- Related Topics:
- digestion
- pancreas
- liver
- gallbladder
- gastrointestinal tract
- On the Web:
- OpenStax - Anatomy and Physiology 2e - Overview of the Digestive System (Feb. 10, 2025)
The primary digestive function of bile is to aid in the dispersion and digestion of fat in the lumen of the small intestine. Bile is formed initially in the hepatocyte (liver cell), and the rate of formation is dependent primarily on the rate at which bile acids are secreted into the bile channels, or canaliculi. A portion of the bile flow, however, is related to factors other than the secretion of bile acids; in particular, it appears to be dependent on the secretion of sodium from the hepatocyte and is also partially governed by the action of intestinal hormones such as secretin, cholecystokinin (CCK), and gastrin. The total bile acid pool at any one time measures about 3 grams (about 0.1 ounce), almost all of which is contained at rest in the gallbladder. In its passage through the biliary tract, hepatic bile is concentrated to as little as one-tenth of its original volume by the selective reabsorption of water, chloride, and bicarbonate. This concentration process takes place largely in the gallbladder, and, as a result, bile from this organ is much thicker in density and darker in colour (owing to the concentration of pigments) than is bile emerging from the liver. Distension of the duodenum, particularly by a meal containing fat, provokes the secretion of CCK, a hormone that causes contractions of the muscular layer in the wall of the gallbladder.
Aside from inorganic ions (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, and bicarbonate), bile contains protein and bilirubin; the latter is responsible for its golden colour in dilute solutions and dark amber colour in concentrate. It is richest, however, in bile acids (derived from cholesterol in the hepatocyte), phospholipids (largely phosphatidyl choline, or lecithin), and cholesterol. Cholesterol is a four-ringed sterol that is absorbed from the diet or synthesized by the liver and the intestinal lining. Normally not soluble in watery secretions, cholesterol is carried in a colloidal solution in bile in the form of mixed aggregates of complexes containing bile acids and lecithin. In the absence of adequate amounts of lecithin and bile acids, cholesterol crystallizes. The liver synthesizes two types of primary bile acid from cholesterol, called chenodeoxycholic acid and cholic acid. In the lower intestine bacterial action removes one of the hydroxyl groups (dehydroxylation) from cholic acid, changing it to deoxycholic acid. This secondary bile acid appears in bile because it is absorbed from the intestine and recirculated to the liver. Chenodeoxycholic acid is also dehydroxylated in the intestine, becoming lithocholic acid, a small amount of which is also reabsorbed and appears in normal bile.
The pancreas is a long, narrow gland that is situated transversely across the upper abdomen, behind the stomach and the spleen. The midportion of the pancreas lies against the vertebral column, the abdominal aorta, and the inferior vena cava.
The pancreas is both an exocrine (ductal) and endocrine (ductless) gland. The exocrine tissue, called acinar tissue, produces important digestive enzyme precursors that are transmitted into the small intestine, while the endocrine tissue (contained in the islets of Langerhans) produces at least two hormones (insulin and glucagon) that are important in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Two other hormones produced by the pancreas, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and somatostatin, are pivotal elements in the control of intestinal secretion and motility.
Individual acinar cells have the shape of a truncated pyramid, arranged in groups around a central ductal lumen. These central ducts empty into progressively larger intercalated and collecting ducts that eventually join the pancreatic duct (duct of Wirsung). The pancreatic duct in turn enters the hepatopancreatic ampulla (ampulla of Vater) of the duodenum, where, in about 80 percent of instances, it is joined by the common bile duct. Occasionally the junction with the common bile duct is proximal to the ampulla, and in a few cases the pancreatic duct and the common bile duct join the duodenum separately.
Acinar cells
The acinar cells constitute more than 95 percent of the cellular population of the exocrine pancreas. They produce a variety of digestive proteins, or enzymes, involved principally with the degradation of dietary proteins (proteases), fats (lipases), and carbohydrates (amylases) in the intestine. Other protein secretions include a trypsin inhibitor, a so-called “stone protein” that keeps calcium in solution, and various serum proteins, including albumin and immunoglobulins.
In the acinar cells almost all enzymatic proteins are synthesized on ribosomes from amino acids carried to the pancreas by the bloodstream. Enzyme precursors are conjugated in the Golgi apparatus and then concentrated into membrane-wrapped zymogen granules, which are stored in the cytoplasm before secretion. Enzymatic secretion is mediated by stimulants such as secretin, a hormone released from the duodenum by the introduction of gastric acid, cholecystokinin (CCK), released by the presence of dietary fat, amino acids, hydrochloric acid, and acetylcholine, which is produced as a response to the sensory aspects of feeding and to the physical effects of chewing and swallowing. Upon binding of specific receptor sites on the acinar membrane with CCK or acetylcholine, the zymogen granules migrate to the apex of the acinar cell, where they are extruded into the central ductal lumen. Binding of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide or secretin to acinar receptors causes increased production of bicarbonate, sodium, water, and enzymes by acinar cells and small ductal cells. Bicarbonate is secreted in exchange for chloride, and sodium is exchanged for hydrogen, with a resultant increased acidity of the blood leaving the actively secreting pancreas. Binding of CCK causes production of bicarbonate and enzymes by the acinar cells.
In the absence of CCK and acetylcholine, as in fasting subjects or in patients being fed intravenously, the synthesis of zymogen by the acinar cells is markedly reduced. Pancreatic atrophy also occurs after removal of the pituitary gland, probably owing to the absence of growth hormone. Thus, CCK, acetylcholine, and growth hormone are pancreatotrophic, or pancreas-feeding, hormones. The pancreas itself also appears to secrete an as-yet-unidentified hormone that is trophic, or nutritive, to the liver.