Determinants of size and shape
- Key People:
- Sir William Hamilton
- Arthur L. Day
- Walter Herman Bucher
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The shape and size of a volcano are controlled by several factors. These include:
- The volume of volcanic products
- The interval length between eruptions
- The composition of volcanic products
- The variety of volcanic eruption types
- The geometry of the vent
- The environment into which the volcanic products are erupted
The volume of material released in any one eruption can vary enormously from a few cubic metres of magma to as much as 3,000 cubic km (720 cubic miles). A series of small eruptions usually builds up mounds close to the vent, whereas large-volume eruptions tend to disperse their products over a greater distance. Effusive eruptions form lava plateaus or gently sloping shield volcanoes; moderately explosive eruptions form stratovolcanoes; and giant explosive eruptions form plateaus of lava or ash flows and almost always form a caldera several kilometres in diameter over the eruption site. Naturally, since many other factors are involved in determining volcanic landforms, there are exceptions to these rules.
The chemical composition of magma affects its physical properties, which in turn have a major influence on the landform built by a volcanic eruption. Four common volcanic rock types are listed in the table: basalt, andesite, dacite, and rhyolite. As the silica content increases, these rock types generally become more viscous; as the magmatic gas content increases, they become more explosive. Other physical properties are, however, important in determining the character of lava flows. For example, hot basaltic lava produces flows with smooth to ropy surfaces. These flows, known as pahoehoe, tend to flow farther than the cooler aa flows of the same chemical composition that have rough, broken surfaces. (See the section Lava flows.)
If a volcano has consistent eruption habits, its landform will reflect that character. The shape of the huge but gently sloping shield volcano Mauna Loa, for example, indicates a long record of eruption of fluid lava flows, while the beautiful, symmetrical shape of the stratovolcano Mount Fuji indicates a long record of moderately explosive eruptions from its summit that produce alternating layers of ash and lava. In contrast to simple shield and stratovolcanoes, many volcanoes change their eruptive habits—both in eruption type and in the location of their vents—over time. This results in a mixture of volcanic landforms called a complex volcano.
The geometry of the vent or vents also exerts profound control on volcanic landforms. Multiple point-source vents that erupt only once or at most a few times form a volcanic field of dozens of small cinder cones rather than a single large volcanic edifice. Volcanic vents in the form of long fissures usually build up a thick lava plateau (especially when erupting voluminous amounts of fluid lava) or a low volcanic mound. Hekla Volcano in Iceland is transitional between plateau-building fissure eruptions and eruptions from a single major vent that produce a symmetrical stratovolcano. Hekla erupts from a fissure that is parallel to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and about 20 km (12 miles) in length. Viewed along the fissure, Hekla looks like a stratovolcano; perpendicular to the fissure, it appears as an elongate ridge.
Finally, but of great importance, is the environment where the volcanic products are erupted—into the atmosphere, under water, or under ice. Submarine volcanoes are surprisingly similar to their counterparts on land, but their slopes are generally steeper because water cools the lavas more rapidly. Deep submarine volcanism tends to be less explosive because the pressure of the water retards explosive boiling. Subglacial volcanism produces landforms that are dramatically different from those produced by subaerial volcanism. This is particularly apparent in Iceland, where glaciers covered the entire island 15,000 years ago, and large ice caps still cover extensive areas today. Fissure eruptions beneath the ice form steep ridges of broken lava fragments rather than lava-flow plateaus, while subglacial eruptions from point-source vents that erupt repeatedly form table mountains. Table mountain volcanoes have steep sides of pillow lavas—sacklike structures that form when flows of basaltic lava are extruded into the ocean, a deep lake, or a water-filled cavern within ice. These pillow structures are capped by several tens of metres of broken lava fragments from explosive shallow-water eruptions. The broken lava fragments in turn are overlain by shield-building lava flows erupted above the glacial surface.