Atomic power
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Until 1945, electricity and the internal-combustion engine were the dominant sources of power for industry and transport in the 20th century, although in some parts of the industrialized world steam power and even older prime movers remained important. Early research in nuclear physics was more scientific than technological, stirring little general interest. In fact, from the work of Ernest Rutherford, Albert Einstein, and others to the first successful experiments in splitting heavy atoms in Germany in 1938, no particular thought was given to engineering potential. The war led the Manhattan Project to produce the fission bomb that was first exploded at Alamogordo, N.M. Only in its final stages did even this program become a matter of technology, when the problems of building large reactors and handling radioactive materials had to be solved. At this point it also became an economic and political matter, because very heavy capital expenditure was involved. Thus, in this crucial event of the mid-20th century, the convergence of science, technology, economics, and politics finally took place.
Industry and innovation
There were technological innovations of great significance in many aspects of industrial production during the 20th century. It is worth observing, in the first place, that the basic matter of industrial organization became one of self-conscious innovation, with organizations setting out to increase their productivity by improved techniques. Methods of work study, first systematically examined in the United States at the end of the 19th century, were widely applied in U.S. and European industrial organizations in the first half of the 20th century, evolving rapidly into scientific management and the modern studies of industrial administration, organization and method, and particular managerial techniques. The object of these exercises was to make industry more efficient and thus to increase productivity and profits, and there can be no doubt that they were remarkably successful, if not quite as successful as some of their advocates maintained. Without this superior industrial organization, it would not have been possible to convert the comparatively small workshops of the 19th century into the giant engineering establishments of the 20th, with their mass-production and assembly-line techniques. The rationalization of production, so characteristic of industry in the 20th century, may thus be legitimately regarded as the result of the application of new techniques that form part of the history of technology since 1900.
Improvements in iron and steel
Another field of industrial innovation in the 20th century was the production of new materials. As far as volume of consumption goes, humankind still lives in the Iron Age, with the utilization of iron exceeding that of any other material. But this dominance of iron has been modified in three ways: by the skill of metallurgists in alloying iron with other metals; by the spread of materials such as glass and concrete in building; and by the appearance and widespread use of entirely new materials, particularly plastics. Alloys had already begun to become important in the iron and steel industry in the 19th century (apart from steel itself, which is an alloy of iron and carbon). Self-hardening tungsten steel was first produced in 1868 and manganese steel, possessing toughness rather than hardness, in 1887. Manganese steel is also nonmagnetic; this fact suggests great possibilities for this steel in the electric power industry. In the 20th century steel alloys multiplied. Silicon steel was found to be useful because, in contrast to manganese steel, it is highly magnetic. In 1913 the first stainless steels were made in England by alloying steel with chromium, and the Krupp works in Germany produced stainless steel in 1914 with 18 percent chromium and 8 percent nickel. The importance of a nickel-chromium alloy in the development of the gas-turbine engine in the 1930s has already been noted. Many other alloys also came into widespread use for specialized purposes.
Building materials
Methods of producing traditional materials like glass and concrete on a larger scale also supplied alternatives to iron, especially in building; in the form of reinforced concrete, they supplemented structural iron. Most of the entirely new materials were nonmetallic, although at least one new metal, aluminum, reached proportions of large-scale industrial significance in the 20th century. The ores of this metal are among the most abundant in Earth’s crust, but, before the provision of plentiful cheap electricity made it feasible to use an electrolytic process on an industrial scale, the metal was extracted only at great expense. The strength of aluminum, compared weight for weight with steel, made it a valuable material in aircraft construction, and many other industrial and domestic uses were found for it. In 1900 world production of aluminum was 3,000 tons, about half of which was made using cheap electric power from Niagara Falls. Production rose rapidly since.
Electrolytic processes had already been used in the preparation of other metals. At the beginning of the 19th century, Davy pioneered the process by isolating potassium, sodium, barium, calcium, and strontium, although there was little commercial exploitation of these substances. By the beginning of the 20th century, significant amounts of magnesium were being prepared electrolytically at high temperatures, and the electric furnace made possible the production of calcium carbide by the reaction of calcium oxide (lime) and carbon (coke). In another electric furnace process, calcium carbide reacted with nitrogen to form calcium cyanamide, from which a useful synthetic resin could be made.
The quality of plasticity is one that had been used to great effect in the crafts of metallurgy and ceramics. The use of the word plastics as a collective noun, however, refers not so much to the traditional materials employed in these crafts as to new substances produced by chemical reactions and molded or pressed to take a permanent rigid shape. The first such material to be manufactured was Parkesine, developed by the British inventor Alexander Parkes. Parkesine, made from a mixture of chloroform and castor oil, was “a substance hard as horn, but as flexible as leather, capable of being cast or stamped, painted, dyed or carved.” The words are from a guide to the International Exhibition of 1862 in London, at which Parkesine won a bronze medal for its inventor. It was soon followed by other plastics, but—apart from celluloid, a cellulose nitrate composition using camphor as a solvent and produced in solid form (as imitation horn for billiard balls) and in sheets (for men’s collars and photographic film)—these had little commercial success until the 20th century.
