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- University of Turin - IRIS - Typological Diversity within the Romance Languages (PDF) (Feb. 06, 2025)
Latin inheritance
The basic vocabularies (the most frequently used lexical items) of all the Romance languages are in the main directly inherited from Latin. This applies equally to “function” words, such as de ‘of, from’ (Romanian de, Italian di, Rhaetian da, French de, Spanish de, Portuguese de), as to common lexical items, such as facere ‘to do’ or aqua ‘water’ (Romanian a face, apă, Italian fare, acqua, Logudorian fágere, abba, Engadine fer, ova, French faire, eau, Catalan fer, aigua, Spanish hacer, agua, Portuguese fazer, água). In some cases different Romance languages inherit words perhaps from different strata of Roman society. Thus, for ‘lamb,’ forms derived from Latin agnus remain in southern Italy and Galician (año), but forms derived from diminutive agnellus prevail in Romanian (miel), Italian (agnello), French (agneau), Rhaetian (Engadine agné, Friulian añel), Occitan (anhel), and Catalan (anyell), with Sardinian and some Calabrian dialects using another form derived from Latin agnone (such as Logudorian andzone). Spanish and Portuguese, however, prefer a derivative of a different word, chorda (cordero, cordeiro), referring perhaps to the birth process; this word is also found in Occitan and Catalan.
Pre-Romance borrowings
Some words shared by most of the Romance languages are not of Latin origin but were probably borrowed from other languages before Latin unity was disrupted, especially words of Celtic origin, such as Latin carrum ‘cart,’ Romanian car, Italian carro, Logudorian karru, Rhaetian k’ar, French char, Occitan and Catalan car, Spanish and Portuguese carro.
In Christian Latin a great many Greek ecclesiastical terms were borrowed, which survived in most Romance languages. For example, the Greek word episkopos (literally, ‘overseer’) was borrowed into Latin as episcopus ‘bishop,’ which gave rise to Vegliot pasku, Logudorian pískamu, Italian vescovo, Engadine ovaisch, Friulian veskul, French evêque, Occitan avesque, Catalan bisbe, Spanish obispo, and Portuguese bispo.
Germanic words did not penetrate into Latin very frequently before the separation of the various Romance languages from Latin, so that few of them have more than limited extension. Only one Germanic word is known for certain to be found in both Eastern and Western Romance—sapōne ‘soap,’ recorded in Pliny and occurring as Romanian săpun, Vegliot sapaun, Italian sapone, Logudorian sabone, Engadine savun, French savon, Occitan and Catalan sabó, Spanish jabón, and Portuguese sabão.
Later Latin borrowings
Many Latin words are widespread throughout the Romance languages even though they do not date back directly to the imperial period; these are the “learned” words that have freely entered the languages at virtually every period, borrowed from Latin used as a scholarly language. Because of this later borrowing, such words as capital, natura, adulterium, and discipulus appear in Romance virtually unchanged from Latin, as they do in other European languages; Romance Latinisms, however, are quite normally used in contexts in which similar words would sound stilted and pedantic in English (e.g., French supprimer ‘suppress’ but often used to mean ‘to do away with’).
Vocabulary variations
However similar the Romance vocabularies are to each other, considerable differences nevertheless exist. Some of these may be traced to imperial times, when provinces may have developed their own vocabulary preferences. For instance, for ‘oak’ Eastern Romance seems to have preferred Latin quercus (Logudorian kerbu, southern Italian quercia, etc.), whereas the West preferred the alternative robur (Italian rovere, Occitan and Catalan roure, Spanish and Portuguese roble, Old French rouvre—modern French chêne is of Celtic origin, while Romanian stejar is perhaps of Balkan origin). In some cases the conservative peripheral areas have retained a word that was displaced in more central regions; thus, for ‘beautiful,’ formosus is preferred in Romanian (frumos), Spanish (hermoso), and Portuguese (formoso), whereas bellus is more popular in Vegliot (bial), Italian (bello), Rhaetian (bal, biel), French (beau), Occitan (bel), and Catalan (bell).
When Romance borrowed vocabulary from the substratum, differentiation must have taken place early (certainly before the indigenous languages died out). Thus, Spanish vega, Portuguese veiga ‘wooded ground by a river’ (probably from a non-Indo-European Iberian language, compare Basque ibaiko ‘riverbank’), French charrue ‘plow,’ borne ‘boundary stone’ from Celtic, and Romanian barză ‘stork’ (perhaps from Dacian, compare Albanian bar) probably were used during Roman times in some form. The debt of Romance vocabulary to substratum languages is probably not too great but is difficult to estimate with any certainty. When there is no known source form or cognate for a word, scholars often suggest an Iberian, Dacian, Ligurian, or Gaulish origin, but, as little is known of these languages, some such theories are mere speculation.
