Historical background
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Within weeks after Röntgen revealed the first X-ray photographs in January 1896, news of the discovery spread throughout the world. Soon afterward, the penetrating properties of the rays began to be exploited for medical purposes, with no inkling that such radiation might have deleterious effects.
The first reports of X-ray injury to human tissue came later in 1896. Elihu Thomson, an American electrical engineer, deliberately exposed one of his fingers to X rays and provided accurate observations on the burns produced. That same year, Thomas Alva Edison was engaged in developing a fluorescent X-ray lamp when he noticed that his assistant, Clarence Dally, was so “poisonously affected” by the new rays that his hair fell out and his scalp became inflamed and ulcerated. By 1904 Dally had developed severe ulcers on both hands and arms, which soon became cancerous and caused his early death.
During the next few decades, many investigators and physicians developed radiation burns and cancer, and more than 100 of them died as a result of their exposure to X rays. These unfortunate early experiences eventually led to an awareness of radiation hazards for professional workers and stimulated the development of a new branch of science—namely, radiobiology.
Radiations from radioactive materials were not immediately recognized as being related to X rays. In 1906 Henri Becquerel, the French physicist who discovered radioactivity, accidentally burned himself by carrying radioactive materials in his pocket. Noting that, Pierre Curie, the co-discoverer of radium, deliberately produced a similar burn on himself. Beginning about 1925, a number of women employed in applying luminescent paint that contained radium to clock and instrument dials became ill with anemia and lesions of the jawbones and mouth; some of them subsequently developed bone cancer.
In 1933 Ernest O. Lawrence and his collaborators completed the first full-scale cyclotron at the University of California at Berkeley. This type of particle accelerator was a copious source of neutrons, which had recently been discovered by Sir James Chadwick in England. Lawrence and his associates exposed laboratory rats to fast neutrons produced with the cyclotron and found that such radiation was about two and a half times more effective in killing power for rats than were X rays.
Considerably more knowledge about the biologic effects of neutrons had been acquired by the time the first nuclear reactor was built in 1942 in Chicago. The nuclear reactor, which has become a prime source of energy for the world, produces an enormous amount of neutrons as well as other forms of radiation. The widespread use of nuclear reactors and the development of high-energy particle accelerators, another prolific source of ionizing radiation, have given rise to health physics. This field of study deals with the hazards of radiation and protection against such hazards. Moreover, since the advent of spaceflight in the late 1950s, certain kinds of radiation from space and their effects on human health have attracted much attention. The protons in the Van Allen radiation belts (two doughnut-shaped zones of high-energy particles trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field), the protons and heavier ions ejected in solar flares, and similar particles near the top of the atmosphere are particularly important.
Units for measuring ionizing radiation
Ionizing radiation is measured in various units. The oldest unit, the roentgen (R), denotes the amount of radiation that is required to produce 1 electrostatic unit of charge in 1 cubic centimetre of air under standard conditions of pressure, temperature, and humidity. For expressing the dose of radiation absorbed in living tissue, the principal units are the gray (Gy; 1 Gy = 1 joule of radiation energy absorbed per kilogram of tissue) and the rad (1 rad = 100 ergs per gram of tissue = 0.01 Gy). The sievert (Sv) and the rem make it possible to normalize doses of different types of radiation in terms of relative biologic effectiveness (RBE), since particulate radiations tend to cause greater injury for a given absorbed dose than do X rays or gamma rays. The dose equivalent of a given type of radiation (in Sv) is the dose of the radiation in Gy multiplied by a quality factor that is based on the RBE of the radiation. Hence, one sievert, defined loosely, is that amount of radiation roughly equivalent in biologic effectiveness to one gray of gamma rays (1 Sv = 100 rem). Because the sievert and the rem are inconveniently large units for certain applications, the milligray (mGy; 1 mGy = 1/1000 Gy) and millisievert (mSv; 1 mSv = 1/1000 Sv) are often substituted.
For expressing the collective dose to a population, the person-Sv and person-rem are the units used. These units represent the product of the average dose per person times the number of people exposed (e.g., 1 Sv to each of 100 persons = 100 person-Sv = 10,000 person-rem).
