- Key People:
- St. Thomas Aquinas
- Erasmus
- Horace
- Cicero
- Virgil
- Related Topics:
- fabula palliata
- Hisperic style
- facundia
- fabula togata
- blanditia
The idea of comparing Romans with foreigners was taken up by Cornelius Nepos, a friend of Cicero and Catullus. Of his De viris illustribus all that survive are 24 hack pieces about worthies long dead and one of real merit about his friend Atticus. The very fact that Atticus and Tiro decided to publish nearly 1,000 of Cicero’s letters is evidence of public interest in people. Admiration of these fascinating letters gave rise to letter writing as a literary genre. The younger Pliny’s letters, anticipating publication, convey a possibly rose-tinted picture of civilized life. They are nothing to his spontaneous correspondence with Trajan, where one learns of routine problems, for instance with Christians confronting a provincial governor in Bithynia. The letter as a verse form, beginning with striking examples by Catullus, was established by Horace, whose Epistles carry still further the humane refinement of his gentler satires.
Suetonius’ lives of the Caesars and of poets contain much valuable information, especially since he had access to the imperial archives. His method was to cite in categories whatever he found, favourable or hostile, and to leave this raw material to the judgment of the reader. The Historia Augusta, covering the emperors from 117 to 284, is a collection of lives in the Suetonian tradition. Tacitus’ Agricola was an admiring, but not necessarily overcoloured, biographical study.
Some of the most valuable autobiography was incidental, such as Cicero’s account of his oratorical career in the Brutus. Horace’s largely autobiographical Epistles I was sealed with a miniature self-portrait. Ovid, in exile and afraid of fading from Rome’s memory, gave an invaluable account of his life in Tristia IV.
Philosophical and learned writings
The practical Roman mind produced no original philosopher. Apart from Lucretius the only name that demands consideration is Cicero’s. He was trained at Athens in the eclectic New Academy, and eclectic he apparently remained, seeking a philosophy to fit his own constitution rather than a logical system valid for all. He used the dialogue form, avowedly in order to make people think for themselves instead of following authority. Essentially, he was a philosophical journalist, composing works that became one of the means by which Greek thought was absorbed into early Christian thinking. The De officiis is a treatise on ethics. The dialogues do not follow the Platonic, or dialectic, pattern but the Aristotelian, in which speakers expounded already formed opinions at greater length.
Nor were the Romans any more original in science. Instead, they produced encyclopaedists such as Varro and Celsus. Pliny’s Natural History is a fascinating ragbag, especially valuable for art history, though it shows to what extent Hellenistic achievement in science had become confused or lost.
Literary criticism
Cicero’s Brutus and the 10th book of Quintilian’s Institutio oratoria provide examples of general criticism. Cicero stressed the importance of a well-stocked mind and native wit against mere handbook technique. By Horace’s day, however, it had become more timely to insist on the equal importance of art. Some of Horace’s best criticism is in the Satires (I, 4 and 10; II, 1), in the epistle to Florus (II, 2), and in the epistle to Augustus (II, 1), a vindication of the Augustans against archaists. But it was his epistle to Piso and his sons (later called Ars poetica) that was so influential throughout Europe in the 18th century. It supported, among acceptable if trite theses, the dubious one that poetry is necessarily best when it mingles the useful (particularly moral) with the pleasing. Much of the work concerned itself with drama. The Romans were better at discussing literary trends than fundamental principles—there is much good sense about this in Quintilian, and Tacitus’ Dialogus is an acute discussion of the decline of oratory.
Republican and early imperial Rome knew no Latin fiction beyond such things as Sisenna’s translation of Aristides’ Milesian Tales. But two considerable works have survived from imperial times. Of Petronius’ Satyricon, a rambling picaresque novel, one long extract and some fragments remain. The disreputable characters have varied adventures and talk lively colloquial Latin. The description of the vulgar parvenu Trimalchio’s banquet is justly famous. Apuleius’ Metamorphoses (The Golden Ass) has a hero who has accidentally been changed into an ass. After strange adventures he is restored to human shape by the goddess Isis. Many passages, notably the story of Cupid and Psyche, have a beauty that culminates in the apparition of Isis and the initiation of the hero into her mysteries.
Lancelot Patrick Wilkinson Richard H.A. Jenkyns