Molecular activation
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A molecule is considered activated when it absorbs energy by interaction with radiation. In this energy-rich state it may undergo a variety of unusual chemical reactions that are normally not available to it in thermal equilibrium. Of special importance is electronic activation—i.e., production of an electronically excited state of the molecule (see ). This state can be reached (1) by direct excitation by photon absorption, (2) by impact of charged particles, either directly or indirectly through charge neutralization, or by excitation transfer from excited positive ions, and (3) by charge transfer in collision with (relatively) slow incident positive ions. Among the variety of ensuing processes is light emission, or luminescence.
The language of luminescence is clouded by history. Originally, fast luminescence was called fluorescence and slow (i.e., delayed or protracted) luminescence was called phosphorescence. Present scientific practice is to define the terms on the basis of so-called quantum-mechanical selection rules: fluorescence is an allowed transition (e.g., singlet–singlet) and occurs in a typical time of about 10-9 second; phosphorescence is a forbidden transition (e.g., triplet–singlet) and may require 10-6 second or longer.
In the gas phase (gaseous state), an excited molecule either luminesces, undergoes a process called internal conversion, or undergoes dissociation. Luminescence is the rule for anthracene, whereas for water it is dissociation into hydrogen (H) and hydroxide (OH). As a rule, luminescence processes occur by default—that is to say, only if dissociation is energetically impossible or involves a complicated energy-transfer process or if internal conversion to a nonluminescing state is inefficient.
Fluorescence usually takes place from the lowest electronically excited state (see transition mechanisms before emission occurs. (A notable exception to this rule is afforded by azulene.)
); if higher states are excited they either dissociate or energetically cascade to the lowest excited state by one of several possible internalA similar situation exists for triplet excited molecules. The rate of emission, however, is even slower, for in this case it is forbidden by selection rules. If the triplet excitation energy is insufficient for molecular-bond breakage (dissociation), the molecule may remain in a metastable state (one of apparent, not real, stability) for a long time until it either phosphoresces, undergoes internal conversion, or combines with other triplets. Such a combination produces a highly excited state, which has enough energy for dissociation. Some of the latter excited states are formed as singlets capable of light emission. This discussion relates to the more common, general features. There are also special cases, not discussed, that do not follow the general pattern.
Ionization phenomena
Ionization (see electron is ejected, leaving behind a positive molecular ion. The minimum energy required for this process is called the ionization potential (IP). The actual energetics are described by the Franck–Condon principle, which simply recognizes that, during the extremely short time of an electronic transition, the nuclear configuration of a molecule experiences no significant change. As a consequence of this principle, in an optical process the ion is almost invariably formed in some kind of excited state by input of energy greater than the IP. Also, because of Franck–Condon restrictions, excitation of an inner electron may result in initial production of nonionized, superexcited molecules (suggested by R.L. Platzman, an American physicist) with energy exceeding the ionization potential. A superexcited molecule is short-lived and usually converts rapidly (in a time as short as 10-14 second) either to neutral products or to an ion plus a free electron with marked excess energy. The ion itself may fragment to give other species with excess kinetic or internal vibrational and rotational energy.
) is that extreme form of excitation in which anExcitation states
All the various kinds of excitation that occur in the gas phase may also take place in the condensed states of matter (liquid, glass, or solid), but their relative contributions may be affected. In addition, special activated states are produced for which there is no analogue in the gaseous state. They owe their existence to the collective behaviour of atoms and molecules in close proximity. The more important of them are the exciton state, the polaron state, the charge-transfer (or charge-separated) state, and the plasmon state.
The exciton state is a cooperative state of molecules in which the excitation energy belongs simultaneously to all.
In a polaron state an electron belongs to the association of molecules, but its motion is relatively slow so that it carries with it its own polarization field, which is described as “a cloud of virtual phonons.” A solvated electron (an electron associated with a particular molecule or group of molecules) is an example of this.
The charge-transfer state is an excited state. In a certain sense, electronic excitation involves motion of an electron from a lower orbit to a higher one. Quantum mechanics notes that the electron does not revolve around an atomic nucleus in a precise classical orbit but rather that it occupies an orbital in which it is to be found with maximum probability in the location of the classical orbit. When a molecule in a condensed system is excited, the resulting electronic orbital may overlay one or more adjacent molecules, and, in that sense, the electron belongs to the group because its excitation level does not correspond to the electronic properties of a single, isolated molecule.
The plasmon state is a highly delocalized state formed collectively through Coulombian (electrostatic) interaction of weakly bound electrons. Energy losses, approximating 10–20 eV in most materials, resulting from formation of plasmon states are seen in the impact of electrons of a few tens of kilovolts energy on thin films. Both metals and nonmetals, including plastics, show plasma energy losses. The lost energy may reappear in the form of ultraviolet or visible radiation (Ferrell radiation, 1960); no chemical effect is known to have occurred from such losses.