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- OpenStax - Anatomy and Physiology 2e - Overview of the Digestive System (Feb. 10, 2025)
Although the small intestine is only 3 to 4 cm in diameter and approximately 7 metres in length, it has been estimated that its total absorptive surface area is approximately 4,500 square metres (5,400 square yards). This enormous absorptive surface is provided by the unique structure of the mucosa, which is arranged in concentric folds that have the appearance of transverse ridges. These folds, known as plicae circulares, are approximately 5 to 6 cm (2 inches) long and about 3 mm (0.1 inch) thick. Plicae circulares are present throughout the small intestine except in the first portion, or bulb, of the duodenum, which is usually flat and smooth, except for a few longitudinal folds. Also called valves of Kerckring, the plicae circulares are largest in the lower part of the duodenum and in the upper part of the jejunum. They become smaller and finally disappear in the lower part of the ileum. The folds usually run one-half to two-thirds of the way around the intestinal wall; occasionally, a single fold may spiral the wall for three or four complete turns. It has been estimated that the small intestine contains approximately 800 plicae circulares and that they increase the surface area of the lining of the small bowel by five to eight times the outer surface area.
Another feature of the mucosa that greatly multiplies its surface area is that of tiny projections called villi. The villi usually vary from 0.5 to 1 mm in height. Their diameters vary from approximately one-eighth to one-third their height. The villi are covered by a single layer of tall columnar cells called goblet cells because of their rough resemblance to empty goblets after they have discharged their contents. Goblet cells are found scattered among the surface epithelial cells covering the villi and are a source of mucin, the chief constituent of mucus.
At the base of the mucosal villi are depressions called intestinal glands, or Lieberkühn’s glands. The cells that line these glands continue up and over the surface of the villi. In the bottom of the glands, epithelial cells called cells of Paneth are filled with alpha granules, or eosinophilic granules, so called because they take up the rose-coloured stain eosin. Though they may contain lysozyme, an enzyme toxic to bacteria, and immunoglobins, their precise function is uncertain.
There are three other cell types in the Lieberkühn’s glands: undifferentiated cells, which have the potential to undergo changes for the purpose of replacing losses of any cell type; the goblet cells mentioned above; and endocrine cells, which are described below. The main functions of the undifferentiated cells in these glands are cell renewal and secretion. Undifferentiated cells have an average life of 72 hours before becoming exhausted and being cast off.
The appearance and shape of the villi vary in different levels of the small intestine. In the duodenum the villi are closely packed, large, and frequently leaflike in shape. In the jejunum the individual villus measures between 350 and 600 μm in height (there are about 25,000 μm in an inch) and has a diameter of 110 to 135 μm. The inner structure of the individual villus consists of loose connective tissue containing a rich network of blood vessels, a central lacteal (or channel for lymph), smooth muscle fibres, and scattered cells of various types. The smooth muscle cells surround the central lacteal and provide for the pumping action required to initiate the flow of lymph out of the villus. A small central arteriole (minute artery) branches at the tip of the villus to form a capillary network; the capillaries, in turn, empty into a collecting venule that runs to the bottom of the villus.
A remarkable feature of the mucosa villi is the rough, specialized surface of the epithelial cells. This plasma membrane, known as the brush border, is thicker and richer in proteins and lipids than is the plasma membrane on the epithelial cells at the side and base of the villus. Water and solutes pass through pores in the surface epithelium of the mucosa by active transport and solvent drag; i.e., solutes are carried in a moving stream of water that causes an increased concentration of solute on the side of the membrane from which the water had originally come. The size of the pores is different in the ileum from in the jejunum; this difference accounts for the various rates of absorption of water at the two sites. The enterocytes are joined near their apex by a contact zone known as a “tight junction.” These junctions are believed to have pores that are closed in the resting state and dilated when absorption is required. The brush border is fused to a layer of glycoprotein, known as the “fuzzy coat,” where certain nutrients are partly digested. It consists of individual microvilli approximately 0.1 μm in diameter and 1 μm in height; each epithelial cell may have as many as 1,000 microvilli. The microvilli play an important role in the digestion and absorption of intestinal contents by enlarging the absorbing surface approximately 25 times. They also secrete the enzymes disaccharidase and peptidase that hydrolyze disaccharides and polypeptides to monosaccharides and dipeptides to amino acids, respectively. Molecular receptors for specific substances are found on the microvilli surfaces at different levels in the small intestine. This may account for the selective absorption of particular substances at particular sites—for example, intrinsic-factor-bound vitamin B12 in the terminal ileum. Such receptors may also explain the selective absorption of iron and calcium in the duodenum and upper jejunum. Furthermore, there are transport proteins in the microvillus membrane associated with the passage of sodium ions, D-glucose, and amino acids.
Actin is found in the core of the microvillus, and myosin is found in the brush border; because contractility is a function of these proteins, the microvilli have motor activity that presumably initiates the stirring and mixing actions within the lumen of the small intestine.
Beneath the mucosa of the small intestine, as beneath that of the stomach, are the muscularis and the submucosa. The submucosa consists of loose connective tissue and contains many blood vessels and lymphatics. Brunner’s glands, located in the submucosa of the duodenum, are composed of acini (round sacs) and tubules that are twisting and have multiple branching. These glands empty into the base of Lieberkühn’s glands in the duodenum. Their exact function is not known, but they do secrete a clear fluid that contains mucus, bicarbonate, and a relatively weak proteolytic (protein-splitting) enzyme. In the submucosa of the jejunum, solitary nodules (lumps) of lymphatic tissue are located. There is more lymphatic tissue in the ileum, in aggregates of nodules known as Peyer patches.