Western painting: Media
Leonardo da Vinci: More than just an artist
Overview of Leonardo da Vinci.
Video: Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz
St. Andrew, wall painting in the presbytery of Santa Maria Antiqua, Rome, 705–707.
Alinari/Art Resource, New York
Giotto: Lamentation
Lamentation, fresco by Giotto, c. 1305–06; in the Arena Chapel, Padua, Italy.
SCALA/Art Resource, New York
Hiëronymus Bosch: The Garden of Earthly Delights
The Garden of Earthly Delights, oil-on-wood triptych by Hiëronymus Bosch,...
Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain/Giraudon, Paris/SuperStock
Grünewald, Matthias: Isenheim Altarpiece
Isenheim Altarpiece, closed view showing the (centre panel) Crucifixion,...
Giraudon/Art Resource, New York
Masaccio: The Tribute Money
The Tribute Money, fresco by Masaccio, 1425; in the Brancacci Chapel, Santa...
Scala/Art Resource, New York
Fra Angelico: The Annunciation
The Annunciation, fresco by Fra Angelico, 1438–45; in the Museum of San...
SCALA/Art Resource, New York
Piero della Francesca: The Flagellation of Christ
The Flagellation of Christ, tempera on wood panel by Piero della Francesca,...
Scala/Art Resource, New York
Antonio Pollaiuolo: Battle of the Naked Men
Battle of the Naked Men (also called Battle of the Nudes), engraving...
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Purchase, Joseph Pulitzer Bequest, 1917 (17.50.99), www. metmuseum.org
Arrival of Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga, fresco by Andrea Mantegna, completed...
Palzza Ducale, Mantua, Italy/SuperStock
Leonardo da Vinci: Last Supper
Last Supper, wall painting by Leonardo da Vinci, c. 1495–98, before the...
Leonardo da Vinci: Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa, oil on wood panel by Leonardo da Vinci, c. 1503–06; in the Louvre,...
Scala/Art Resource, New York
Raphael: The Grand Duke's Madonna
The Grand Duke's Madonna, oil painting by Raphael, 1505; in the Pitti Palace,...
Scala/Art Resource, New York
Jacopo della Quercia: The Creation of Eve
The Creation of Eve, marble relief on the central portal of the facade of...
Anderson—Alinari/Art Resource, New York
Michelangelo: The Creation of Adam
The Creation of Adam, detail of the ceiling fresco by Michelangelo, 1508–12;...
Assumption of the Virgin
Assumption of the Virgin, by Titian, 1516–18; in Santa Maria dei Frari,...
SCALA/Art Resource, New York
Tintoretto: Last Supper
Last Supper, oil on canvas by Tintoretto, 1592–94; in the chancel, San Giorgio...
Scala/Art Resource, New York
Bronzino, Il: A Young Woman and Her Little Boy
A Young Woman and Her Little Boy, oil on panel by Il Bronzino, c....
Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.; Widener Collection; accession no. 1942.9.6
Albrecht Dürer: Four Apostles
Four Apostles, oil on two wood panels by Albrecht Dürer, 1526; in the Alte...
Scala/Art Resource, New York
Hans Holbein the Younger: Anne of Cleves
Hans Holbein the Younger: Anne of Cleves, oil painting by Hans Holbein the...
© Giraudon/Art Resource, New York
Pieter Bruegel the Elder: Peasant Dance
Peasant Dance, oil on wood by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, c. 1568; in the...
Kunsthistoriches, Vienna, Austria/SuperStock
The Deposition of Christ, oil on canvas by Caravaggio, 1602–04; in the Pinacoteca,...
SCALA/Art Resource, New York
Jacques-Louis David: Oath of the Horatii
Oath of the Horatii, oil on canvas by Jacques-Louis David, 1784; in the...
Giraudon/Art Resource, New York
Jacques-Louis David: The Death of Marat
The Death of Marat, oil on canvas by Jacques-Louis David, 1793; in the Royal...
World History Archive/age fotostock
William Blake: Pity
Pity, color print finished in pen and watercolor by William Blake, 1795;...
Tate Gallery, London/Art Resource, New York
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres: La Grande Odalisque
La Grande Odalisque, oil on canvas by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, 1814;...
Erich Lessing/Art Resource, New York
“The Boyarin Morozova,” oil painting by Vasily Surikov, one of the Peredvizhniki,...
Novosti Press Agency
Berthe Morisot: The Cradle
The Cradle, oil painting by Berthe Morisot, 1872; in the Musée d'Orsay,...
Pierre-Auguste Renoir: Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette
Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette, oil on canvas by Pierre-Auguste Renoir,...
Giraudon/Art Resource, New York
Paul Cézanne: Mont Sainte-Victoire, Seen from the Bibemus Quarry
Mont Sainte-Victoire, Seen from the Bibemus Quarry, oil on canvas by Paul...
Erich Lessing/Art Resource, New York
Vincent van Gogh: A Wheatfield, with Cypresses
A Wheatfield, with Cypresses, oil on canvas by Vincent van Gogh, 1889; in...
Erich Lessing/Art Resource, New York
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: Jane Avril
Jane Avril, lithograph poster by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 1893; in the...
Juan Gris: The Sunblind
The Sunblind, gouache, paper, chalk, and charcoal on canvas by Juan Gris,...
Courtesy of the Tate, London, Rights Reserved A.D.A.G.P. Paris, 1972; photograph, G. Roberton/A.C. Cooper Ltd.
Rothko, Mark: Orange and Yellow
Orange and Yellow, oil on canvas by Mark Rothko, 1956; in the Albright-Knox...
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, gift of Seymour H. Knox
Dubuffet, Jean: Monsieur Plume with Creases in His Trousers
Monsieur Plume with Creases in His Trousers (Portrait of Henri Michaux),...
Tate Gallery, London/Art Resource, NY
Rauschenberg, Robert: Monogram
Monogram, combine painting (mixed media) by Robert Rauschenberg, 1959; in...
Moderna Museet, Stockholm/Photograph: Statens Konstmuseer
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