes and other constituents essential for digestion, and absorption of nutrients. Most of the processes that solubilize carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and reduce them to relatively simple organic compounds occur in the small intestine.