The early plastics relied upon the large molecules in cellulose, usually derived from wood pulp. Leo H. Baekeland, a Belgian American inventor, introduced a new class of large molecules when he took out his patent for Bakelite in 1909. Bakelite is made by the reaction between formaldehyde and phenolic materials at high temperatures; the substance is hard, infusible, and chemically resistant (the type known as thermosetting plastic). As a nonconductor of electricity, it proved to be exceptionally useful for all sorts of electrical appliances. The success of Bakelite gave a great impetus to the plastics industry, to the study of coal tar derivatives and other hydrocarbon compounds, and to the theoretical understanding of the structure of complex molecules. This activity led to new dyestuffs and detergents, but it also led to the successful manipulation of molecules to produce materials with particular qualities such as hardness or flexibility. Techniques were devised, often requiring catalysts and elaborate equipment, to secure these polymers—that is, complex molecules produced by the aggregation of simpler structures. Linear polymers give strong fibres, film-forming polymers have been useful in paints, and mass polymers have formed solid plastics.
Synthetic fibres
The possibility of creating artificial fibres was another 19th-century discovery that did not become commercially significant until the 20th century, when such fibres were developed alongside the solid plastics to which they are closely related. The first artificial textiles had been made from rayon, a silklike material produced by extruding a solution of nitrocellulose in acetic acid into a coagulating bath of alcohol, and various other cellulosic materials were used in this way. But later research, exploiting the polymerization techniques being used in solid plastics, culminated in the production of nylon just before the outbreak of World War II. Nylon consists of long chains of carbon-based molecules, giving fibres of unprecedented strength and flexibility. It is formed by melting the component materials and extruding them; the strength of the fibre is greatly increased by stretching it when cold. Nylon was developed with the women’s stocking market in mind, but the conditions of war gave it an opportunity to demonstrate its versatility and reliability as parachute fabric and towlines. This and other synthetic fibres became generally available only after the war.
Synthetic rubber
The chemical industry in the 20th century put a wide range of new materials at the disposal of society. It also succeeded in replacing natural sources of some materials. An important example of this is the manufacture of artificial rubber to meet a world demand far in excess of that which could be met by the existing rubber plantations. This technique was pioneered in Germany during World War I. In this effort, as in the development of other materials such as high explosives and dyestuffs, the consistent German investment in scientific and technical education paid dividends, for advances in all these fields of chemical manufacturing were prepared by careful research in the laboratory.
Pharmaceuticals and medical technology
An even more dramatic result of the growth in chemical knowledge was the expansion of the pharmaceutical industry. The science of pharmacy emerged slowly from the traditional empiricism of the herbalist, but by the end of the 19th century there had been some solid achievements in the analysis of existing drugs and in the preparation of new ones. The discovery in 1856 of the first aniline dye had been occasioned by a vain attempt to synthesize quinine from coal tar derivatives. Greater success came in the following decades with the production of the first synthetic antifever drugs and painkilling compounds, culminating in 1899 in the conversion of salicylic acid into acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), which is still the most widely used drug. Progress was being made simultaneously with the sulfonal hypnotics and the barbiturate group of drugs, and early in the 20th century Paul Ehrlich of Germany successfully developed an organic compound containing arsenic—606, denoting how many tests he had made, but better known as Salvarsan—which was effective against syphilis. The significance of this discovery, made in 1910, was that 606 was the first drug devised to overwhelm an invading microorganism without offending the host. In 1935 the discovery that Prontosil, a red dye developed by the German synthetic dyestuff industry, was an effective drug against streptococcal infections (leading to blood poisoning) introduced the important sulfa drugs. Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin in 1928 was not immediately followed up, because it proved very difficult to isolate the drug in a stable form from the mold in which it was formed. But the stimulus of World War II gave a fresh urgency to research in this field, and commercial production of penicillin, the first of the antibiotics, began in 1941. These drugs work by preventing the growth of pathogenic organisms. All these pharmaceutical advances demonstrate an intimate relationship with chemical technology.
Other branches of medical technology made significant progress. Anesthetics and antiseptics had been developed in the 19th century, opening up new possibilities for complex surgery. Techniques of blood transfusion, examination by X-rays (discovered in 1895), radiation therapy (following demonstration of the therapeutic effects of ultraviolet light in 1893 and the discovery of radium in 1898), and orthopedic surgery for bone disorders all developed rapidly. The techniques of immunology similarly advanced, with the development of vaccines effective against typhoid and other diseases.
Food and agriculture
The increasing chemical understanding of drugs and microorganisms was applied with outstanding success to the study of food. The analysis of the relationship between certain types of food and human physical performance led to the identification of vitamins in 1911 and to their classification into three types in 1919, with subsequent additions and subdivisions. It was realized that the presence of these materials is necessary for a healthy diet, and eating habits and public health programs were adjusted accordingly. The importance of trace elements, very minor constituents, was also discovered and investigated, beginning in 1895 with the realization that goitre is caused by a deficiency of iodine.
As well as improving in quality, the quantity of food produced in the 20th century increased rapidly as a result of the intensive application of modern technology. The greater scale and complexity of urban life created a pressure for increased production and a greater variety of foodstuffs, and the resources of the internal-combustion engine, electricity, and chemical technology were called upon to achieve these objectives. The internal-combustion engine was utilized in the tractor, which became the almost universal agent of mobile power on the farm in the industrialized countries. The same engines powered other machines such as combine harvesters, which became common in the United States in the early 20th century, although their use was less widespread in the more labour-intensive farms of Europe, especially before World War II. Synthetic fertilizers, an important product of the chemical industry, became popular in most types of farming, and other chemicals—pesticides and herbicides—appeared toward the end of the period, effecting something of an agrarian revolution. Once again, World War II gave a powerful boost to development. Despite problems of pollution that developed later, the introduction of DDT as a highly effective insecticide in 1944 was a particularly significant achievement of chemical technology. Food processing and packaging also advanced—dehydration techniques such as vacuum-contact drying were introduced in the 1930s—but the 19th-century innovations of canning and refrigeration remained the dominant techniques of preservation.