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- University of Turin - IRIS - Typological Diversity within the Romance Languages (PDF) (Feb. 06, 2025)
Item for item, the Romance languages all appear grammatically close to Latin and to each other: superficial resemblances in individual expressions may, however, mask differences of content and construction that are difficult to describe. The most obvious difference between Latin and Romance is in the comparative autonomy of morphemic units, especially words. In Romance, Latin inflectional endings have been much reduced, and more reliance is placed on syntactic construction to convey sentence meaning; that is, Romance languages are more “analytic” than the predominantly “synthetic” Latin. A corollary of this is that word order is less flexible in Romance, as it has become the principal means of showing relationship between words in the sentence.
The reduction of inflectional endings
The inflectional endings have been lost most in nouns and adjectives. The Classical Latin five-case declensional system has everywhere been replaced (with a couple of doubtful exceptions) by a two-gender system, in which normally masculine gender is marked by survivors of the second (-us) declension endings of Latin (Italian cavallo, Portuguese cavalu, Romanian cal, Sardinian kaḍḍu, Rhaetian cavagl, from Latin caballus ‘horse’), and feminine is marked by first (-a) declension endings (Italian capra, Spanish cabra, Rhaetian caura, Romanian capră, from Latin capra ‘goat’). Cognates of third-declension Latin noun forms are incorporated into the same system, but their gender is marked by changes in the article or accompanying adjective (agreement or accord) rather than by overt markers in the word itself (for example, masculine Italian il monte, Catalan el munt, from Latin mons, montem ‘mountain’; feminine Italian la notte, Catalan la nit, from Latin nox, noctem ‘night’). In modern French, although gender is marked in the written language, however inconsistently, by the presence or absence of final -e, any overt morphological markers the spoken language may have are more complex in character, and more reliance is placed on syntactic agreement; thus, chatte ‘she-cat’ is distinguished from chat ‘cat’ by the presence or absence of the final consonant sound -t in pronunciation, but (le) tour ‘tour, trick’ and (la) tour ‘tower’ have identical phonetic shapes though they belong to different gender classes.
All the Romance languages continue to mark plurality in nouns and adjectives morphologically, though in modern spoken French this is not done consistently. In Western Romance the sign of the plural is usually -s, derived from the Latin accusative plural inflection: Spanish caballos, cabras, montes; Occitan cavals, cabras, mons; Catalan cavalls, cabres, munts; Sardinian kaḍḍos, krabas, montes; Old French chevals, chèvres, monts. In Italian and Romanian, however, plurality is shown by a final -i (which in Romanian “softens” the preceding consonant) or, in the case of some feminine nouns, by a final -e: Romanian cai, capre, munƫĭ, nopƫi; Italian cavalli, capre, monti, notti. These endings may derive from Latin nominative plural first- and second-declension endings -ae and -ī, or they may represent a somewhat irregular development of the -s, favoured elsewhere.
The loss of the case system
The Latin nominal case system has disappeared in all modern languages except Romanian, in which the inflected article distinguishes the nominative and accusative from the genitive and dative. Thus, when other Romance languages would use a preposition to indicate a certain relationship between words, Romanian resembles Latin in using an inflected form (e.g., Latin matris ‘the mother’s’ becomes Romanian mamei, French de la mère, Italian della madre).
In Old French and Old Provençal some remnants of a case system remained, in that the masculine nominative (subject of the verb) was distinguished from the other cases (collectively called oblique). Such grammatical information is conveyed by word order in most modern Romance languages, as in English, with the subject normally preceding the verb: French Pierre appelle Paul ‘Peter calls Paul’; Portuguese Pedro chama Paulo; Italian Piero chiama Paulo. Some Romance languages pick out the object of the verb, if it is a person, by an additional particle: Spanish Pedro llama a Pablo; Romanian Petru cheamă pe Pavel. Several Italian dialects, as well as Sardinian and occasionally Engadine and Portuguese dialects, have similar constructions: Calabrian Chiamu a Petru ‘I call Peter’; Elba Ò visto a ttuo babbo ‘I saw your grandpa’; Engadine Amè a vos inimihs ‘Love your enemies.’ It is notable that the Italian-based lingua franca used by Mediterranean sailors since the 16th century also picks out the personal object (e.g., Mi mirato per ti ‘I saw you’).
The emergence of articles
The definite and indefinite articles were unknown in Latin but developed everywhere in Romance, usually from the Latin demonstrative ille ‘that’ (though in a few parts from reflexive ipse ‘himself’) and the numeral unus ‘one.’ The definite article is proclitic (attaches to the following word) in most Romance languages (e.g., Italian il monte); in Romanian it is enclitic (e.g., muntele ‘the mountain’). The articles seem to have played some part, during the older stages of the languages, in distinguishing subject from object; the article is more often used where a Latin nominative would have occurred than in other cases, perhaps to give prominence to the topic of the sentence. Today the use of the article has so extended that such distinction is no longer possible; in French, for instance, a common noun is always accompanied by a determiner such as an article, demonstrative, or possessive, so that forms remaining from the earlier stage, such as avoir faim ‘to be hungry’ (literally, ‘to have hunger’), are often regarded as idiomatic and inexplicable in terms of modern structure.