The units employed for measuring the amount of radioactivity contained in a given sample of matter are the becquerel (Bq) and the curie (Ci). One becquerel is that quantity of a radioactive element in which there is one atomic disintegration per second; one curie is that quantity in which there are 3.7 × 1010 atomic disintegrations per second (1 Bq = 2.7 × 10-11 Ci). The dose that will accumulate over a given period (say, 50 years) from exposure to a given source of radiation is called the committed dose, or dose commitment.
Sources and levels of radiation in the environment
Natural sources
From the beginning, life has evolved in the presence of natural background ionizing radiation. The principal types and sources of such radiation are: (1) cosmic rays, which impinge on the Earth from outer space (Table 3; Figure 4); (2) terrestrial radiations, which are released by the disintegration of radium, thorium, uranium, and other radioactive minerals in the Earth’s crust (Table 4; Figure 4); and (3) internal radiations, which are emitted by the disintegration of potassium-40, carbon-14, and other radioactive isotopes that are normally present within living cells (Table 5; Figure 4). The average total dose received from all three sources by a person residing at sea level is approximately 0.91 mSv per year (Table 6); however, a dose twice this size may be received by a person residing at a higher elevation such as Denver, Colo., where cosmic rays are more intense (Table 3), or by a person residing in a geographic region where the radium content of the soil is relatively high (Table 4). In the latter type of region, the radioactive gas radon, which is formed in the decay of radium, may enter a dwelling through its floor or basement walls and accumulate in the indoor air unless the dwelling is well ventilated periodically; occupants of such a dwelling may therefore receive a dose as high as 100 mSv per year in their lungs from inhalation of the entrapped radon and its disintegration products (Table 5; Figure 4).
Estimates of average annual dose equivalent to the whole body from various sources of irradiation received by members of the U.S. population | |
*Values in parentheses indicate range over which average levels for different states vary with elevation. **Range of variation (shown in parentheses) attributable largely to geographic differences in the content of potassium-40, radium, thorium, and uranium in the Earth's crust. | |
source of radiation | average dose rates (mSv/year) |
Natural | |
environmental | |
cosmic radiation | 0.27 (0.27–1.30)* |
terrestrial radiation | 0.28 (0.30–1.15)** |
internal radioactive isotopes | 0.36 |
subtotal | 0.91 |
Man-made | |
environmental | |
technologically enhanced | 0.04 |
global fallout | 0.04 |
nuclear power | 0.002 |
medical | |
diagnostic | 0.78 |
radiopharmaceuticals | 0.14 |
occupational | 0.01 |
miscellaneous | 0.05 |
subtotal | 1.06 |
total | 1.97 |
Average dose due to natural radioactivity deposited internally | ||||
*Millibecquerel is a unit of radioactive disintegration rate; it corresponds to that quantity of a radioactive element in which there is one disintegration every 1,000 seconds. | ||||
isotope |
radioactivity in millibecquerel (mBq)* |
radiation | dose in mSv (per year) | critical organ |
carbon-14 |
2.2(10−7) per kilogram |
beta rays | 0.016 | gonads |
potassium-40 |
3.9(10−7) per kilogram |
beta rays | 0.165 | gonads |
potassium-40 |
5.6(10−8) per kilogram |
gamma rays | 0.023 | gonads |
radium and daughters |
3.7(10−9) in body |
alpha, beta, gamma rays | 7.6 | bones |
radon and daughters |
1.2(10−2) per 1 in inhaled air |
alpha, beta, gamma rays | 20 | lungs |
External dose due to natural radioactivity in soil or rock | |
source | dose in mSv per year |
ordinary regions | 0.25–1.6 |
active regions | |
granite in France | 1.8–3.5 |
houses in Switzerland (alum shale) | 1.58–2.2 |
monazite alluvial deposits in Brazil | mean 5; max 10 |
monazite sands, Kerala, India | 3.7–28 |
Cosmic-radiation exposure | |
*Millisievert is a radiation dose-equivalent unit: it corresponds to a dose equivalent in biologic effectiveness to 10 ergs energy of gamma radiation transferred to one gram of tissue. | |
location | mean dose in millisievert (mSv)* per year |
sea level, temperate zone | 0.20–0.40 |
1,500 metres | 0.40–0.60 |
3,000 metres | 0.80–1.20 |
12,000 metres | 28 |
36–600 kilometres | 70–150 |
interplanetary space | 180–250 |
Van Allen radiation belt (protons) | <15,000 |
single solar flare (protons and helium) | <10,000 |