After the influx of barbarian invaders, Romance vocabularies differentiated further as each borrowed from its own superstratum (language superimposed upon Romance). French, for instance, is estimated to have taken some 700 words from Frankish (a Germanic language), not all of which have survived but some of which have passed via French into other Romance languages. Many of those were concerned with agriculture (jardin ‘garden,’ houe ‘hoe,’ blé ‘wheat,’ gerbe ‘sheaf,’ etc.) or with war (guerre ‘war,’ heaume ‘helmet’) or social organization (sénéchal ‘seneschal,’ chambellan ‘chamberlain,’ maréchal ‘marshal,’ baron ‘baron’). The occupation of much of northern Italy by speakers of Langobardic (also a Germanic language) left less of a mark on Italian vocabulary, though dialects retain more words (estimated at some 300) than does the standard language. Standard Italian borrowed little in the way of administrative or military terms but accepted a number of words from rural life (melma ‘mud,’ zecca ‘sheep tick,’ stamberga ‘hut,’ etc.). The Visigoths, who occupied Iberia, were more Romanized than the other Germanic invaders and indeed had abandoned their Germanic tongue by the 7th century ce. Thus, borrowings from Visigothic into Spanish and Portuguese are less frequent, though still not inconsiderable; some (such as estaca ‘stake,’ brotar ‘to bud’) are common to all the languages of the Iberian Peninsula.
Slavic infiltration into the Balkans led Romanian to adopt a very large number of Slavic words, some in the basic part of the vocabulary. At exactly what stage in history they were borrowed is uncertain, for the earliest Romanian texts, of the 16th century ce, are saturated with Slavic terms from different dialectal sources, though South Slavic predominates. Possibly the borrowings occurred after the 9th century, when the Hunnish Bulgarians, who had adopted Slavic speech, established a powerful state and embraced Christianity, and Slavic pressures were already very strong. Among common Romanian words of Slavic origin one may mention a trăi ‘to live,’ hrană ‘food,’ ceas ‘hour,’ bogat ‘rich,’ prieten ‘friend,’ a munci ‘to work.’ The Magyars (modern Hungarians) also lent a smaller number of words to their Romanian neighbours (e.g., oraş ‘town’).
Islamic invaders into Europe from the 8th century had considerable effect on the vocabulary of the Western Romance languages, even though occupation was confined to southern regions. With its superior cultural and agricultural skills, the Arab world had much to teach Europe of the early medieval period. Words entered via two routes, Sicily and Spain, and usually their form gives clues about their provenance—if the Arabic definite article (al) has coalesced with the root, the word is from Moorish Spain (thus Spanish algodón ‘cotton,’ Portuguese algodão, Old French auqueton via Spain, but Italian cotone, French coton via Sicily). The Arabs introduced into Europe many exotic plants and fruits and with them their names, such as oranges (Spanish naranja), lemons (Spanish limón), and artichokes (Spanish alcachofa, Italian carciofo). In some cases the Iberian Peninsula has adopted the Arabic word for such plants, while other languages prefer words of other origin—‘rice’ is arroz in Spanish and Portuguese, arròs in Catalan, but Italian and French prefer a Greek word (riso, riz), as do Vegliot (rize), Rhaetian (Friulian ris), and Romanian (orez). Apart from the numerous Arabic words known throughout Romance (especially words for ‘algebra,’ and the like), many are peculiar to the Hispanic languages, including such administrative terms as Spanish alcalde ‘mayor’ or alguacil ‘senior police officer’ and such commercial terms as almacén ‘warehouse, department store,’ as well as everyday words such as ahorrar ‘to save,’ alboroto ‘noise.’
Many of the words individual languages borrowed from other sources or fashioned themselves from native sources did not remain private property for long. Interchange among the Western languages has been common since the earliest times and especially from the 16th century. Perhaps French has been the greatest supplier of words throughout the ages, often displacing native words. But French, too, has borrowed heavily from the other languages, especially when they have been purveyors of new objects (such as patate, banane, tabac, introduced into Europe by Spanish and Portuguese explorations) or of special cultural values (Italian musical and architectural terms, as well as words to do with banking). Borrowing into minor languages from prestigious neighbours has, naturally, been prolific. Passage of words in the other direction is rare and usually employed for comic or other emotive effect (though Occitan in its heyday supplied a good many words of all sorts—even, it is said, amour ‘love’ to French).
Borrowings from non-Romance languages are less frequent and often frowned on by purists but far from negligible. Any contact in specialized spheres has produced a crop of loanwords, especially since the 17th century, when French in particular began to borrow a fair number from its Germanic neighbours. In recent times, the influx of Anglicisms has become a flood, resisted to the death by some purists. Many of these, however, are ephemeral or specialized, and none affects the basic vocabulary in which Latin-inherited words continue to predominate.